Thanks and now I need an advice for the next level, V2ciggs -> EGO-T -> what to use in the future?

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Aug 21, 2012
Hello everyone.

Now it's been a month since I took my last analog. I feel great to day thanks to all your advice but now I need an advice of how to proceed to the next level. The hunt for a good taste and a good liquid.

I started out with the V2 cigg and loved the taste of the Sahara Cartomizers. I advanced and bought an EGO-T with clearomizer CE4. I got some juice from V2 to use with it and guess what... The taste was not the same at all. Very thin flavour. Good TH and good vapour though.

Anyhow, now it's time to make a new order and I would be very happy for some help on what to get.
I'm pleased with the EGO-T except for the taste. I would like to have a much richer flavour of a ciggarete and have tried the V2 Sahara + V2 Red and both of em is good in the V2 equipment but not in the EGO. I think this can be due to the voltage and the construction diffrents in the clearomizer and the cartomizer and the ciggs vs EGO-T

I have read tons of articles and forums but haven't found any that sais that this is a really good combination.
I have also been a heavy smoker for 25 years so I need some advice from someone who really know what I mean.

BTW, Thank you all who helped me when quiting the analogs gave me a really bad-... time of sickness.
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Aug 2, 2012
Scottsdale, AZ
My next step was to get an eGo "Twist" (even though it's branded eGo-C, I never bought any -C products). You will see a difference in having the ability to dial in the right voltage for whatever atty you put on the end.

There are a couple variables to remember, and by no way am I inferring you haven't done any of the following. I follow the same procedures at work when it comes to troubleshooting problems, so here goes:

A. Storage of juices. Some people swear by glass bottles, others say it only matters when you have large amounts and will be sitting for weeks at a time. Whatever the case, always remember to keep your ejuices out of direct sunlight and preferably some place cool but not cold. If you have a large amount of whatever juice you're using, make sure you're storing it right and dispensing it well.

B. Clean your gear. From the battery to the atomizer/clearomizer/whatever-mizer, keep your gear wiped and clean as best as you can. Never let gunk build up on the battery contacts! Have a habit of cleaning as a part of your vaping routine, and you'll extend the life of all parts concerned. For your CE4, a cursory flush after a couple tankfuls is necessary. Make sure you give a few videos a watch on how to do it; you don't need to disassemble it completely to clean it well enough. Using the same flavor in the same CE4, you'll taste a difference in about a week? if you don't clean.

C. Don't be afraid to get another CE4! They are cheap, and have different resistances you can give a try before jumping to a VV setup. Make sure, if you get the same color, you mark or designate in some way which CE4 is which. I've been using red for my LR ones, and smoke for my SR ones. Using the same ejuice, and on a standard eGo 650mAh battery, there is definitely a taste difference between SR and LR.

D. Try new flavors! This is the hardest part for some smokers, and I'm right there with you on that. If you like what you like, you can't argue with that. There are many, MANY companies you can get a sample bottle from, or even a bunch of samples in a "kit" of sorts. Many places I've looked at sample kits were well under $20 for 5 or more small bottles. Give it a look, there's an entire world of flavors out there, and many companies that offer good products.


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Sep 12, 2012
Edgewood, NM
I smoked more than a pack a day for 12 years. It's been 8 days since I had an analog thanks to me fidning the combination of the ego twist and a debridged 306 atty with a cannon drip tip. The 306 was good but debridged you get much more flavor and a lil more vapor.

Hope this helps and keep on with the no analog bit!! Happy Vaping


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Aug 21, 2012
Ok. thanks for your advice... Been looking around for a few hours now due to your recommendations and this is my concl.

How about an Ego-C Twist 900 mAh with a Vivi Nova tank? I like the CE4+ tanks but not the taste they produce since it's so thin compared to a V2 e-cig with their cartomizer. Is the above combo able to be comparable to a fixed voltage battery like V2's (4,2 volts) with cartomizer? (I like the flavor of this but dislike that I can't see the level of the remaining liquid)

You who have tried and are able to compare, what kind of flavors is your recommendation for a taste close to a Marlboro red? what producer? V2's really doesn't taste like anything near a real analog but it's close enough for me.

All this questions is due to the fact that I can't but any nicotine based products here in Sweden due to the regulations in law for anything else than analogs and it will be very expensive for me to import and try all by my self due to our high taxes. Your help is most appreciated.
Hi, I'm new here and was just wondering why you advanced so quickly from the v2 to the ego after 1 month. Is there a problem with the V2? I am currently gathering information on them before I buy my first kit. I do know I want to get a 2 piece automatic..."cigarette" look a like. The V2 was one of the models I was looking into. Would appreciate any pros/cons. Thanks.


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Apr 9, 2012
So Calif
....I started out with the V2 cigg and loved the taste of the Sahara Cartomizers. I advanced and bought an EGO-T with clearomizer CE4. I got some juice from V2 to use with it and guess what... The taste was not the same at all. Very thin flavour. Good TH and good vapour though.

They juice they sell is made to go with the battery strength. Not having ever used a look alike, but from reading here, when you get a battery with more power the first thing to suffer is a juice made for less.

I also think you will not find any juice that tastes like a 'real' tobacco cigarette. Hard to emulate 4000 chemicals burning along with the paper and the tobacco.

Just try sample sized juices in varying strengths until you find the fit for now. Be assured as you progress down the path your taste buds will come back, what you like now may taste like straw then. This is not a static journey but one of changes in health, lung capacity and taste ;)


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Aug 21, 2012
Hi, I'm new here and was just wondering why you advanced so quickly from the v2 to the ego after 1 month. Is there a problem with the V2? I am currently gathering information on them before I buy my first kit. I do know I want to get a 2 piece automatic..."cigarette" look a like. The V2 was one of the models I was looking into. Would appreciate any pros/cons. Thanks.

Hello and welcome to the place with almost all the answers.

There is nothing wrong with the V2 ciggs. They perform very well and the taste of those 3 flavors I've tried are really good in their equipment. (Red, Sahara and Menthol). I could also refill those pre-filled cartomizers even though they where not intended to. They can however taste a bit burnt if you empty them to much and the cooking cleansing that shows on the internet doesn't work very well if you already have that burnt taste. They doesn't really taste cigarette but the aftertaste of the Sahara is like U smoked 2 in a row in the beginning. TH is great on all of em. It's only not enough for me with though. Their max nic level is 18mg and I used 2-3 cartomizers a day with out any problems at all. They claim that the cartomizers should be equivalent to 1 pack and they sure are if you isn't a 1.5 - 2 pack a day smoker. Now I mix my own 28/18mg for 50-50 instead. Also I work 12 hour shift witch means that I always need to charge one because with my habit I drained a battery in less than 8 hours. I don't like to not be able to see how much juice I've got left either.

The eGo-T on the other hand works all day for me when it comes to battery life. Also I'm able to mix my own juice and ofcourse I can see the level of the juice since I use clearomizers on those. My problem was that I did buy 3 bottles of juice from V2 and used it in both V2 carts and in the eGo-T and with eGo Clearomizer it doesn't taste at all near the V2's. V2's have a higher voltage output on their cigs than the eGo and another way to produce the vape in their cartomizer than the clearomizers i use so perhaps this is why it's so much tastier in their equipment.

Anyhow, I'm convinced that you won't be disappointed with the V2's. They are doing a great product and their support is awesome.
If you however intend to experiment with other liquid in other equipment I believe in the variable voltage stuff witch allows you to choose what ever you want basically since you can regulate the vaprozing process a bit when it comes to the heat without having to buy several atomizers,cartomizers or clearomizers with a lot of different resistance. If I'd knewed about this when I bought my eGo-T I wouldn't have bought it in the first place, I would have gotten me an eGo-C Twist instead. So this is the story. I'm not very good at English but I hope you get the pic.
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Full Member
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Aug 21, 2012
Thanks Fiamma

I will order some sample packs later on. Now I just need something that keeps me of the analogs and I'm about of running out on juice.
Since I cant get the liquid in Sweden with nicotine in it due to regulations I have to order it from abroad making it a very slow buy and also pretty expensive. This making me to buy bigger packs at a time.

What manufacture do you recommend to start with for the samples?
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