Thanks ECF

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 19, 2014
Littleton, Co
Oi Oi

Yet another tab/.../snout/cig (delete as appropriate) free person just joined this little community. Thought I'd actually sign up instead of just staying a lurker.

Gave up the dirty tabs a year ago, with the help of some random e-cig thing from Wal-e-world. Then they decided to stop selling it and I went back to cigs and dozens of disposable e-cigs. So after 28 years of a pack a day, I went to my local vape store and bought a crappy 510 starter kit. Then something amazing happened...I found this forum with a ton of info on it and a bunch of friendly and helpful people.

I've been on this crappy little 650 battery with a leaking vivi nova and horrible juice for 10 days now and have just ordered a Spinner vv 1300 and a Kanger mini and a sampler from Heather's. Having researched stuff on here.

Reading stuff on this forum and seeing the encouragement everyone gives, helps people just like me stay away from cigs and makes me look forward to spending an absolute wad of cash on vape gear instead.

So thanks all.
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