The "Friendly thread" :p

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 30, 2008
As the real Christena... and I am sure there will be no doubt of this... I thought I would post to say, I am here, alive and kicking, and as of a few hours ago, the proud and delighted owner...., of a GG.


I cant try her yet as the batteries will need a good charge first, but she is beautiful.. much more so than I imagined.

So out comes the nail

And Imeo, the engraving is beautiful, thank you so much.

Further updates to come.... no

take a lesson from me cat,

do small puffs at first till you get used to it,
it can be mind blowing at first,
especially if you have a strong juice,
slowly, and steadily at first,
get used to it before you partake of the
wonderful satisying feeling of the GG smoke experience,

it is mind blowing ---- you will love it,
and like us all,
you will never want to go back to a lesser experience..... :):):)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 30, 2008
you are so right stormy, but they make a mess to threads. I dont care at all, I dont read them they are bad lies anyway but no one can read the thread then, especially the selling thread. I am trying to sell GG and they want to stop me. What else to do?

And as you saw I didnt fight, I just delete. I was trying to keep the thread clean

Listen to your lil bunny, Sakiss,

keep mouth closed, and mind open,
talk only to family, and new friends,
never talk to enemies, or trolls,

leave the enemies and trolls to talk pointlessly to themselves,
go to another thread and find family to talk to,
if there is no family here to talk to, then take a break from forum,
come back again later.........

this way the threads will be clean,
and when they are tired and go away,
we can clean up the house after they have left. ----- :)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 30, 2008
Thanks sweety. I am leaving for vacation in 1 hour. I gave to Iken my moderation priveleges so he will keep an eye here.

I will come back in 15 days, I will see you from internet cafe so we will be in touch.

keep up the good work too, kisses:D

Take care of yourself,
have a nice break, rest and have some fun
come back to us fresh, and rejuvenated.

We will miss you, happy holiday ---


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 3, 2009
As the real Christena... and I am sure there will be no doubt of this... I thought I would post to say, I am here, alive and kicking, and as of a few hours ago, the proud and delighted owner...., of a GG.


I cant try her yet as the batteries will need a good charge first, but she is beautiful.. much more so than I imagined.

So out comes the nail

And Imeo, the engraving is beautiful, thank you so much.

Further updates to come.... no

Christina or anyone who gets a GGT in the next few days, could you possibly tell me if spacers are needed with 18650 battery if your using one? Imeo says yes 3mm and reviewer says no, i'd like to put an order in for batteries etc at the same time but don't want to buy stuff i don't need.Thanks :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 26, 2009
You may have the opposite problem. 18650 fitted fine on my GGT but then mine was one of the first 10 (as a GGT winner) and looking through other posts and subsequent GGT will fit this battery but are tight.

From Smokejuice :

"A pair of 3.7V 18650 protected batteries rated 2400mah...

N.B. These particular 18650's are not compatible with the GG Transformer. They can be forced however, but the fit is very tight.
Hopefully Imeo will clarify this


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Since you're in the U.K. why not order from

Vaughanie, Tim has said that his 18650's don't fit the GGT.

Ckc, what about buying some of the CR2's from Tim? 2 of them will give you a brilliant 6v vape, though IMHO you will need either a 510 or 801 adapter as I've found the 6v kills my 901's (though not certain if any of my mini atties are true 901's & therefore that may be my problem).


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Ckc, if you are happy to stick with 3.7v then you can use your Trans in the Nano mode with one Cr123a battery (OK some of them are only 3.6v but what's .1v between friends :D) You can either buy those from Tim or Dealextreme or I can send you a couple of them as I recently got a few more in for use with my SD :) I could at a push even let you have a charger for them as I've got a spare one :D


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 26, 2009
Vaughanie, Tim has said that his 18650's don't fit the GGT.

Ckc, what about buying some of the CR2's from Tim? 2 of them will give you a brilliant 6v vape, though IMHO you will need either a 510 or 801 adapter as I've found the 6v kills my 901's (though not certain if any of my mini atties are true 901's & therefore that may be my problem).

What Tim has written on 18650 batteries at smokejuice : "N.B. These particular 18650's are not compatible with the GG Transformer. They can be forced however, but the fit is very tight."
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