The New Sceptre Super MTL Pod - Review By Uncle

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Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
The New Sceptre Super MTL Pod Review - By Uncle

First - The Disclaimer:

I am not a professional writer, nor professional reviewer of any products/product lines. Over the past few years - the only reviews or suggestions I have made were at the time which I believed I could provide information or add something to the conversation. What’s more important, anything I said was – or will say, is – “My” Personal Opinion . . . So if you want to know what it is to experience this product from a personal perspective – "Mine" - then we’re good.

Now - As usual when testing any vaping equipment I use my ADV of Unflavored 50/50 24 NIC w/Koolada (sometimes 1-2 Drops of “Menthol Crystal Liquid) added to provide a "Cooling" Menthol effect. Also, I evaluated any equipment based on “My” experiences after using numerous different products for the past 9 years, first as a dual user then becoming a full-time vapor 2 years ago.

By now people know, I do not just jump on a product to just write a review without taking the time to actually test the product fully . . . So - For anyone interested in a more formal description and specifications about this product should check these links from Innokin about the Innokin Sceptre MTL/DL POD MOD & Sceptre Super MTL POD/MOD:

Now - This will not be a typical review, because as you can read in the discription and speciifcations linked above both the Sceptre MTL/DL POD/MOD & the Sceptre Super MTL POD are very similar to one another. So I strongly suggest, that if you haven't already, you should also check out my previous review about The Sceptre MTL/DL POD/MOD:

As you will notice at first, the Sceptre body/size has not changed, nor has the sleek design and feel of the materials used - Innokin Quality All The Way (Yes - I'm a "Fan Boy" :facepalm: ).


Sceptre MTL/DL POD MOD . . . Sceptre Super MTL POD MOD

However, the outstanding changes between both Innokin Sceptre products is a major change in the New MTL POD itself and the New Sceptre Mesh 0.65 MTL Coil:

As such, this review will mainly focus on the new Super MTL POD & Mesh 0.65 Coil.





Sceptre MTL/DL POD . . . Sceptre Super MTL POD

To be honest and make a fair comparison of the 2 different PODS, both were set up with the usual ADV E-liquid I use and the same Sceptre 1.2 ohm coil. Both PODS were adjusted to the same “Airflow” control level, from all the way open (to the right DL) and then restricted (to the left MTL) each time it was being used for this comparision. BTW: The “Airflow” Adjustment controls are very easy to use – no hang-ups and no difficulties moving from side-to-side, even if you have sensitivity problems with your fingers.

Fully open the original MTL/DL POD was very airy and talk about vapor production – way too much for me. It was only when I turned the “Airflow” adjustment of the original POD to the halfway point, that I could notice some similarities and the differences between the two PODS better.

As I started lowering the “Airflow” control of the original MTL/DL POD even further, I found that with it half way closed and the New Super MTL POD fully open, they seemed exactly alike in both “airiness” and Vapor production. It wasn’t until I had the original MTL/DL POD “Airflow” adjustment almost totally closed that I noticed where the New Super MTL POD “improvements” took a turn for the better and how effective the New Super MTL POD would be for someone wanting a more restricted airflow and possibly tighter draw.

I found the new Super MTL POD, to be much better at controlling the airflow and vapor production. While the airflow was limited at the lower setting I had, the "taste" and "Kooling" effect of the e-liquid I was vaping was quite evident. However, the vapor itself (which was still a little to much for me) was not "HOT" at all. I realize smaller and shorter "drags" were necessary to keep the vapor production at somewhat a minimum and to my liking.

BTW: Just as an FYI > IMHO - Closings off the airflow to it's lowest setting will be like "sucking" a thicker liquid thru a straw for some . . . However it was not bad - I found the best setting somewhere between the middle and to the far left at almost the lowest setting. And - For those who prefer an "Airier" draw I would suggest leaving the control lever fully to the right.

The New ” Mesh 0.65 Coil”:

PLEASE NOTE: I do not normally use – nor like sub-ohm coils for many different reasons. No matter, what I did in the past week and as I write this review - what setting – nor how much I tried, I could not find anything positive to say about this coil. Matter of fact, I had a somewhat bad reaction using the Mesh 0.65 ohm coil when vaping – as I have had with other sub-ohm coils (felt like I was getting way to much nicotine - even though I was still using 50/50 24 mg Unflavored Nic w/ Koolada, vapor was to "warm", and there was no “Kooling” TH for "Me"). Given this, I do not believe I can fairly evaluate or judge the Mesh 0.65 ohm coil.

I am sure there will be others who have used sub-ohm coils, particularly the Sceptre 0.5 Coils - that could give a much better evaluation then I can at the moment. So I would appreciate it - if and when someone does try the new Sceptre “Mesh 0.65 ohm Coil” - if they would leave a review too.

AND - A suggestion for Innokin: It would be nice if there was a New Mesh Coil that's higher ohm and not just sub-ohm - a 1.0/1.2 ohm Seaweed Fiber Cotton coil would be nice to try in the future . . . Just Sayin' . . . :2c:

So in conclusion:

At times, it amazes me how a minor change - can make such a major difference.

Simply put - The New Innokin Super MTL POD - works for “Me”, especially if I want a less airier draw/vapor then the original MTL/DL Sceptre POD provides. It just works . . . :D

Overall, another "KUDO" for Innokin, especially for listening to their consumers and making the right adjustments - no mater how minor - to meet their NEEDS.

BTW: For those who already have an Original Sceptre, the Super MTL POD is available and will fit. . . . Matter of fact, Innokin has both the Sceptre 0.65 ohm Super MTL POD & 1.2 ohm (with 0.5 ohm) MTL/DL PODS for sale for $4.99 here: Sceptre Pod 3ml

Just Sayin' . . . :rolleyes:

( Okay Now – Before anyone makes any comments. . . Once again, it will sometimes take “Me” quite awhile to write up and edit a review; so if “You” find any mistakes in grammar, punctuation, or spelling – get over it, I’m not a professional writer . . . Just Sayin’ . . . :rolleyes: Not only that, I take and create all the images I use in these reviews, so there's that too . . . :img:) )


OH AND - For those who want a laugh, this is the 3rd time I wrote this review, after spending hours and days writing and taking and editing original images for the review - then having to redo everything the second time from the start -- it seems they just vanished into thin air before I could post them . . . NOT NICE ! ! ! :-x :censored:

So after - 7 hours straight - Glad I finally got this one posted and it is still here . . . :D

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Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2020
Awesome review buddy.

I actually reviewed the previous model back in the day when i got it in a giveaway.
Was my first review so it wasn't really that good,think i did better with UA25,guess it's a matter of practice.

But anyway,good review buddy i always enjoy your view on different vaping apparatus.

P.S: I love using the word ''apparatus'',makes me seem smart and wise :lol::lol:


Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
Great review Uncle. One question I have is we’re you pressing the button or doing auto draw? The auto draw is where I felt like the original was lacking.

THANK YOU . . . :facepalm:

And to answer your question . . . Actually, I used both, similar to the original Sceptre - the "auto draw" was steady and easy, whereas using the "button" there was more control of how much vapor you were getting - which could provide a shorter (MTL) or longer burst (DL) of vapor (BTW: The longer burst actually took my breath away - I started coughing) . . . It should also be noted, that by using the "auto draw" it allows for a more familar MTL as someone who is use to using analog cigarettes - more specifically, a beginner . . . Which - IMHO - would be great for someone "Transitioning into the World of Vaping" . . . :D

OH Yea - If I remember correctly, I believe you like and prefer using the 0.5 coil in the Original Sceptre POD, I really think you would like using the New Mesh 0.65 Mesh Seaweed Fiber Cotton coil in the original POD too . . . "You" should give it a try . . . Just Sayin' . . . :D

BTW: I can send you one if you like to try one . . . Let "Me" know . . . :thumbs:



Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2015
So I would appreciate it - if and when someone does try the new Sceptre “Mesh 0.65 ohm Coil” - if they would leave a review too.

This isn't "a review" per se, like the very thorough reviews you write. But...since you asked others for their thoughts on the coil...I'll give mine. I've been using it for the last week or so.

I've always used 1.0ohm or above coils, never sub-ohm. So, I was somewhat hesitant to use the 0.65ohm coil. I figured it would likely be much too warm and provide more vapor than I'd like. But, I couldn't have been more wrong!

With the airflow control on the new MTL pod set to most restricted...I get a nice, warm but not hot, flow of vapor. Taking short draws has produced a pleasant amount of vapor, too. What surprised me the most about it though...was the terrific flavor. To me, it's even better than I get from my various Zenith tanks and Z-coils...and that's saying a lot. I wondered though, if I'd get the same amazing flavor if I used a 1.2ohm coil in the new MTL pod.

So I've been using 1 of them for a couple hours now. I've kept everything else the same: the pod and eliquid, draw frequency and duration, and using autodraw only. The vapor produced is slightly less and is a little cooler also, than with the 0.65ohm coil. Taking a little longer draw gets me the same amount of vapor though. As far as flavor with the 1.2ohm coil...I'm still very pleased with it, though it might be just a tad less intense than with the new Mesh 0.65ohm coil with its seaweed fiber and cotton wicking. I'll be "a happy camper" though, using either coil in the new MTL pod.


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2015
By the way - If anyone has the original Sceptre, or the newer MTL one, and would like more of the MTL/RDL pods and/or the new MTL has both of them. They're $4.99 each, and S/H is dirt just $3.00, even for several of them.

Sceptre Pod 3ml - original MTL/RDL pod, all black, w/0.5 and 1.2ohm coils

Sceptre Pod 3ml - newer MTL pod, black with orangish colored lower part, and 0.65ohm coils

If you want the tighter airflow of the newer MTL Sceptre, and/or want to try the 0.65ohm coils that to me provide even more terrific don't need to buy a whole new kit. Just get the new MTL pod.
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Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
This isn't "a review" per se, like the very thorough reviews you write. But...since you asked others for their thoughts on the coil...I'll give mine. I've been using it for the last week or so.

I've always used 1.0ohm or above coils, never sub-ohm. So, I was somewhat hesitant to use the 0.65ohm coil. I figured it would likely be much too warm and provide more vapor than I'd like. But, I couldn't have been more wrong!

With the airflow control on the new MTL pod set to most restricted...I get a nice, warm but not hot, flow of vapor. Taking short draws has produced a pleasant amount of vapor, too. What surprised me the most about it though...was the terrific flavor. To me, it's even better than I get from my various Zenith tanks and Z-coils...and that's saying a lot. I wondered though, if I'd get the same amazing flavor if I used a 1.2ohm coil in the new MTL pod.

So I've been using 1 of them for a couple hours now. I've kept everything else the same: the pod and eliquid, draw frequency and duration, and using autodraw only. The vapor produced is slightly less and is a little cooler also, than with the 0.65ohm coil. Taking a little longer draw gets me the same amount of vapor though. As far as flavor with the 1.2ohm coil...I'm still very pleased with it, though it might be just a tad less intense than with the new Mesh 0.65ohm coil with its seaweed fiber and cotton wicking. I'll be "a happy camper" though, using either coil in the new MTL pod.

THANK YOU - "Savvy Vape Lady" . . . :wub:

Really appreciate your "thoughts" and expressing your personal experience using the new Mesh 0.65 ohm coil added to this review . . . :thumbs:

AND - Even providing more direct links to the PODs/Coils than I did . . . . :D



Vaping Master
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Jul 12, 2013
The 'Burgh, PA.
As a guy who ALWAYS sat in the BACK row of the classroom...have I got this right???

There's an Innokin Sceptre POD/MOD...

It can use either the original MTL/RDL Pod (Black band)...or...the new (Super) MTL Pod (Gold band)...

Either Pod can use the 0.5, 0.65 and 1.2 ohm coils...

(If this is correct...QUESTION...would one notice any differences using a 1.2 ohm coil in the original Pod vs. using a 1.2 ohm coil in the new Pod???)



Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
There's an Innokin Sceptre POD/MOD...

It can use either the original MTL/RDL Pod (Black band)...or...the new (Super) MTL Pod (Gold band)...

Either Pod can use the 0.5, 0.65 and 1.2 ohm coils...

YES ! ! ! "You" are correct . . .:thumbs:

(If this is correct...QUESTION...would one notice any differences using a 1.2 ohm coil in the original Pod vs. using a 1.2 ohm coil in the new Pod???)


Simply put - IMHO - YES ! ! !

That's exactly what "My" review was all about - I centered in on using a Sceptre 1.2 ohm coil in both PODS . . . So - If you re-read "My" review above, you can read about the differences that I found between the PODS . . .However, now some People will have different results, but this review was the results of the test I did for over 2-3 weeks.

Hope this information helps . . . Just Sayin' . . . :rolleyes:



ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
An update. :)

I've been playing with my new MTL pod and the new .65Ω coil for over a week now. I find that the .65Ω coil works just fine in both pods (MTL/RDL and MTL)--I think that the smaller bore of that coil works well for restricting the airflow all by itself and the lower resistance gives me enough oomph that was maybe lacking from the 1.2Ω coil. And you don't even need an MTL pod unless you like your airflow really tight.

OTOH, the 1.2Ω coil becomes more lively in the MTL pod with the airflow somewhat restricted. That was a nice surprise.

To be continued. :D


Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
An update. :)

I've been playing with my new MTL pod and the new .65Ω coil for over a week now. I find that the .65Ω coil works just fine in both pods (MTL/RDL and MTL)--I think that the smaller bore of that coil works well for restricting the airflow all by itself and the lower resistance gives me enough oomph that was maybe lacking from the 1.2Ω coil. And you don't even need an MTL pod unless you like your airflow really tight.

OTOH, the 1.2Ω coil becomes more lively in the MTL pod with the airflow somewhat restricted. That was a nice surprise.

To be continued. :D

Really glad to read hat you are finding the .65Ω coil beneficial to meet your vaping NEEDS . . . :thumbs:

AND - YES, I agree the 1.2Ω coil in the new MTL Pod is a great surprise - so much so that I am finding I am using the Sceptre more often then not, especially when out and about . . . Just Sayin' . . . :thumbs:



ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
Really glad to read hat you are finding the .65Ω coil beneficial to meet your vaping NEEDS . . . :thumbs:

Well. It does and it doesn't meet my daily vaping needs. It's fine from time to time, when you need a stronger hit, perhaps, but not an all-day vape for me. It's too tight and I feel that the combination of low resistance and a small bore is not what I want or need. I'd like it much better if were more open at .65Ω, honestly. I'm glad I got a 5-pack, and I'll use it for sure, but most likely not a rebuy.

AND - YES, I agree the 1.2Ω coil in the new MTL Pod is a great surprise - so much so that I am finding I am using the Sceptre more often then not, especially when out and about . . . Just Sayin' . . . :thumbs:

Yup. I like the 1.2Ω better. I'm really looking forward to experimenting with it some more when I get the Sensis.
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Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
Yup. I like the 1.2Ω better. I'm really looking forward to experimenting with it some more when I get the Sensis.

So am I, especially if it is anywhere close to being a combination of the Sceptre & Kroma-Z . . . The only thing is I don't do FB, so the new "F" function will propably be limited option for me . . . Just Saying . . . :rolleyes:

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