The Orange Juice Test.

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Feb 3, 2011
Florida Suncoast
Why do many store bought citrus juices have added citric acid? Because rain, temp, irrigation, freezes, etc., all effect the composition of the final fruit. It is never exactly the same every single year.

I was a Senior Instrumentation Tech (21 years) for the largest retail OJ producer in the world. CA (plus other beneficial compounds) was/is added to increase the vitamin C content to meet/exceed our competitors claims inorder to comply with FDA, et al, mandates and 'living up' to the advertizements . And yes, extracted juice will vary based upon the annual crop AND variety. Such is the tight and impeccable QC! Ergo, my previous employer would combine varieties, or not, based upon consumer taste panels/surveys, the market and our self induced QC based upon the above.

Was a member on the company's consumer complaint/response committee. If we processed complaints such as the OP has historically demonstrated on the ECF, we would do our best to resolve his/her dissatisfaction(s), TWICE only.

If we had a repeat 2%er (vague reference to a past post of the OP), can ya say circular waste container?

Ya can take the vaper outta da basement, but...


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Feb 22, 2013
Well, then it's the alkaline, big whoop. But lower PH doesn't mean less acidity, it can just mean more alkaline. Matters more the average of the two, if I'm not totally mistaken.

You want to be scientific, yet when we correct you, you still insist that you are correct. Your very first assumption that lower PH=lower acidity was wrong to start with. You then try to confuse us with the statement in bold.

Also, keep in mind, orange juice can pretty much vary from orange to orange to company to company. Most manufactered orange juice has a very high acidity, I don't care what anyone says. Certainly more so than grape juice or lemon juice, which are more alkaline in form, in terms of mass production.

If you don't care what others say, then DON'T POST TO ASK FOR HELP/COMMENTS!

I can eat an orange and it doesn't make my tongue dry in the least. Orange juice sure does. Depending on how organic it is.

So, you're saying orange juice may or may not make your tongue dry. If you get different results, your fallback would be "Oh, your juices wasn't organic enough". THERE IS NO MIDDLE LINE! It's either organic or it's not. Go do some research.

Then again, it could be the alkaline, I may have just been mistaken. I just know that orange juice isn't considered to be a palate cleanser in our hobby. Grape juices, coffees, and lemon juices are more preferred, and I think there's a reason why. Again, could have been my mix up between acidity and alkaline, and in that case, I was pretty much right with wrong terms. So there was no real reason to behave any different than if my information was correct. The effect is the SAME.

I vape and get my nicotine dose. I smoke and I get my nicotine too. So by your logic, IT'S THE SAME, REGARDLESS OF HOW I ACHIEVED IT.

If my assumptions are correct, half the folks are running around here vaping metal ions and nasty tasting chemicals made from the gunking of propylene glycol, if ya'll want to vape that, go ahead,

1) Its the flavours that gunk up the coils.
2) In another thread (or was it his one? My brain just cannot remember all the assertions you made), you made the assertion that it's the metal from the coils that gives you that horrible taste. Now you're saying it's the PG gunking up.

And I apologize for calling the other user dolt , as I had a brainfart and I didn't read the PH scale correctly, but everyone was being hateful as sin over a subject that I was essentially right about. Alkaline vs. Acidity vs. Maufactured levels. Makes no crap difference.

Same thing again. I smoke, or I vape, end result is that I get my nicotine. Makes no crap difference according to you.

I could go on and on dissecting your posts, but it looks like I used up my quota of niceness today. Plus I just popped a couple of veins trying to be polite. I shouldnt' even have posted as I agree with Crxess. But I'll be watching.


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Dec 9, 2012
Woodburn, OR
I've already told GN that PG vapes clean, but it's almost pointless to post this again. GN starts a new thread daily and never looks back.

...Makes it kind of fun seeing what bizarre things are being talked about each day. I wake up in the morning and read the Good News! posts (almost better than browsing the tabloids in the checkout line)!

Drinking orange juice is sort of like "Jumping into GoodNews's World" for a day.
I may never drink Orange Juice again.

Drank orange juice, vaped Pluid. Noticed the citrus notes in Pluid are more pronounced.
Totally floored. Absolutely did not expect that to happen. /s

...Still waiting to taste dirty sock when I vape.
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Apr 5, 2013
Retired1, this thread is based on incorrect facts, many posters have pointed this out, when someone starts a conversation based on an incorrect fact, not opinion but fact, it needs to be corrected, I suggest you close the thread as nothing good can come of debate around something so fundamentally wrong.

Thread closures will come as a last resort. We shouldn't have to close a thread because of people taking it off topic with a blatant thread derailment. Debate the issue, fine. Correct misinformation, fine. Take it off topic? Not fine and we're going to be strict about it.

If it requires a vacation from the forum for a few days to drive the point home, so be it. But the thread derailments will cease.


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Dec 9, 2012
Woodburn, OR
Hey guys, interesting test I just discovered:

Orange juice, because of the acidity, temporarily blocks the human tongue from tasting organic food material to it's highest extent, yet not mute chemicals or metal ions - it's why people universally prefer orange juice with bacon, it temporarily blocks the acidic taste of any burnt organic food material that well-done bacon always has. The combination is quite tasty.

However, this is where it applies to vaping.

Do you really want to taste what your atomizer is putting into your vape? Drink a few sips of orange juice.

After you drink the orange juice, a well-performing atomizer should taste clean, but muted, like unflavored PG or VG.

If the atomizer has gunk or metallic tastes, you will taste them INSTANTLY in your vape.

At least, this test has just proven correct for me. I've never vaped and drank orange juice at the same time, I didn't know.

Happy vaping! Lets see what your results are!

P.S For anyone who thinks orange juice is a palette cleanser:

Manufactured orange juice is way more acidic than lemon juice is. At that high of acidity, it's a taste bud muter. Organic orange juice will not work for this test, as the acidity is lower than that of lemon juice imo. Tropica is a good old acidic orange juice. What you buy on the farm will not be.
Disregarding the last paragraph of the above quote, as it's been proven wrong on every count, I would like to address GN's first paragraph. What if his premise is wrong? What if, instead of OJ making the bacon taste good, it's the bacon making the OJ taste good?


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Nov 2, 2009
I've vaped while drinking OJ (with and without alcohol in it) and never noticed much of anything other than I really don't like vanilla flavored juices, and they taste even worse to me when vaped with OJ.
So yet another "scientific revelation" proven wrong. It's really becoming a disservice with these "reviews" as the only "scientific" part of these tests is how un-scientific the tests are done and assumptions made. Is it the wire, the coil, the wicking material, the PG, the VG or the gunk on the wick and wire? We've all these conclusions based on assumptions, and we all know what happens when we make assumptions, with nothing more than a wild ... guess thrown at any and all of them. This is misleading at worst, and confusing at best to new members seeking pertinent information!
I've said time and again that clearomizers suck, but we seem to be on "wash, rinse, repeat" over and over again thinking we will somehow get a different result!
As for buying pre-made Cisco coils, if they wont say the wire they use (for good reason I'm sure), why would we think they would sell single coils, much less single coils for the specific atomizer we intend to use them on?
This has gotten ridiculous, if a reviewer is to be taken seriously they need to share pertinent information in a clear and concise way, not claim scientific fact when expressing opinions or assumptions! But I already know the point is moot, this will fall on deaf ears and tomorrow, maybe even later today, we will have the next wild ... guess that is supposed to "revolutionize vaping as we know it!
That is all, I'm done with the OP.


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Dec 26, 2013
Fort Worth, Texas
You know what mutes the flavor of orange juice? Analogs. I cannot believe any comments about taste that come from a smoker. When I quit it took a whole month (if not longer) to get my senses of smell and taste back to normal. Quit smoking before you say something tastes bad.

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Sep 15, 2013
Austin,TX, USA
In all seriousness, drinking the oj did somewhat numb my tongue, but obviously you can still taste oj, or nobody would drink it. How anybody would expect that it would block out all taste EXCEPT faulty coils/wick, voltage/Cilicia cast off/ metal particles/ burnt socks is beyond me.

Mostly you still get the taste of orange juice.

But I did give it a good faith effort in the name of science.


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Dec 9, 2012
Woodburn, OR
* EDIT * Read whole thread, dont want a ban. This thread is a trap*

That shouldn't have taken long, I think there's more deleted posts than there are non-deleted. Mine always seem to survive, though.

I was eating Mac and Cheese and decided to perform an experiment. Pluid tasted muted! In a dual microcoil Kayfun! That lovely anise taste barely penetrated to my cheese coated taste buds. I'm not sure how helpful this is to GN!, but I'm going to continue this experiment until we see some results. All I'm able to confirm at this time is that Kraft Mac and Cheese is awesome. :drool:

Edit: ...and filling!


Moved On
Oct 25, 2013
Vaping, USA
My takeaway: tastes like orangey butterscotch. Two great tastes that do NOT go great together. What was supposed to happen again?

You were supposed to use non-organic orange juice, the organic doesn't have the same effect as it's much less drying. The organic just coats the tongue with natural orange :p

Ya'll are all correct, ya'll proved me wrong, and yes, I found out that I was incorrect in assuming that all orange juice does this, but I found out that only non-organic orange juice, as many others in this thread have scientifically pointed out, has more citric acid than even certain lemon or lime products can. That's why I got the result I did.

And for those who say that cigarettes mute orange juice, it's because cigarettes have more chemicals than orange juice. The human tongue gets "smokers tongue" or "orange juice tongue" because of dehydration and because those things' chemicals temporarily mute aspects of organic or less-strong flavorings or chemicals than the cigarette or juice product contains.

All depends on what your testing with. I tested this with the most acidic orange juice on the market. SO that's that. Yes, it will numb your taste senses. Yes, if you have a bad coil, you'll be able to taste bad effects of it more strongly with orange juice. And yes, if I can taste metal in my vape, metal ions are actually in the vapor, or transporting through (heaven forbid) the drip tip. The human tongue cannot taste metal where it is not present. I taste metal all the time in really bad or too-high-powered coils.

Fire a brand new, dry, no-juice coil on an RDA if you want to see what "smokes up" on it. That ain't juice if no juice is there. That's metal and production oils being burnt off. Do you think any company in China burns these off? Nope. That's why I taste that when the coil is dry on a cheap device. It's the first time those particals are allowing themselves to be "burnt off" even if you're like, 4 days into your vape, and you were to dry the coil and then dry burn it. Those chemicals would still be there, if the coil never reached the temperature point to allow those things to at least seep out into the liquid.
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Dec 9, 2012
Woodburn, OR
...and that is why everyone (yep, you heard me. -Everyone), cleans, rinses, or dry burns their attys before use. You just don't seem to get it GN!


That metal taste is cutting oil, polish, flux, metal shavings, and whatever else you find in a machine shop.

Edit: You wouldn't wear new clothes without washing them first to get rid of any excess die, you wouldn't eat off a new plate without washing it first, or drink from a new glass...why should attys be any different?
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