This cartomizer is lasting me forever

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Nov 25, 2009
Detroit MI
Just wanted to say I filled a Boge 510 LR 2 ohm cartomizer on Saturday night and I've been vaping on it and it alone since then. Today is now Friday. I've been vaping all day long from 8Am to 1AM every day. I've gone through 12ml on this thing so far. 12 refills basically. This is the longest any carto has ever lasted me.

I think part of the secret is the liquid. I've been vaping the same Johnson Creek spiced apple cider 18mg. This liquid is nearly clear like water. PG based. Initially filled with a syringe and then drip refilled just before the flavor starts to get weak. Anywhere from 10-20 drops on a refill. The secret is not to get any liquid in the center hole at all.

So basically, with the right liquid and the right refill procedure these cartos can last a while.

It's still hitting like it did when I first filled. I'm vaping on it right now. No idea when this thing is going to die. lol
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Super Member
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Nov 25, 2009
Detroit MI
I get juice in the middle of the carto all the time, doesnt hurt it.Iam using LR Boge cartos they are great!

Depends on the juice and whether you clean it out completely. Because if any is in there when you ignite, it may stick and cut down your airflow. The Tasty Vapors Tobacco was great at ruining my cartos. Good juice, just so dark and thick.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 17, 2008
where did you get this cartomizer and do they fit on an eGo?

Just wanted to say I filled a Boge 510 LR 2 ohm cartomizer on Saturday night and I've been vaping on it and it alone since then. Today is now Friday. I've been vaping all day long from 8Am to 1AM every day. I've gone through 12ml on this thing so far. 12 refills basically. This is the longest any carto has ever lasted me.

I think part of the secret is the liquid. I've been vaping the same Johnson Creek spiced apple cider 18mg. This liquid is nearly clear like water. PG based. Initially filled with a syringe and then drip refilled just before the flavor starts to get weak. Anywhere from 10-20 drops on a refill. The secret is not to get any liquid in the center hole at all.

So basically, with the right liquid and the right refill procedure these cartos can last a while.

It's still hitting like it did when I first filled. I'm vaping on it right now. No idea when this thing is going to die. lol
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