TOBH top cap

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Ryan Kelly

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ECF Veteran
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Apr 14, 2014
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
so i have a tobeco TOBH atty clone. i took it into my vape shop today to get another air hole drilled out. this shop has done drilling jobs for me several times and it always turns out great. well the guy who usually does the drilling for me wasn't there. someone who i had never seen before was working and said he could do it. i was very specific with what i wanted and he said "ok no problem." long story short he butchered my top cap. the hole he drilled is 3 times bigger then i asked for and it overlapped with the existing holes so now i just have a weird jagged chunky hole in the sides of my top cap. still works decently but looks disgusting and is a bit TOO airy. is there anywhere where i can buy just the top cap for a tobh clone? not even the heat sink. just the center sleeve. 101vape sells tobh clones for 15 bucks so i cold always just buy a new one but if i could find just the top cap for like 5 bucks or something i would get a bunch to experiment with. any suggestions?
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