Two piece e cigs? Need advice

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Dec 29, 2011
Tri Cities , TN
My wife and I wanted a cig like device as well and we went with 21st century the local cig stores carry ( sold online as well but not the cheapest ) . The taste is very good and being able to buy them locally is convenient but there are drawbacks . Like most smaller batters these only last about 3 hours max before needing a lengthy charge . The price of the cartage's adds up too though you probably can find a better price with another brand online ( recommend because these have a exclusive/non interchangeable thread. I have recently started refilling the cartomizers until I can get order ( decided on the SMK EGO 900mAh - Carto Deluxe ) . Though I haven't received it yet it looks to be about the size of a sharpie ,You may want to check it or a similar one out . Refilling cartomizers is ok once you get use to it , check out some of the info/videos on refilling. Hope you find something that fits your needs.


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Jan 7, 2012
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Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
RIVA510 1100 mah 1 battery lasts me 3 days. $38 at
RIVA 510 1100 mAh Manual Starter Kit | Electronic Cigarette | Neusmoke

the kit coes as a 3 piece but you can buy 510 cartomizers from them for $1.50 a piece, making it a 2 piece

this is my honest opinion, i was in no way compensated for this review
RIVA 510 110mah review - YouTube

NO battery, even an 1100 mah one will last three days unless you are a VERY LIGHT vaper. I use an 1800 mAh battery on one of the best models made, the variable wattage Darwin and the feedback from the 100's who have posted about it on ECF and my own experience is you will get 21 - 35 hours on a charge. 100 mAh = one hour of light vaping.


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Mar 18, 2011
hi allen227 & welcome to ECF..i own many sets of starter kits from 510-T to eGos T,LCD,VV..the latest is the best suited for newbies..the variable voltage eGo(VV) with dual coil cartomizer(DCC)..the simplicity and easy to refill without any hassle and a doodle once U get the hang of doing it right..the refill of cartomizer(DCC) as should be a new pack of DCC,taking the filling-in "condom"(plastic covering) off and leaving the threaded still with it condom on..inject the liquid into the filler that is if U got a syringe,great ..if not drop by drop around 30 drops(1 1/2 ml) by the side of the hole avoiding the centre hole(by rotating the carto and drop a few more drops will wet the carto evenly ..and wait for the liquid to be absorb into the sponge filler(will take time)..then just be4 taking out the condom insert yr drip tip(the plastic mouthpiece supplied) onto yr filled carto(as the pressure from inserting yr drip tip will cause liquid to ooze out).

the next step check yr cartomizer against the light source,looking through yr filled carto see if can spot the centre hole cleared of any e-liquid..if there is no light at the end of the tunnel..time to give yr carto,at the drip tip(mouthpiece) a short,sharp blow..catching the spray with a tissue(get ready with the tissue be4 U blow)..check again for that tunnel if still blocked with liquid,repeat until u see a light through yr carto(this will not happen if U did not overfill yr carto or fill by mistake onto the centre hole)..when U have done it is ready for U to vape with cloud of vapor..happy vapping..regards mafig ps i enclosed healthcabin website where i bought my 650 mAh eGo VV starter kit Healthcabin Promotion Sale-- p/p/s U need to get a plug and e-liquids and U good to go
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Full Member
Jan 7, 2012
hi allen227 & welcome to ECF..i own many sets of starter kits from 510-T to eGos T,LCD,VV..the latest is the best suited for newbies..the variable voltage eGo(VV) with dual coil cartomizer(DCC)..the simplicity and easy to refill without any hassle and a doodle once U get the hang of doing it right..the refill of cartomizer(DCC) as should be a new pack of DCC,taking the filling-in "condom"(plastic covering) off and leaving the threaded still with it condom on..inject the liquid into the filler that is if U got a syringe,great ..if not drop by drop around 30 drops(1 1/2 ml) by the side of the hole avoiding the centre hole(by rotating the carto and drop a few more drops will wet the carto evenly ..and wait for the liquid to be absorb into the sponge filler(will take time)..then just be4 taking out the condom insert yr drip tip(the plastic mouthpiece supplied) onto yr filled carto(as the pressure from inserting yr drip tip will cause liquid to ooze out).

the next step check yr cartomizer against the light source,looking through yr filled carto see if can spot the centre hole cleared of any e-liquid..if there is no light at the end of the tunnel..time to give yr carto,at the drip tip(mouthpiece) a short,sharp blow..catching the spray with a tissue(get ready with the tissue be4 U blow)..check again for that tunnel if still blocked with liquid,repeat until u see a light through yr carto(this will not happen if U did not overfill yr carto or fill by mistake onto the centre hole)..when U have done it is ready for U to vape with cloud of vapor..happy vapping..regards mafig ps i enclosed healthcabin website where i bought my 650 mAh eGo VV starter kit Healthcabin Promotion Sale-- p/p/s U need to get a plug and e-liquids and U good to go

lol, that sounds a whole, whole, whole lot more involved and technical then just screwing on a prefilled cartomizer! Not to mention all the different optioned with those things, cartos, tanks, drip tips, low resistance, high resistance, vg, PG, and a whole lot more. Not really sure what the advantage is if I can get an 808 with just as strong a battery as the 510 in some cases better. 900 mAh should be plenty of juice I would think, but without the added girth and tips and hassle. What am I missing? From what I read in these forum the vapor from the 808 are very good. She will probably never drip or fill her cartos, she thinks takeing a pill once a day is a hassle.


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Oct 16, 2011
900 mAh should be plenty of juice I would think, but without the added girth and tips and hassle. What am I missing? From what I read in these forum the vapor from the 808 are very good. She will probably never drip or fill her cartos, she thinks takeing a pill once a day is a hassle.

Your 808 batteries or "slim" batteries will be around 100 to 180 mAh. They last for a decent amount of time and as long as you get 2 (standard in most starter kits) you charger 1 while using the other. I would recommend getting a charge pack if you go with the slims because she'll end up with 2 dead batteries if she's away from a charger for more than a few hours.

I only use slims and don't have a problem keeping 1 charged and using the other. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I use 510 STYLE slims from vapeshot. If you decide go to a bigger battery later the cartos will most likely work with that as well.

From a "fashion" perspective, I know my fiance wouldn't use anything that looked different than an analog while out in public too. The social acceptability (idiosyncracy) of a slim would be what made her prefer it over a larger battery.


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Dec 21, 2011
I am doing as much research as I can to help my wife find the e cig that best fit her needs. She would rather not have to add her own liquid and worry about cleaning and much maintenance.

I may have missed a post so apologies if someone else asked and you answered, but how much does she smoke? and where does she smoke? I just purchased a setup for my significant other and followed up with a purchase for myself. She had heard of e-cigs but had never seen or used one. It was a gift so I had to in essence define her initial requirements for her. To sum up those requirements, it didn't have to be easy, it had to be as close as thoughtless as possible. It also had to be a single thing -- not an ideal one for home and a different thing when at work, driving or out an about. No filling or preparation -- heck, it's new, she'd still have to figure ideal Nic levels, PG/VG, flavors and.....if she'd even like and what to stick with this in the end.

In addition to it being easy, she also had to be comfortable with it. That meant that if she was standing outside of work, or with a work associate or standing outside a restaurant, it needed to look like a cigarette and not like a weapon from the movie Men in Black.

If after purchase there was intrigue and she liked it...we would then redefine those requirements once she knew what she wanted, what was lacking and also what level of additional preparation, maintenance or otherwise she would be willing to put up with.

It was a week or two of analysis-paralysis in attempted learning and seeking out what seemed like the least fuss, had the least negative comments from a vendor perspective, etc.

I ended up getting her a SmokelessImage Volt for Christmas and two days after ordering hers I did the same for myself.
I (and her) have zero regrets regarding the purchase and we'd absolutely recommend them if you're looking for an easy, no thought starting place. Shipping was quick, we got to speak with someone, and those two things aren't givens on the web...

We have a slew of batteries, we bought a handful of different prefilled carts at different Nic levels and we bought a handful of accessories -- mostly extra chargers. We did buy both PCC's for untethered charging but we've yet to actual use each unit. Think of it this way, if she carries any sort of handbag, whether it's a tiny purse that can only fit two credit cards and a crammed in pack of cigarettes or the all too common monster purse that could fit a bowling ball, putting a couple slim extra batteries takes up even less space than a pack.

Right now we're just trying to switch habits and find what we like and what we need. We will probably buy something -additional- down the road, but I can't see ourselves -not- using something KR8 sized in some aspect of our life.

Also, you are in NC? Depending on where it seems like there are many store fronts. There aren't any I'm aware of in NJ, but if I had the opportunity, I would have immediately went to one, asked a ton of questions in person and got to physically see and have explained as much as they were willing to while I was figuring things out. You may want to peek around. I know there's a link to search for places by state (someone else probably has it bookmarked).
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