UD AGI - my first ever build. Have some questions.

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Jimi D.

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For you guys and gals looking for a kayfun clone in stock:
EHPro Kayfun Lite

Yeah I'm not big on the chrome plating on the Rocket. And I'd rather wait for slowtech than pay 2X the price.
Of course, I'm saying that NOW. I might change my mind if I had more cash in the vape budget.

I'm giving this a loooong hard look.

Sounds like everything is coming along nicely! Congrats and welcome to RBAs! You will never be the same again!!

It is! Went to work with it in drop mode and it was great. Tiny little mess from over filling (wasn't paying enough attention) but it was easy to take care of. I did realize that driving and dripping would be a dangerous proposition though haha. I hadn't even considered that when I left the house.


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Someone may have already mentioned this here but I don't have the time to read all the posts. Ive been fighting hot spots with the AGI for MONTHS!! Its a TOTAL PITA to get performing well in genny mode, its actually a pretty good dripper but unfortunately the wick holes are too small to be a good genny. The only way I was able stop the hot spots was to use a ceramic or ekowool topper on SS mesh or SS cable, however if you bend/lean the top of the wick right against the positive post, leaving no leg or exposed wire on the top coil you can get it working without hot spots, however again since the wick holes are so small you can't make your wick big enough to really do sub-ohm coils. With sub-ohm coils, say around .5 -.7 ohm, they get really hot, REALLY fast, so you need a wick big enough to carry enough juice to the coil so it doesn't dry out & produce hot spots. If you drilled out the wick holes to say 3mm I bet it would perform MUCH BETTER in genny mode, however you would loose the dripper mod function if you drilled out the wick holes. If you don't have any ekowool or ceramic sleeving then do either a 5/6 wrap of 28 gauge or a 4/5 wrap of 30 gauge on SS mesh (around 1.2 ohm) & lean the top of the wick right against the positive post so you don't have the top leg exposed like in your pics, this should give you a pretty good vape on the AGI but its not going to be fantastic. Also, the center post "hot spring" for genny mode is TERRIBLE! If your vaping on a regulated mod @ higher ohms, say around 2. or higher you should be fine with the "hot spring", however if you want lower ohm's then your going to need to modify the center post with either a piece of copper tube or a simpler method, put a small piece of copper wire inside the middle of the spring, the center copper wire in coax cable is perfect for this, just cut it so that when you put it inside the spring its about 2mm from the top of the spring, that way when you screw the tank together the spring compresses & the copper wire contacts both the top & bottom positive posts, I hope that makes sense, you'll get a much lower voltage drop if done correctly & you'll be able to use sub-ohm coils without destroying the spring. If you have any questions don't hesitate to PM me, good luck, take care & VAPE ON!


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Oct 15, 2013
Close to Philly, USA
I agree with you that the AGI is a bit difficult in genny mode with the mesh.
It was recommended here in earlier posts to use the ekowool topper and that does help quite a bit though I still have much practice to do in order to become proficient. ;)

And yep, I collapsed that center spring on, I think, my second or third haha. Member minimalsaint offered up a great fix that I've been using involving copper wire and flat silver.

Thank you for the offer of assistance! It's very appreciated!

Someone may have already mentioned this here but I don't have the time to read all the posts. Ive been fighting hot spots with the AGI for MONTHS!! Its a TOTAL PITA to get performing well in genny mode, its actually a pretty good dripper but unfortunately the wick holes are too small to be a good genny. The only way I was able stop the hot spots was to use a ceramic or ekowool topper on SS mesh or SS cable, however if you bend/lean the top of the wick right against the positive post, leaving no leg or exposed wire on the top coil you can get it working without hot spots, however again since the wick holes are so small you can't make your wick big enough to really do sub-ohm coils. With sub-ohm coils, say around .5 -.7 ohm, they get really hot, REALLY fast, so you need a wick big enough to carry enough juice to the coil so it doesn't dry out & produce hot spots. If you drilled out the wick holes to say 3mm I bet it would perform MUCH BETTER in genny mode, however you would loose the dripper mod function if you drilled out the wick holes. If you don't have any ekowool or ceramic sleeving then do either a 5/6 wrap of 28 gauge or a 4/5 wrap of 30 gauge on SS mesh (around 1.2 ohm) & lean the top of the wick right against the positive post so you don't have the top leg exposed like in your pics, this should give you a pretty good vape on the AGI but its not going to be fantastic. Also, the center post "hot spring" for genny mode is TERRIBLE! If your vaping on a regulated mod @ higher ohms, say around 2. or higher you should be fine with the "hot spring", however if you want lower ohm's then your going to need to modify the center post with either a piece of copper tube or a simpler method, put a small piece of copper wire inside the middle of the spring, the center copper wire in coax cable is perfect for this, just cut it so that when you put it inside the spring its about 2mm from the top of the spring, that way when you screw the tank together the spring compresses & the copper wire contacts both the top & bottom positive posts, I hope that makes sense, you'll get a much lower voltage drop if done correctly & you'll be able to use sub-ohm coils without destroying the spring. If you have any questions don't hesitate to PM me, good luck, take care & VAPE ON!
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