Valley View Vapes Hang Out Thread!

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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2012
Lafayette, La
A tank does work and it vapes great. The ones on sale are Brass, Blue and Black. It is hefty and solid without weighing too much (with the 18350). It is heavy with the 18650. They sell them at Hoosiervapes, where I got my brass one.

hoosiervapes Empire-Style-K100-Telescope_p_176. html
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Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 12, 2012
Planet Awesome
You've obviously never had "pizza" in England... (I use quotes because it is pizza in name only.)

Pizza in Name Only = PINO, like how NET fans refer to synthetic tobacco e-liquids as TINO (Tobacco in Name Only).

Seriously, as much as I love California, 99% of the pizza here is dreadful (from a New Yorker's perspective). On the plus side, the Mexican food is fantastic. It almost makes up for the crap pizza.


Vaping Master
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Aug 28, 2009
Ringling Brothers Circus
Is it weird to watch CSI Miami episode about roller derby girls and think of akaTina whooping those evil troll's butts?

Forget it... I have watched more... we gotta find Tina a safer hobby! LOL! Skate faster Tina! Get away! Elbow!!!

haha! sheesh, I am talking to myself :p

He one guy says, 'OMG! That's the sexiest, scariest thing I have ever seen' =]
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Super Member
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Mar 3, 2013
Lisa, for great easy pizza I buy a frozen "THIN CRUST" Freschetta Harvest Supreme Deluxe when they're on sale for $5 at Fry's (Kroger). Also get a bag of shredded Italian cheese (2 cups) $1.79. Any Italian cheese blend that has Asiago in it will do. Pre-heat oven 20 degrees higher than you are baking at and turn it to the proper temp after you put pizza in. Salt and pepper then add half of shredded cheese, a little Parmesan, sprinkle of Oregano. Cook a couple minutes longer than recommended, you want it BROWN. Let sit 5 mins. Cut in squares, Better than delivery and under $7. Pizza stones are nice but will crack if you put a frozen pizza on a hot stone. I use cast iron.
The worst thing about pizza joints is most use just Mozzarella, Great pizza has a blend of cheeses and Asiago has to be one. And if you can don't use low moisture skim or low fat mozzerella. Pizza is supposed to be greasy. If the box it's delivered in turns transparent from greasy cheese I know I'm having good pizza for dinner.
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Vaping Master
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Feb 21, 2013
Dripping Springs, TX
Congratulations boardopboy! That was very kind of glassmanoak.

Have a safe and happy weekend everybody. Over the years I've lost close friends to drunk drivers on this Holiday, so it's a memorial of different sorts in my world. There's a lot of idiots out there. Don't be one, and watch out for the rest of them.


ECF Veteran
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Sep 19, 2012
Castle Grayskull
Vapin' in the sun...



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 10, 2012
I am going to close this thread now.
I will be opening a new contest thread momentarily.
Thanks to the generosity of lisancentraltx I will be awarding $10 Gift Certificates for the next severakl weeks.
Once things get back to normal I will again be giving away a Free Tank, and most likely I'll have some Gift Certificates to be awarded as seonf place prizes!
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