Valley View Vapes Hang Out Thread!

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Mar 3, 2013
Eh, I won my court case... so what do I care about the psycho clowns =] As of TODAY, I am going to enjoy my last week on days, then I am going to nights and getting Emmy back into her preferred routine, I am paying off my little & big charges, and then I will be putting some money away for a couple of large ticket items that I have been considering. If it gets crazy I will expect the others on nights to do their part to report the issues as well as me - many complain, but few have reported as I have.

I am too happy to worry about this now =] Soooooooooooo - Take out this weekend! Who has a favorite take out joint!?!?!? Pizza! Tell me your favorites! And NOT the magnificent pizzerias in NY :/ I am in Texas :p

Rosati's is the best. Origin is Chicago, but they have 4 locations in Texas. If one is near you I highly recommend them. I'm very fussy about my pizza.


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Mar 3, 2013
A MAGNIFICENT DAY to the wife and yourself! Give her our <3 and well wishes!!!

/I dunno about Ohio being the pizza capital of the world... me thinks that would be Italy... or NY LOL

Again......"PIZZA IS NOT FROM ITALY"...... Chicago Pizza is best, thin crust, cut in squares. I know, my last name ends with an A

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Mar 3, 2013
If you aren't in an absolutely awful job (or changing to a field you are less skilled in) don't do any sort of noticeable pay cut. Last time I did that I took a 40% pay cut to go to a field I was insanely interested in, at a friend's research/startup company. (Lots of grants, etc.) I spent a year in that field, learned nothing about it - even the basics - and when I went back to my 10+ year career it took 7 years to get back to my original salary..

If you are staying in your field, and they are really interested, it isn't hard to fight for a lateral move. (Even on fixed-price contracts, they can find a way.)

As far as reporting it, just like your court case - grab your docs showing they aren't doing anything and go to a higher authority. (Also remember that most places can fire you for jobhunting, so this may be either-or.. if you want to stay, take it higher. If you don't care, then leave and send it in after..)

I just recently took a $25000/yr decrease. I don't regret it too much, my life is better (more life in my life). But I miss buying stuff I want and don't need.
Hear is my latest want that probably won't ever be a have.

Hannigan Sidecar.jpg

I am considering selling my car to buy it. I ride my bike 99% of the time and I want this so I can take Bella with me on rides and camping. Plus it's so PRETTY!!!!!! :hubba:


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Mar 3, 2013
HA! You had an emoticon NOT WORK! The first time I have seen that!!!! It is CRAZY BUSY NOW!!! OMG! The masses are coming in for weekend movies!

Have to get some things done away from the desk and then I head home! Everyone be safe and have a magnificent weekend!

Pizza not made in Italy? This is true?!?!?! I have been told about pizza vendors selling by the slice in Italy, melt in your mouth delicious pizza... who started pizza then?!?!?!?

Some Italian people that lived in New York. Mostly Italian ingrediants like seasonings and cheese but the only similar thing in italy was bread with some sauce on it. And that originated in Greece. I think they called it Hearth Bread. They made it on the fireplace hearth. Only one food was truely invented in Italy. No not pasta.


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Mar 3, 2013
Well, the kids at work said they preferred Pizza Hut, so I had them deliver... TBH I like their pasta and chicken wings WITH BONES, but the pizza... mmmm, I prefer Dominoes pizza. I remember Pizza Hut pizza being better in college :/ Regardless, I don't have to cook all weekend :p

Thats cause you were drinking pitcher after pitcher of Pizza Hut Beer.


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Mar 3, 2013
I went to post the same thing about italy and pizza, but lo and behold the modern-style pizza did come roughly from Italy, back during the Roman empire (sans tomato sauce of course).. and again after the explorers to the new world brought back tomatoes..

I just wish I lived near this place again. Although I turned down epic pizza tonight because I didn't want to go downtown..

It was the Greek Hearth Bread that didn't have sauce and the Italians added the sauce to it. A couple of Dagos in NY created what we know and love today. The food Network did a history of Pizza show a few years ago. The Italians were famous for taking foods from surrounding countries and improving them but they only get credit for inventing one food.
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Apr 10, 2012
The first Random Number generated was #36... Ray himself!

I figured he would rather have someone else win, so I picked another Random Number

That's so funny! When you told me you were going to award a Gift Certificate my first thought would be that I would win it. LOL
And yes, you made the right call :)


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Apr 10, 2012
Please excuse my whining...

I am SOOOOOOO tired of hurting. Going stir crazy from boredom, the meds are keeping my brain in a fogged condition where I'm lucky if I can hold a thought long enough to spit it out and despite all that, the pain still won't let me sleep. About every 3-4 days I pass out from sheer exhaustion and catch a few hours sleep.

Been trying to read a book but I keep nodding off. When I nod off, my brain just keeps right on making up the story line so when I wake I have no idea what the heck I was reading and what was a dream. That's kind of funny though, but sure makes it a weird book.

Thank God I married a wonderful woman, she's been basically waiting on me hand and foot so I don't have to move around any more than necessary. I'm even having to use a walker.


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Aug 28, 2009
Ringling Brothers Circus
Please excuse my whining...

I am SOOOOOOO tired of hurting. Going stir crazy from boredom, the meds are keeping my brain in a fogged condition where I'm lucky if I can hold a thought long enough to spit it out and despite all that, the pain still won't let me sleep. About every 3-4 days I pass out from sheer exhaustion and catch a few hours sleep.

Been trying to read a book but I keep nodding off. When I nod off, my brain just keeps right on making up the story line so when I wake I have no idea what the heck I was reading and what was a dream. That's kind of funny though, but sure makes it a weird book.

Thank God I married a wonderful woman, she's been basically waiting on me hand and foot so I don't have to move around any more than necessary. I'm even having to use a walker.

HANG IN THERE RAY!!! I feel for you, Hon! :'( I hope it gets easier on you with surgery, meds, or whatever they can do <3

I had a long, stupid day. I cleaned the house as well as possible given the lack of time, prepped the chicken to be smoked, chopped wood, and then it started to rain. I had to go back to the store and buy a completely new menu of food for my guests. Still no sleep or "me" time. I won't be able to do any work outside this weekend since it still hasn't stopped raining, so I am going to be able to "waste" all the time I want. That's a mixed "blessing", but I'll take it.

I finally got around to posting the cookies: a baker's dozen of lemon cookies with lemon icing. The rest are packed in a box.
Just sour enough to make your face pucker a bit. Coffee and a vape included, it was pretty early when I took the picture.


Wow! Those are beautiful! Schnarph, you going to have to get some 'me time' for yourself before you fall out!

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