Vaping as a weightloss aid?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2013
I am a non smoker, never been a smoker.
A friend of mine has a eGo vaporiser thingy and I had a puff and some of the flavours are amazing!

As a chubby person myself, it got me thinking that a lot of snacking that is done is because of craving something sweet. So I thought about buying myself one of these, with nicotine free (No nicotine because I don't want a un needed addiction), so when I have a craving that would leed to picking up a sweet, have a puff of a nice sweet flavour ... I would get my sweet fix, but without calories or putting on weight.

What do you all think?

Hi! Welcome!

This is a forum where a lot of people are former smokers and pretty much dislike any non-smokers vaping. But it's not their choice. It's yours. Do your research about the effects of vaping and they are relatively minimal. If all you want is the flavor, suck the vapor in but don't inhale and all your inhalation worries are over. If you decide to try vaping for weight loss, try it. It isn't unheard of and I have seen posts from smokers who use it the same way and they aren't given such a harsh reception. Try it and see if it works for you and good luck!

Living, loving, and laughing all the time!


Full Member
Nov 8, 2013
Hi! Welcome!

This is a forum where a lot of people are former smokers and pretty much dislike any non-smokers vaping. But it's not their choice. It's yours. Do your research about the effects of vaping and they are relatively minimal. If all you want is the flavor, suck the vapor in but don't inhale and all your inhalation worries are over. If you decide to try vaping for weight loss, try it. It isn't unheard of and I have seen posts from smokers who use it the same way and they aren't given such a harsh reception. Try it and see if it works for you and good luck!

Living, loving, and laughing all the time!

So just suck the vapor in but dont breathe it down? Just into the mouth for flavour?


ECF Guru
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Aug 6, 2013
Hi! Welcome!

This is a forum where a lot of people are former smokers and pretty much dislike any non-smokers vaping. But it's not their choice. It's yours. Do your research about the effects of vaping and they are relatively minimal. If all you want is the flavor, suck the vapor in but don't inhale and all your inhalation worries are over. If you decide to try vaping for weight loss, try it. It isn't unheard of and I have seen posts from smokers who use it the same way and they aren't given such a harsh reception. Try it and see if it works for you and good luck!

Living, loving, and laughing all the time!

^ This post said everything I'm thinking. My g/f is a non-smoker such as yourself. She wanted sweets w/O the weight gain so I bought her her own kit; also because I didn't want her feeling mine was community property.
Now when she eats chips she can actually eat a couple and be satisfied as opposed to devouring the entire bag in one sitting.
Vaping hasn't harmed her at all.
Hi! Welcome!

This is a forum where a lot of people are former smokers and pretty much dislike any non-smokers vaping. But it's not their choice. It's yours. Do your research about the effects of vaping and they are relatively minimal. If all you want is the flavor, suck the vapor in but don't inhale and all your inhalation worries are over. If you decide to try vaping for weight loss, try it. It isn't unheard of and I have seen posts from smokers who use it the same way and they aren't given such a harsh reception. Try it and see if it works for you and good luck!

Living, loving, and laughing all the time!

I agree, what you decide to do is your decision. I understand, to a point, why the former smokers don't care for non-smokers vaping, but I personally don't have a problem with it. As for weight-loss, I remember at one point, when struggling with my own weight issues, the thought popped into my head that it sure would be nice if there was a way to taste the flavor of something and not gain the calories from it. So I guess if the snacking on sweet things is what you have an issue with, it might help.

I don't really want to be responsible for telling someone who doesn't smoke to start this up. But IF you do, make sure to go with some nicotine free cartridges so you don't get yourself addicted to that! Plus, you probably wont find throat hit all that fun...but then again, I'm with loislolalane, just don't inhale!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 20, 2012
My neighbor is trying this. She has never smoked and is in her 70's but since I make my own ejuice she wants to try it. So I made her a bottle of juicy peach with no nic for her to play with. Got her a batt and clearo to use. She loves it. Just asked me if I would make her some more. Don't know if we will see weight loss but if she is having fun with it who cares.


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May 7, 2013
Riverside, CA
I am a vaporer and was/is a non-smoker. (I did smoke for many years but its been over 15 years since I quit and I started vaping back in April of this year.)

That said I can without a doubt state that vaping does not take away the urge to eat/snack. Smoking does but vaping hasn't helped in that area IMO. It might help some but it really boils down to how much you want to stop snacking and if you want to subsitute snacking with getting addicted to nicotine.

I should add that as a non smoker when you first start vaping you will find that the nicotine will make you anxious and kinda energized which in turn might mean you snack less but once your body adjusts to the nicotine you will still get hungry as often as you usually did.

I vape @ 18mg and to be honest it doesn't stave off hunger like smoking a cigarette.
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Sep 26, 2013
Friendswood, Texas
I'm also a nonsmoker. I picked up vaping for stress reduction and to try to combat comfort eating during this extremely stressful part of my life. I won't even begin to go into everything that's going on in my life right now, but suffice it to say I was starting to get too heavy. I find that I really, really, REALLY enjoy vaping. It gives me something to do when I'm stressed besides eat. Grab a couple batteries and a handful of cartridges, and go sit out on the porch. Breathe. Relax. Of course I could do it without the vaping, but I didn't.

This got me thinking -- vaping may have some risks. Stuffing yourself full of diet cokes and chewing sugarless gum and sucking on sugarfree Halls all day long to try to keep from snacking is likely WAY worse...or at least just as bad what with all those chemicals you're putting inside yourself. Don't you think?

I think I'm better off vaping. And it's fun. And yummy. :blush:


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Oct 23, 2013
I have heard of people doing this and I diet and it has helped, but I am also a non-smoker for 3 weeks. There are probably risks, but being overweight is also a risky to your health. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it if you are overweight. I read that nicotine lessens the risk of Alzheimers. So for that reason, I may continue to vape with a very low nicotine count on and off when I get to that point. Not yet though, only been doing this for three weeks with no rollies!!! Do your research as some suggested. and good luck with the weight loss for whatever method you choose.

PNW Rider

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Nov 3, 2013
Mukilteo, Wa
of course with everything your mileage may vary BUT personally i would have to have a snack or at least a sweet drink after every cigarette because of the aftertaste. i know a lot of smokers dont act like this but the aftertaste bothered me. i only smoked about 7-8 cigs a day but it still added up to eating when i otherwise would not have. now with vaping i can get a little nicotine here and there and have a pleasant aftertaste that is easily followed by a cold glass of water. water didnt taste good after a cigarette because it accentuated the smoke taste for me. i enjoyed the flavor of my Marlb smooths but not the after taste.
in a weight loss sense nicotine does have the metabolism and appetite effects just the same for me in vaping as it did with cigarettes at about 15-18mgs of nic (i mix varying strengths to really pinpoint my liking.)
nicotine makes me less hungry and now with vaping i do eat less because my snacking has stopped and i have a cessation device that satisfies both types of cravings and tastes good.
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ECF Guru
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Verified Member
Aug 6, 2013
I am a vaporer and was/is a non-smoker. (I did smoke for many years but its been over 15 years since I quit and I started vaping back in April of this year.)

That said I can without a doubt state that vaping does not take away the urge to eat/snack. Smoking does but vaping hasn't helped in that area IMO. It might help some but it really boils down to how much you want to stop snacking and if you want to subsitute snacking with getting addicted to nicotine.

I should add that as a non smoker when you first start vaping you will find that the nicotine will make you anxious and kinda energized which in turn might mean you snack less but once your body adjusts to the nicotine you will still get hungry as often as you usually did.

I vape @ 18mg and to be honest it doesn't stave off hunger like smoking a cigarette.

Who said anything about nicotine. The OP clearly said "with nicotine free (No nicotine because I don't want a un needed addiction)."

evan le'garde

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2013
I am a non smoker, never been a smoker.
A friend of mine has a eGo vaporiser thingy and I had a puff and some of the flavours are amazing!

As a chubby person myself, it got me thinking that a lot of snacking that is done is because of craving something sweet. So I thought about buying myself one of these, with nicotine free (No nicotine because I don't want a un needed addiction), so when I have a craving that would leed to picking up a sweet, have a puff of a nice sweet flavour ... I would get my sweet fix, but without calories or putting on weight.

What do you all think?

If a person eats and doesn't exercise then they put on weight. Eating sweets in addition to eating 3 meals a day and no exercise means gaining even more weight. Eating 3 meals a day and vaping instead of eating sweets plus no exercise means a person puts on weight. And it doesn't matter if it's carbs, fat or protein it all turns to fat if a person doesn't burn it off. A person could eat sweets all day instead of 3 meals a day and there would be no difference. I don't think vaping is going to help a person to lose weight. It might slow down weight gain though if it stops a person from eating fatty, sugary foods. Controlling/counting the daily intake of calories and out weighing them with daily activities would help a person gain control of their weight. A persons body burns calories just digesting food, breathing, even sleeping, but not many. Even drinking liquids can confuse the bathroom scale. How much weight would the scale tell you you've gained if you've drunk 2 or 3 pints of say orange squash that day ?. Do you read nutritional information on the packaging of the things you eat ?. You could eat something that has little to no fat in it but is still 400 hundred calories for example a large low fat bag of potato chips, we call them crisps. It takes a lot of exercise just to burn that off. Eating zero fat yogurt isn't going to stop a person from gaining weight if they don't exercise either, it's calories that make a person fat, it's not exclusively fat that does it. EVERYTHING WE EAT TURNS TO FAT IF IT ISN'T BURNED OFF !.
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Full Member
Nov 8, 2013
If a person eats and doesn't exercise then they put on weight. Eating sweets in addition to eating 3 meals a day and no exercise means gaining even more weight. Eating 3 meals a day and vaping instead of eating sweets plus no exercise means a person puts on weight. And it doesn't matter if it's carbs, fat or protein it all turns to fat if a person doesn't burn it off. A person could eat sweets all day instead of 3 meals a day and there would be no difference. I don't think vaping is going to help a person to lose weight. It might slow down weight gain though if it stops a person from eating fatty, sugary foods. Controlling/counting the daily intake of calories and out weighing them with daily activities would help a person gain control of their weight. A persons body burns calories just digesting food, breathing, even sleeping, but not many. Even drinking liquids can confuse the bathroom scale. How much weight would the scale tell you you've gained if you've drunk 2 or 3 pints of say orange squash that day ?. Do you read nutritional information on the packaging of the things you eat ?. You could eat something that has little to no fat in it but is still 400 hundred calories for example a large low fat bag of potato chips, we call them crisps. It takes a lot of exercise just to burn that off. Eating zero fat yogurt isn't going to stop a person from gaining weight if they don't exercise either, it's calories that make a person fat, it's not exclusively fat that does it. EVERYTHING WE EAT TURNS TO FAT IF IT ISN'T BURNED OFF !.

But like I said, this would only be an aid for me, it would be combined with a healthy active lifestyle and healthy diet ...


Senior Member
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Nov 9, 2013
I think vaping is just as good for a non smoker as a smoker. And based off what your said if it really comes down to you just wanting the sweet taste. I think this would be a excellent way to do that. Never though of it before but if you do try it write back on how it worked because it could be a big help for other people in the same situation

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