vaping in the house with an infant

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back door man

Full Member
Dec 27, 2010
I'll usually vape in my office after my daughter goes to sleep. I close my door, and she's a good 20 feet down the hall. My wife caught me recently, and she went ape ..... I tried to tell her that the amount of nicotine being released into the air is an extremely miniscule amount, but she's not buying it, and I have a feeling that she represents the vast, vast majority of people out there. I guess I'm just being selfish when I vape indoors, but I've convinced myself that I'm not putting my child at risk. Am I just delusional, or is my wife being irrational?


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Sep 5, 2010
Honestly as much as I trust vaping and it's little or no effects I still would not around an infant just for safety sake with developing lungs and all. Now on the other side of this I have a 12 yr old daughter who has asthma and she tends to hang around my computer room at home sometimes. She has never once had a problem with being around it and as I was checking out the other day the medication she uses contains PG that she inhales as a vapor. SO that being said as long as you were not hanging around blowing rings around your daughter I feel she would get more problems going out into public than being around the vapor from you. But as we all know if the wife is unhappy, your unhappy! Maybe a better approach would be to show her some of the facts on whats in your vapor and show her that PG is used in many medical applications including topical, oral, and inhalation medications. Sometimes when you put things in perspective and show similarities the message gets across better


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Mar 6, 2011
Maine USA
i have a newborn in the house, and i still vape in the house and my car. i hold my hits for a few seconds, and i always have my window cracked and blow it out like i did cigs. i dont let it blow in her face or around her. im more worried about some liquid on my hands. im always washing my hands and wiping my pvs down with a damp paper towel just to make sure

my girl pretends to care sometimes, but shes just mad she has to go in our back bathroom with the door shut, window open and fan on to smoke haha... she refuses to try anything new, including ecigs. she will take very small quick drags and gags


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Feb 12, 2011
I would print out the studies with the gas chromatography results, hand them to her and tell her she is an idiot - hmmm, I wonder why I am not married. ;)

I would give her the studies, but I would also, as suggested, not be blowing the vapor in the babies face. Furthermore, I would be vaping a lightly flavored, mostly PG juice(low vapor) in the house in this situation to be less confrontational. I would save the 100% VG anchovy-garlic-swamp e-juice for when you are alone or for special occasions. ;)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 21, 2011
since our lungs wont absorb all the nicotine we vape, some of it is bound to get into the air when you exhale. i dont think its a good idea to blow it in a kids face for that reason alone. i do vape in the room when my kids are in and my wife doesnt mind it (much). if you vape 100%VG with decent nic content, do you still get a TH? i love the clouds and need a bit of a TH.


Ultra Member
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Jun 27, 2009
Smith Mt Lake area, Va, USA
Another option would be to use 0 nic stuff in the house if it's the nicotine that she's worried about. PG is in stuff they give infants with asthma to inhale. My son was on a nebulizer when he was a small child and the medicine is in a PG solution that is turned to vapor for them to inhale, so I wouldn't worry about the PG. I would ask her if this is an option she would be happy with, if she is fine with that great, if not don't even bother to argue. Women with first babies are totally irrational about keeping them away from anything they think might be a problem, then they realize how impossible that is and calm down. We go from sterilizing passifiers if they brush a surface to sticking them in our own mouths to clean them if they fall on the floor. Once they start crawling and you realize that you'll go insane if you try to keep them away from everything you either choose to relax or become a basket case. Until she relaxes you have to do what my hubby did and go along with whatever she wants and try to wait to roll your eyes until she isn't looking :).
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