WHO statement on E-cigs.

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Kent C

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Jun 12, 2009
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The WHO is financed by contributions from member states and outside donors. As of 2012, the largest annual assessed contributions from member states came from the United States ($110 million), Japan ($58 million), Germany ($37 million), United Kingdom ($31 million) and France ($31 million).[89] The combined 2012–2013 budget has proposed a total expenditure of $3,959 million, of which $944 million (24%) will come from assessed contributions.

This "24%" is what the WHO likes to put out, but.....

Setting the Record Straight on WHO Funding | Foreign Affairs

To set the record straight: Eighty percent of WHO's budget now comes from governments. For the two-year budget period 2010-11, 53 percent of the voluntary contributions came directly from governments that chose to go beyond what their annual dues require; 21 percent came from other UN bodies (such as UNICEF, UNDP, and UNAIDS) and other multilateral bodies (such as the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization); 18 percent from philanthropic foundations (such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the UN Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation). Of the remainder, seven percent came from nongovernmental organizations, by far the largest of which was Rotary International for work on polio eradication.

And the much of the money from "UN bodies" - Unicef, etc., also come from governments and again, the majority of which is from the US.

We should defund the WHO and the UN and the IMF, the World Bank, and many other 'global interventionist tools' used to squeeze money from the US and offer/suggest regulations to our gov't as this article shows.


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Nov 17, 2013
Orlando, FL
Really bad that they continue to state that the use of fruit/ candy flavours is just targeted at young people - don't older people (I'm 60 years old) have a right to nice flavours? Especially if there's any mileage in using e-cigs as a step towards ceasing smoking, forcing tobacco-only flavours just keeps a strong link to actual cigarettes rather than encouraging a move away!

Yeah because watermelon jolly rancher vodka is totally targeted at "old" committed drinkers!
I have read through The WHO statement, at least that's what I thought I was reading through. When I'd finished I had this strange feeling of déjà vu. Like I was sure that I'd read sentences and opinions very very similar to those in the The WHO's statement before. Like in research papers and reviews from "Tobacco Control" advocates who take a cynical stance towards of e-cigarettes. For example.:
Grana et al (Circulation) says that:
At a minimum, these studies show that e-cigarette aerosol is not merely “water vapor” as is often claimed in the marketing for these products.

The WHO's statement says that:
In summary, the existing evidence shows that ENDS aerosol is not merely “water vapour” as is often claimed in the marketing for these products.

Interestingly, they haven't even referenced Grana for that part of their statement.

Now of course this may all be pure coincidence but if it isn't then I would expect a major international organisation to have some extent of independent thought and opinion. Of course The WHO's opinions should be influenced by the scientific community and backed up by evidence, but not simply selective regurgitations.
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Jan 16, 2014
Toronto, Ontario
Fundamentally what you are seeing is anti-smoking organizations are themselves now big enough and with enough interests that they perpetuate themselves out of pure survival. Now they can build a campaign around vaping.

The first unstated rule of any organization is to perpetuate their own existence and agenda. You can appeal all you want to rationality and logic, but those strategies are useless in this case because they're not interested in truth, as with BT, they are interested in ongoing revenue.

Follow the money people.


Wandering life's highway
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Aug 11, 2011

Since WHO has NO defense to their ludicrous lies, etc., they went after our Mr. Clive Bates by threatening legal action! :blink:

Here is the story and response by Dr. Carl Phillips:

WHO responds to criticism over e-cigarettes with attempted censorship | Anti-THR Lies and related topics

I don't know what to say to this right now, except that EVERYBODY should post this article via FB, Twitter, etc., as much as possible!


Ultra Member
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Jan 26, 2013
Seattle area
Since WHO has NO defense to their ludicrous lies, etc., they went after our Mr. Clive Bates by threatening legal action! :blink:

Here is the story and response by Dr. Carl Phillips:

WHO responds to criticism over e-cigarettes with attempted censorship | Anti-THR Lies and related topics

I don't know what to say to this right now, except that EVERYBODY should post this article via FB, Twitter, etc., as much as possible!


Otherwise, I'm glad WHO took notice of Clive's criticism and were bothered enough to contact lawyers. It means Clive's words struck a chord and are working to expose the murderous corruption peddled by WHO.


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Mar 6, 2012
Tampa, Florida

Otherwise, I'm glad WHO took notice of Clive's criticism and were bothered enough to contact lawyers. It means Clive's words struck a chord and are working to expose the murderous corruption peddled by WHO.
Let's hope that their response to Clive's article has the Streisand effect. The threat of censorship could draw some attention from people who haven't yet heard of our fight. This action could backfire on them.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I think the real issue is something else. Its like why do you get to have your brain on a stimulant. And I cant. Im too chicken to risk it. So you cant do it either.
While they sit there drinking their caffeine, which is another alkaloid stimulant very similar to nicotine in most respects.
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