Why doesn't BT jump on board?

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Vaping Master
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  • Jul 6, 2015
    Pennsylvania, USA
    I just Don't see BT being able to play a major role in a Free or even Semi-Free e-Cigarette Market.

    I would imagine BT is Fine with Smokers switching to e-Cigarettes. As long as BT is the one Making the Profits off Hardware and e-liquids.

    Vapers will probably Live Longer with Less Desire to Quit.

    Right on brother, well said
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    Resting In Peace
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    Jul 23, 2013
    Bordertown of ProVariland and REOville
    yeah and any time you have greedy and corrupt practices going on all as you have to do is follow the money to see who is responsible...... BT has been corrupt since their inception and they ONLY care about MONEY.......... they certainly don't care about your health lol
    BT are corporations, which by their very nature have zero conscience, their only motivation is a profit for the shareholders, by any means necessary. They do play the long game...think generations wise, they plan to be around for a very long time, and if things do go in vapings favor, they have the capital to buy out many of their competitors. BT ain't goin away in any of our lifetimes, I'd bet money on that...


    Super Member
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    Mar 5, 2015
    Ex-smokers are blaming BT, as if it forced them to buy their product with a gun at their heads.
    Will somebody take a bit more responsibility please? Are you all helpless victims?

    Nope I take full responsibility for buying my first pack of cigarettes and getting addicted. Let's not act like BT isn't corrupt, they purposely blend their tobacco to be as addictive as possible, they placed billboards near schools to influence middle school kids and they put ads in kid shows. They didn't force anybody to smoke they just influenced people to smoke.

    Alien Traveler

    Vaping Master
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    Jul 3, 2014
    United States
    Nope I take full responsibility for buying my first pack of cigarettes and getting addicted. Let's not act like BT isn't corrupt, they purposely blend their tobacco to be as addictive as possible, they placed billboards near schools to influence middle school kids and they put ads in kid shows. They didn't force anybody to smoke they just influenced people to smoke.
    It's all BS. I got addicted on rather pure (and not so good) tobacco, including Indian tobacco. All these tales are just this - long tales, to make those who wants to to feel victimized feel victimized. It's so modern...


    Resting In Peace
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Jul 23, 2013
    Bordertown of ProVariland and REOville
    It's all BS. I got addicted on rather pure (and not so good) tobacco, including Indian tobacco. All these tales are just this - long tales, to make those who wants to to feel victimized feel victimized. It's so modern...
    You are so spot on this hypocracy lol, we all made our choices, and even back in the sixties, it's not like anyone actually thought smoking was good for you. I can clearly remember my uncle calling them coffin nails...yet we went there, of our own accord. The BT companies provided a product, which we were free to choose to partake of...or not. Blame upon...self. it's a novel concept.


    My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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    Apr 16, 2010
    Don't think BT doesn't recognize the consistent decrease in smoking rats in the US. They know within a generation (if not sooner) there will essentially be no market for cigarettes. ...

    That is Don't see. I believe we will see a Decrease in Smoking Rates in the USA. Decreasing at a Decreasing Rate.

    Which will never go below about a 10% Baseline of the Adult Population. Due to the Addictive Nature of Cigarettes. And the continual percentage of Youth who try Smoking.
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    Apr 5, 2013
    I just think some people want something very simple, that works, don't want to do a lot of research, and want a form factor similar to smoking.

    There are a lot of veteran e-cig users who want the very same thing. Many of us are tired of the "hobby" aspect of vaping and just want something simple that consistently works. It's one of the reasons why pod mods are beginning to take off.


    Vaping Master
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    Oct 28, 2011
    Melbourne, Florida
    There are a lot of veteran e-cig users who want the very same thing. Many of us are tired of the "hobby" aspect of vaping and just want something simple that consistently works. It's one of the reasons why pod mods are beginning to take off.

    I agree. Speaking for myself, I'm no where near the 'hobby vaper' I was 3 or 4 years ago. I've found what works for me, and do whatever minimal work I need to in order to maintain.
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    Highly Esteemed Member
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    Sep 15, 2013
    There are a lot of veteran e-cig users who want the very same thing. Many of us are tired of the "hobby" aspect of vaping and just want something simple that consistently works. It's one of the reasons why pod mods are beginning to take off.

    I like to fool with stuff, I use a REO and mess with it a little every day (often to no purpose). I have quit buying new stuff but probably will never stop fooling with My wife and daughter do not, they pick their mods and go. They also start the car and drive with nary a thought.

    Coastal Cowboy

    This aggression will not stand, man!
    ECF Veteran
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    Jun 13, 2013
    Alabama Gulf Coast
    BT cares about one thing, and one thing only: increasing shareholder value. If that means establishing a footprint in the e-cig market, then that is what they'll do, and they'll do it to win.

    They also know their customers very well--a lot better than Halo, JoyeTech and the average Mom n' Pop Shop know theirs.

    The average smoker likes the convenience of buying a pack of whatevers, opening it, flicking the Bic and getting his nic fix. He likes throwing away the remnants. He probably knows he needs to quit. He's probably heard about electronic cigarettes as an alternative. But he's probably not interested in something that does away with the convenience.

    Most of our smoking brothers and sisters don't want the bother of shopping for a mod, matching it with the right atty, finding the right flavor and nic level of e-juice, acquiring the right batteries, changing (much less building) the coil, priming, filling, cleaning, organizing all the schtuff.

    If it's not convenient, not inexpensive (in his opinion; NOT ours), not easily accessible and not idiot-proof, then it's just not a viable long term alternative. They might try it, but unless they get the bug we got, they'll probably drop it.

    We're hobbyists, enthusiasts, tinkerers and explorers. We're a relatively small part of a huge market and going back to the second paragraph above, BT knows that market better than anyone else.

    After all, they built it.


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    Well, I think that BT's new expansion into the market is that scary looking IQEO-ish thing? I mean, they've invested a not so subtle challenge to E-cigs, and I don't think they want to be associated with e-cigs (much) other than those gas station cigalikes... Why would they? They want to swamp up the market with devices that require a great deal of $$ to refill/reuise, leading to either user going, "This is too expensive, too much trouble..." and going back to smoking (Long game) or the user saying, "Mine breaks all the time, unsatisfying experience," then returning to cigarettes, often without finding a knowledgeable forum and hence a less expensive vape setup and situation.

    BT doesn't want that, they want you to buy their stupid heat sticks inside what looks like a glue gun. I refuse to even try one, I have no interest in your offerings anymore, BT. And, I do not need you anymore, I have what I need for a LONG time, and still some time to figure out my favorite RTA/RTDA, so.... You know, cover your bases with your vuse and your Juul but that customer will NOT be me, and I'm in this for the long haul.... Sorry. I've made it my life mission to smoke cheaply but happily, and I'm certainly not invested in trying more of your "products" I have tried them all. Nicely done on the addiction front, but otherwise, BT, I'm not too thrilled with you.... :)



    Vaping Master
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    Jul 30, 2015
    ON. Canada
    Many of us are tired of the "hobby" aspect of vaping
    There's a lot of this going on in the sub-ohm crowd it just isn't being publicized by them, a lot of people are realizing it's not always about the clouds and are using simple that don't require much maintenace devices in some situations like when they are out for the day in conjunction with sub-ohm at home which is sort of what I do but I'm not the average vaper.. Pre-made coils also have come a long way, we're starting to see simple pen devices like those new vapeonly ones that can handle high VG juice now for those who have allergies to PG it means they can use a that style of device as well.

    I'm a tech junkie, I studied hardware engineering not as a profession more or less as a hobby because it's something I enjoy, I had full sets of electronic repair tools kits and testing equipment before I got into vaping I was a flashlight junkie as well, I already had 18650 chargers, high amp batteries because I understood them and wanted to use the best so for me the hobby aspect of it is pretty much the only thing keeping me vaping these days, I've gone without nicotine, back to nicotine, without, higher MG lower MG and back, I do like nicotine but honestly if I didn't have the hobby aspect of vaping I think I'd probably give up on nicotine except on occasion. Eventually I'd love to manufacture Canadian Made mods on a significant scale but at this point I'd need an investor.
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    Super Member
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    Mar 5, 2015
    It's all BS. I got addicted on rather pure (and not so good) tobacco, including Indian tobacco. All these tales are just this - long tales, to make those who wants to to feel victimized feel victimized. It's so modern...

    So I suppose the lawsuits we're just made up? All those ads in kid shows were just fabricated and never actually happened? I not once said I was victim of bt, all I'm saying is bt isn't the best example of a morale company. It's like a person that sells, begins with an h, yes the buyer is a ..... and has only themselves to blame but the seller is also a piece of crap that should serve jailtime. I'm a libertarian, the whole victim card lawsuit thing is a joke to me.

    Alien Traveler

    Vaping Master
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    Jul 3, 2014
    United States
    So I suppose the lawsuits we're just made up? All those ads in kid shows were just fabricated and never actually happened? I not once said I was victim of bt, all I'm saying is bt isn't the best example of a morale company. It's like a person that sells, begins with an h, yes the buyer is a ..... and has only themselves to blame but the seller is also a piece of crap that should serve jailtime. I'm a libertarian, the whole victim card lawsuit thing is a joke to me.
    OK. You are a victim of BT. As you wish.
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