Wife Really Impressed me today

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ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Fontana, CA
So, back at the doc's office today for a wellness check (yeah, my BP has been ever so slightly above norms) - first time I've seen my primary care physician since last July when I do my annual physical - doc asks me, "how's the smoking coming along?" and I promptly told her I was analog free for, wow, 2 months now? (how time flies!)

My wife promptly whipped out her Bloog, showed the doc, named the ingredients and began puffing on it in front of the doc to show her how this e-ciggy works! "It's water vapor!" she told the doc. LOL!

Doc was impressed, claimed to know NOTHING about e-cig tech, and after a brief spiel on Chantix - withdrew and began asking questions.

Don't know how this will play out, doc promised to introduce this to the Kaiser Permanente cessation team - so, looking good!

Too cool!


Vaping Master
Supporting Member
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Verified Member
Aug 27, 2010
That is great!

What always surprises me is how quickly the doctors are to recommend drugs with such a potential for side effects, but know little to nothing about PV's. Our family doc never heard of them either. Maybe PV companies will one day have representatives with those rolling brief cases to leave samples like big pharma does. Of course that could be another case of "Can open, worms everywhere."


PV Master
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Mar 23, 2010
Homeish now
You might consider emailing your Doc a follow up with a bunch of the studies done. Like the one from Boston UNI
If he/she does look into this they will likely find some of the negative "studies" like the FDA one, and the recent one from san diego uni.
Just to make sure they see the good ones as well. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Fontana, CA
You might consider emailing your Doc a follow up with a bunch of the studies done. Like the one from Boston UNI

LOL! That's exactly what I did!!! I gave her a link to Dr. Siegel's recently released report to the Journal of Public Health for reference, and copied her on the link to the webcast Siegal put on last nite at VapersPlace --too funny.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Fontana, CA
Hope all checked out well and happy to hear the Doc was interested in the vaping. Let's hope the cessation team is as open minded and that they have not been poluted by the FDA retoric!

Hey Liv -> everything checked out aok, bp is 120/80. As far as the cessation team - perhaps I may even visit them time permitting. But, at a bare minimum, Kaiser now has a known vaper amongst them and they'll be able to monitor the effects first-hand!


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2009
Somerset, Kentucky, United States
Nice! My wife showed our doctor her 901 a few months back and he's been recommending them to his smoking patients. He was elated that she was off analogs. He's tried on many occasions to get her to stop smoking. Chantix did nothing for her smoking. It just made her have crazy dreams and sleepwalk all over the house.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2011
Until last week, I had recommended Chantix to several people. It worked well for both myself and my wife. It worked so well for me, I got cocky several months after I quit and started smoking again (I missed it so much) knowing that I could quit again fairly easily with Chantix. As it turned out, I was right. I smoked again for a few months and then pretty easily quit again using Chantix. For me, the bad dream issue was alleviated just by not taking a tablet right before bedtime.

Now, obviously, I would recommend vaping. I am probably in the small minority here in that I started vaping while not being a smoker. Even though I hadn't had a cigarette in more than two years, I always missed being a nicotine addict.
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