Worst industry standards I have ever seen

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Vaping Master
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May 6, 2012
Waikiki Hawaii
Do they? It does happen but is it really the norm?

Right because everyone knows that when you first start vaping and jump on ECF the first thing you look for is who the best vendors are. Most people already know what the difference in batteries are, what the MAHs are for, what OHMs mean, what the different threading are, what's the difference between PG and VG and how they affect the vape, what cartridges, cartos, clearos, and tanks are and what VV and VW is. Most people know all that so of course they jump right on ECF to figure out what vendors carry legitimate types of these products"


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Nov 26, 2012
st louis
My biggest problem is that it seems like almost all the venders have had some junky stuff at times. I see a post from someone saying " I get all my stuff from x, and have never gotten anything bad ". Then I do a search on ecf and find people who have gotten junk from them. I know alot of negative reviews are silly, but some do have merit. I dont "really" trust any vender for hardware purchases. I just make the best educated guess, only buy brands I know and like, and hope for the best.
Now, for me, juice is a different story.


Senior Member
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Dec 14, 2012
Do they? It does happen but is it really the norm?

I am sorry I was being condescending in that post. I know it's the wrong way to communicate and I appologize. I was just trying to make the point to TJ that I have been vaping for roughly a month and there is a plethora of information to learn that the fact that apparently the market is flooded with knock offs and ripoffs never even crossed my mind. I never saw that chart with those vendors or maybe I wouldn't have had a reason to start this post.
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Vaping Master
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May 6, 2012
Waikiki Hawaii
Ahhh OK - that makes more sense and I agree with you that most folk come in looking for that beginners' info. Any time you have a question, we'll all put our heads together to come up with some possible solutions.

I am sorry I was being condescending in that post. I know it's the wrong way to communicate and I appologize. I was just trying to make the point to that poster that I have been vaping for roughly a month and there is a plethora of information to learn. Never saw that chart with those vendors or maybe I wouldn't have had a reason to start this post.


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Dec 26, 2012
New York
I see a post from someone saying " I get all my stuff from x, and have never gotten anything bad ". Then I do a search on ecf and find people who have gotten junk from them.

That's true.. There's a lot of reputable retailers out-there but they order their products in bulk.

Bulk product suppliers will most likely use tactics like "building trust" then dumping batches of defective material sitting in their warehouses to these suppliers from time to time. This is done by a lot of bulk suppliers with almost all kinds of products.

As I mentioned before in other threads, there was a time when we only had nameless devices/accessories to use. Right now there's a handful of manufacturers' -some American- we can trust, and receive good customer-support, and 1 year warranty (as is the case with the Provari).

With such manufactures in existence, I think we should all steer away from the "junk", and support better companies by purchasing from them. This would literally clean-up the PV industry from what's causing all of us a lot of headaches (and lost $$$).


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
Classy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~

OK. Has anyone considered the growth rate of this industry, the # of new products coming out, and (I admit/experience) the low QC of this stuff?

On the one hand, the mass production keeps the costs down. On the other, the QC tends to out the door sometimes. I still don't know of answers from the OP on the labeling and type of cartos and whether it was a "fire sale of junk...take your chances" kind of thing.

We can engage in misc-unidentified-carto bashing all day long. If I was a vendor I'd have problems with having to take back opened/used cartos. Particularly if I thought they'd been vaped and put back (NOT saying the OP was doing this. Just a concern for the vendor).

OTOH...if they had 10 out of 10 cartos (estimated since 5 are unopened) be bad...I'd have to give free shipping and maybe ship some replacements free of charge or something. At least split the costs or something.

There are laws of merchantability but IDK much about it or how it applies in these cases. Does anyone here know?

Also, seriously, get a multimeter if you don't have one. Vapers should have one. Truly.


Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)
Bad stuff crops up, even with top vendors, including even with truly made in the USA. I've been around long enough, enough vendors, products and places of origin, to appreciate that and have my own list of war stories. Some of the worst pita things were with the absolute cream of the crop, suppliers/manufacturers I still absolutely recommend due to their overall super records.

The top shops do have good cs, follow on care, but even they will fail at times for any given user. They employ actual people, who sometimes are having a bad day.

I still recommend relatively low end mass produced products often, for people to get their feet wet. What i recommend is rarely the latest sexy stuff, since it almost all has issues at first (including the good items from manufacturers who do actual beta testing before release, as sometimes their own sub component suppliers hose them). Use a few relatively low cost things for a couple months, then kick it up with higher end gear over time.

Anyone remember the butcher job that lead up to the CEx carto series, late 2010? That was a hoot, as people tried to figure out what version any given carto was :) End of the day it has been hugely successful , but my was there a lot of angst back in the day. I stuck with Boge cartos then, it was their period of great consistency.


Ultra Member
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Aug 12, 2012
Right because everyone knows that when you first start vaping and jump on ECF the first thing you look for is who the best vendors are. Most people already know what the difference in batteries are, what the MAHs are for, what OHMs mean, what the different threading are, what's the difference between PG and VG and how they affect the vape, what cartridges, cartos, clearos, and tanks are and what VV and VW is. Most people know all that so of course they jump right on ECF to figure out what vendors carry legitimate types of these products.

I guess it's easier to blame the consumer with no protection than the vendor ripping people off. Thanks for that chart though and I am glad to see myfreedomsmokes on there as they are local and will get all my hardware business for now on. I guess it's just people putting out crap to money grab from newbies. Again that will hurt the industry. Live and learn I guess.

Also think I got a 90 day warranty on the Evic.

Lastly the Provari is only $50 more if you have batteries and a charger already. Otheriwse it is at least
$80+ more out the door.

Couldn't agree more. I truly understand. And, in my case, the vendor I purchased from is indeed an official Joyetech vendor and I bought Joyetech atomizers and they still are often junk. You bought what you thought was going to be a decent clearomizer product and it was not. So why should it be all on the shoulders of the consumer? The vendors need to push back to the suppliers and manufacturers they purchase from. If they don't have to take it in the shorts, they aren't as likely to give pushback to them. Maybe I've lived a sheltered life, but I really haven't experienced being a consumer in an industry where there is so much bad product, where you don't have much recourse to get better product or your money back, especially with these type of items. Because even the so-called better manufacturers of these items also put out a lot of substandard product.


Senior Member
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Dec 14, 2012
So why should it be all on the shoulders of the consumer? The vendors need to push back to the suppliers and manufacturers they purchase from. If they don't have to take it in the shorts, they aren't as likely to give pushback to them.

This exactly. I understand the vendors part but the supplier mass produced it and sold it for a profit, the vendor bought it in bulk and sells it to the consumer for their profit, so in my case I get 10 clearos that are clearly off and the supplier/vendor is taking my money to the bank while I am left to stare at $35 worth of plastic junk. As consumers we should be able to go to the vendor and get our money back if it is clearly defected and as the vendor they should be able to take it to the supplier and get their money back.

I will note however they did offer to take back the 5 unopened. They did do that so again half of it minus return shipping that I am losing is on my shoulders. As a newbie though I was afraid that I was just dumb and wasn't doing it right so I tried a couple of them and even tried to vape with one (thank goodness I have a syringe so I didn't waste my juice). Now I guess if I buy 10 of something and open one and it's off the other nine go back immediately lol.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
Oh come on. I've got two words for you even with all-American stuff: Fast Food.

How often do you get a burger that even remotely resembles the picture or is, in reality, that great fantastic beef burg? Really?

Some are better than others...but you get the idea. Any mass-produced ultra-low cost stuff gets the quality shaft. Overall, the technology you're playing with today would have cost 10x or 100x a decade or two ago. There are trade-offs though.

Do you really thing all these are made by someone's grandma with loving care? You can get hand-crafted PVs and such. Shell out mega-bucks for it if you want. Most find that there's a price/performance ratio that the mass population accepts.

I agree that the 2.0 stuff should be near 2.0 ohms and that QC checks should be there. I'm rather suspicious that they are that far off. Either mislabeled, mis-tested by user, or ... just-wow bad. Still, you can't be that shocked unless it's a regular occurrence. Then switch vendors.


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Nov 26, 2012
st louis
Couldn't agree more. I truly understand. And, in my case, the vendor I purchased from is indeed an official Joyetech vendor and I bought Joyetech atomizers and they still are often junk. You bought what you thought was going to be a decent clearomizer product and it was not. So why should it be all on the shoulders of the consumer? The vendors need to push back to the suppliers and manufacturers they purchase from. If they don't have to take it in the shorts, they aren't as likely to give pushback to them. Maybe I've lived a sheltered life, but I really haven't experienced being a consumer in an industry where there is so much bad product, where you don't have much recourse to get better product or your money back, especially with these type of items. Because even the so-called better manufacturers of these items also put out a lot of substandard product.

Could not agree more. I have accepted this fact, but I dont have to like it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 14, 2012
How often do you get a burger that even remotely resembles the picture or is, in reality, that great fantastic beef burg? Really?

But imagine if you ordered a hamburger and they gave you an empty cup instead and said sorry that's on you not us.

I agree that the 2.0 stuff should be near 2.0 ohms and that QC checks should be there. I'm rather suspicious that they are that far off. Either mislabeled, mis-tested by user, or ... just-wow bad.

Valid question because I am new but it isn't rocket science. I put it on my Evic and it pops up what the OHMs are.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
But imagine if you ordered a hamburger and they gave you an empty cup instead and said sorry that's on you not us.


Yeah dude. I totally understand your being torqued. I'm just shocked at some of the long (not your) rants and the shock people have. I guess I'm not surprised as easily anymore. That may be "my bad" in that I lowered my expectations. Or maybe it's that I don't mind taking chances sometimes if the costs are low as along as it doesn't kill me. That last part is the trick. ;)

So...I think the vendor should come back to you with something better for a resolution. IMO.


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Nov 17, 2012
Niagara Falls NY
I think it boils down, you get what you pay for. I make purchases based on price and sometimes I get burned. If we all could afford to buy top of the line equipment it would solve alot of the problems. What we need to do as a group, demand more from our suppliers. Remember we are the only target group, so if we sit back and say nothing its only our fault.


Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)
Doesn't explain the variability, but I have personally run into just plain wrong ohms. This is with cartos that are absolutely excellent, but they are individually wrapped, difference in ohms isn't obvious just looking at them, and a human error occurred, lr product put in an sr bin. Vendor acknowledged it was a whoops, made good on the whole batch though I had opened several and let them know I was good with just swapping unopened. Since I use vv, just decrease the voltage for the lr, I wasn't going to lose any sleep over it.

I'm a huge fan of that supplier, they are really solid :)


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Oct 30, 2012
Clayton, NC
Welcome to capitalism :).

The best suggestion here was to buy 1 or 2 of something new to try it out first. I usually do 2 rounds of 2 before I start buying a lot of something just in case I got a good batch. Also check reviews on the products and if you have a bad experience with a product/vendor let others know.

Friend who owns a vape shop gave me an eVic for free, used it while hanging out and gave it back before I left. Felt kind of flimsy compared to my other mods and I told him I probably wouldn't ever use it and he should either sell it or raffle it at a vape meet.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 14, 2012
Hey, good call on the ECBlends, bet your satisfied with them!Great company, not a shill, just literally pouring some Fox Mocha Nut in my Mini-Nova as we speak.

Most definitely. Every flavor. My Chocalate/Strawberry cake makes my mouth water while vaping it. Even though I got small bottles letting my 2 dragons and RY4 steep before really getting to those plus I need some new clearos :laugh:

Friend who owns a vape shop gave me an eVic for free, used it while hanging out and gave it back before I left. Felt kind of flimsy compared to my other mods and I told him I probably wouldn't ever use it and he should either sell it or raffle it at a vape meet.

Tell him I will give him $50 for it if it's the starter kit and I will take Joyetech or Ovale ;)

Or maybe it's that I don't mind taking chances sometimes if the costs are low as along as it doesn't kill me. That last part is the trick.

It doesn't kill me financially otherwise I probably would send back the stuff for a whopping $15 back. Like I said I guess it's myfreedoomsmokes for me for now on. They are on that list and 15 minutes from my house so I can pick up from there and save shipping. I know I am dumb and probably could have done it the first time. I feel dumb. I notice today I could have bought from him for like $5 more. Live and learn. I am over it but it still just ticks me off that these vendors can just sell defective products and take no responsibility :(

And my :vapor: continues. Also everybody on this forum rocks :toast:
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