Yet another IGO-W/MVP 2.0 combination issue

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ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2014
Westchester, NY
Up until this, I've been rocking it on an AeroTank Mega. I was able to use the stock coils (not the enclosed ones - I use the older ones that still have exposed wicks). I replaced the silica/fiberglass/whatever those were, with organic cotton and it pretty much produced the most vapor AND flavor I'd ever vaped as far as a tank went.

However, with all the hype around RBA's and how you can't beat the vapor and flavor of those, I picked up an IGO-W and sat it on my MVP 2.0.

As far as "cloud chasing" and "sub ohming" (what sub ohming? on this battery anyway) it hasn't been meeting my expectations. It's not bad, but it hasn't been outperforming my AT Mega at all. (right now the AT Mega still performs better, if anything)

My first build/attempt was a dual micro coil, 30 guage Kanthal, 8 wraps around a bit screwdriver (approximately 1/16th inch or 2 mm's - yeah, that's what my ruler measured). It came out to about 0.9 ohms between the two microcoils, and after enough reading around I figured that due to amp limits, even 11 watts on my MVP wasn't going to do much good on this low of a resistance.

Today I tried a higher resistance dual coil and it averages out 1.5 ohms (oddly enough if the coils are cold it'll start off at 3-4 ohms, but after the initial fire it drops to 1.8 and then 1.5). 12 wraps each micro. One coil blazes up instantly on a dry fire, dual coils take infinitely longer to heat up.

(I should also add, I removed the first O-ring on the IGO-W's base - the top cap was just too hard to press on and take off until I did that, and now it's much easier. It doesn't leak, though - I tested by plugging the airholes and taking a draw. Couldn't do it.)

I did the whole procedure with winding and torching while under compression with tweezers, and even realized I was positioning the airholes (which are tiny to begin with on an IGO-W) right over the coils - those should be high enough above the deck to be above the airholes, silly me - and no matter what, despite the fact that I won't be able to output the plumes of vapor, I find that the flavor probably still isn't up to it's full potential.

It gets more complicated because based on what I've read, 11 watts at a lower voltage and ohms resistance isn't the same as 11 watts at a higher voltage and resistance - one consumes more amps than the other and I have to respect the MVP 2.0's 3.5 amp limit. Even so, I still felt like I should be within the amp limits (Unless I'm wrong).

Someone help me out here - what am I doing wrong? I know there's a limit to using an MVP 2.0 with a dripper, but I feel like I haven't even reached halfway to that point.


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Verified Member
Jan 30, 2014
Winter Park, FL, USA
Honestly, IMO - you're never going to do any dripper justice with the MVP. For me, RDAs don't really shine until you get below 1 ohm and throw them on a mech mod - either that or vape them on one of the 30, 60 (or higher) watt box mods out there. Also, (this is also my opinion of course), building a dripper with anything smaller than 26 gauge is not even worth it. All of my RDAs are built with 20, 22 or 24.

As always, be sure to use safe batteries and equipment when sub-ohm'ing...

PS - I'm not knocking the MVP2 - I have one - I just never use any of my RBAs or RDAs on's just not where they shine at all.

PPS - I would also highly recommend either drilling out the airholes on your IGO - or getting an aftermarket cap for it with AFC...


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Try single coil.
Low powered devices perform better with single coils, also those holes gonna need drilled out to prolly 1/16th before you get what your looking ffor.

As for watts/voltage amps and what not.
You can only adjust either voltage or watts not both at same time.
Watts=volts x volts/ohm
So a 2ohm coil at 4v is pushing 8w, equally a 2ohm coil at 10w is using 4.47v
As for amps I can never remember that part if equation lol so I use an ohmslaw app.

But yeah try single coil, and bigger airholes and use an ohmslaw calculater to keep your amps in check



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2014
Westchester, NY
Honestly, IMO - you're never going to do any dripper justice with the MVP. For me, RDAs don't really shine until you get below 1 ohm and throw them on a mech mod - either that or vape them on one of the 30, 60 (or higher) watt box mods out there. Also, (this is also my opinion of course), building a dripper with anything smaller than 26 gauge is not even worth it. All of my RDAs are built with 20, 22 or 24.

As always, be sure to use safe batteries and equipment when sub-ohm'ing...

PS - I'm not knocking the MVP2 - I have one - I just never use any of my RBAs or RDAs on's just not where they shine at all.

PPS - I would also highly recommend either drilling out the airholes on your IGO - or getting an aftermarket cap for it with AFC...

Hey, as long as it's not my technique and I know I'm limited with the battery.

Try single coil.
Low powered devices perform better with single coils, also those holes gonna need drilled out to prolly 1/16th before you get what your looking ffor.

As for watts/voltage amps and what not.
You can only adjust either voltage or watts not both at same time.
Watts=volts x volts/ohm
So a 2ohm coil at 4v is pushing 8w, equally a 2ohm coil at 10w is using 4.47v
As for amps I can never remember that part if equation lol so I use an ohmslaw app.

But yeah try single coil, and bigger airholes and use an ohmslaw calculater to keep your amps in check

Ironically after posting this I ripped out the second coil (the one that heated up more slowly - seems I can't get my coils to heat up perfectly even, one always goes faster). I noticed it got hot way quicker, and the vapor was warmer, but I lost flavor.

I know that on a VV/VW, only one can be adjusted. Wattage means the voltage will automatically reduce or increase to maintain watts, but now amps become a factor as well.

The consensus here seems to be that airflow is a factor. I suppose drawing harder won't compensate - oh well. A trip to a B&M tomorrow will be necessary.


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May 4, 2013
Georgia , USA
I use an atomic clone dripper on a MVP, and get fantastic flavors and big clouds. I use a single coil at 1.4 ohms and 9 volts. I tried a dual coil build and it took too long for the coils to heat to get a satisfying vape. Maybe using a single coil on a regulated mod instead of a mech mod is the answer?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2014
Westchester, NY
I use an atomic clone dripper on a MVP, and get fantastic flavors and big clouds. I use a single coil at 1.4 ohms and 9 volts. I tried a dual coil build and it took too long for the coils to heat to get a satisfying vape.

Huzzah, validation!

Maybe using a single coil on a regulated mod instead of a mech mod is the answer?

The diamond coil referenced above looks pretty sick. Even on 11w hopefully that solves my problem.


Full Member
Jul 6, 2014
So I've been rolling with an MVP v2 and a Nautilus which has been great, but the itch needed to be scratched and I ordered some RDAs. I picked up an IGO-W and a EHpro TOBH clone. I also picked up a Clouper cana as pretty much everywhere I read about drippers they say that the 11W max of the MVP isn't enough to make it stand out. Given that I can't say how they compare on the MVP, but I can tell you what they're both like out of the box.

These were my first builds so I wanted it to be simple. I went with ~1.5 ohm single coils on a 7/64 drill bit that I had handy. I made them sit vertically in both attys and wicked them. Juiced them each up and tested them out. I ran each at 20W on the cana with a fresh charge 18650 in case it made a difference.

Out of the box the TOBH clone hands down outperforms the IGO-W by miles. I think it may be all in the airflow, but the removable top cap is handy. I actually closed the airflow to about 1.5 of the 3 holes open and it is just great.

The IGO-W at 20W on the cana does outperform my Nautilus at 9W on the MVP, but not by a ton. I'm gonna try drilling out the air holes on the IGO-W and maybe it'll compare to the TOBH, but as it sits right now I'm thinking I might just order a couple more TOBH's to have around.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2014
Westchester, NY
I got the holes drilled out and that REALLY made a difference. As far as getting better clouds, I have to use 0 nic juice and go straight for a lung pull, no mouth-to-lung. I can't get the billowing streams but I do notice a good improvement.

I've also noticed that I taste less flavor, though, so cloud chasing seems to be mostly for show. Anyone have any "flavor chasing" build ideas? I'm back on dual coils, 1.4 ohm averaging out, and I use a loop wick (meaning, I take the ends of a really long cotton piece, thread it parallel through both coils, then tie it together at the end, snip and tuck so it literally forms a loop.) It actually seems to work well so far.
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