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Kelly Mo2B

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ECF Veteran
Feb 26, 2013
United States
I have been getting an upset stomach every time I vape, even if I do a little at a time and it's making it hard to stick to it. I don't know if it's the vg content or...? I thought maybe it was because I had a 24mg juice but I've tried watering them down, quite a bit at times, but I'm still having the same problem. I'm not getting enough nic because I'm doing that so I keep going back to the occasional cig. I actually go through very little liquid atm, not even 2ml in a day. Is anyone else having this problem? I really want to get off cigs but feeling sick to my stomach all the time isn't making it easy. I've used tums and other things to try getting rid of it and it's not working. :(


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Feb 26, 2013
San Diego, CA
It seems that about 3% of people have minor reactions to PG (Propylene Glycol) in e-liquid. Some get hives, sneezing, etc. This might be it. Try pure VG juice. also switch to a completely different flavor for a while (a fruit flavor to a coffee flavor, or whatever) as mybe you are allergic to one of the flavors. I would also recommend switching juice companies to make sure its not their product. Many new vapers start off using juice from some Chineese company, and quality control can be iffy. Try a reputable American company.


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Mar 4, 2013
San Jose, CA
could just be the flavor you are vaping, i have come across a few that have upset my tummy and a few that gave me heart burn,
what juice are you using and where did you get it?
I agree with This, I'm still new to vaping but i noticed the fruity flavors like peach and watermelon give me a nauseous feeling.

Kelly Mo2B

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 26, 2013
United States
Ok, let me see if I can remember at least half of what was said. lol

I'm drinking 6-8 bottles of water plus other fluids. All of my juice came from Alien Visions and the flavors I've tried so far are Bobas Bounty, Gamel and...whatever their watermelon is called. I have hype as well but haven't tried it because I wasn't sure it would be ok in a clearo and I don't have any other options atm. All 3 of them give me an upset stomach when using them and the more often I use them, the more often I also feel sick in between using. I've tried using them less often but was having too many growly moments and having to smoke a cig (1-2 a day so far) to increase my level.

The closest comparison I can come up with is it feeling a bit like a mild case of morning sickness (No, I'm not. Yes, I'm sure). It's now a constant sick feeling. :(

What did I water it down with........water. I used bottled water in small amounts. It's probably not the best choice but you work with what you've got. I know it's not the water or the gatorade because getting sick when I use this stuff is what made me start drinking the gatorade and adding the water.

I'm using a ce4 on an ego T battery, in case that makes a difference.


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ECF Veteran
Feb 21, 2013
vancouver bc

Something that might help a bit in the short term is to try just keeping the vapour in your mouth (instead of inhaling) and exhaling it through your nose - I believe in vaping the majority of the nic is absorbed through the mucous membranes so this might help while you're figuring it out.

For whatever it may be worth:
- I found even just cutting down on cigarettes initially gave me digestive issues (I had also noticed this prior to vaping for example staying at my parents in a non-smoking house
- long before vaping/quitting smoking was on the horizon I discovered ginger tea is good but nothing beats plain old ginger "straight up" for an upset tummy (I use regular grocery store ginger & just wash it & take a bite like a carrot!)
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