Getting closer that that Mechanical mod...

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 14, 2012
well, it's not really an apples-to-apples comparison. rhodium's conductivity is actually a little lower than brass (silver, copper, and gold, in that order, have the highest conductivities). the big benefit of rhodium is that it's pretty much indestructible. it doesn't tarnish/oxidize, it's incredibly hard, it's resistant to acids, etc etc etc.

basically, precise plus will perform about average electrically, but you literally NEVER have to clean it (well, assuming you don't get gunk inside it). silver, on the other hand, tarnishes easily, and needs to be polished regularly to keep it working well.

all that being said, precise plus is effing beautiful, gotta get me one...

EDIT: found more info about rhodium on the p+, direct from the manufacturer:

It's more than just the material of the contacts that determines performance but brass has served folks very well. That said a bunch of mods now have contacts plated with other metals.

Paps Lux -- gold
Nzonic v3ish-Silver
Precise plus line--Rhodium
Precise Simplicity--Palladium
Zen 2--Gold

That's just what I can think of

A bunch of pinoy mods have copper instead of brass and most everything else decent (Legacy, EA, Astro etc) has brass.
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