Given up cigarettes cold turkey, should i begin vaping?

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Full Member
Oct 11, 2013
I truly appreciate ALL of you taking the time out of your lives to bother commenting your opinions on my question.
Thanks so much Old Seer, your comments are very wise and valuable.
Just the internet is an incredible tool, here I sit in my living room in England, pondering on what decision to make and within minutes I have several interesting opinions from different countries.
Thanks sincerely for your advice and opinions, it does help :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 27, 2013
Thousand Oaks, CA
Hi, I'm new to this so excuse any errors :)
I have smoked 20 cigarettes a day for 15 years.
10 days ago I stopped. Cold turkey. It was very hard but I've done it.
I really really miss the hand to mouth sensory side of smoking, the reward at the end of my day.
Should I get a zero nic e cig starter kit? Am reluctant to go back on nicotine after withdrawing and overcoming that addiction.
I fear if I don't start vaping I will return to regular cigarettes. Any advice so appreciated! Thank you x

i dont know if thats the best idea.
i stopped smoking a year ago and decided to start vaping. after 6 months, i loved it but started to crave the tar from cigarettes like never before. i have been vaping for a year and i still occasionaly will bum a cigarette at parties like once every 2 months.

i think if you are truly done with smoking, then you souldnt vape.
however if you are still craving cigs every once in a while, then please vape.
vaping is nothing like smoking cigarettes but it DOES help people quit majorly.

thats my advice, hope it helps. you will make the right decision!


Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
Congrats OP!
Given the choice I would not. Unfortunately for me, cold turkey never worked. 45yrs of never.:(
Probably would not hurt to have a Vape stashed for an emergency stress time, but it could also be an invitation to consider temptation.
I'd rather see someone grab an e-cig in a panic situation than a smoke, however.............
This is really a call only you can make.


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Sep 13, 2013
SF Bay Area, CA
I started vaping to quit cigs, sometimes I vape a lot of juice in a day. Funny but it feels like I didn't quit smoking, it just that Im vaping now instead. The vaping is a good facsimile to analogs, but the nic buzz is different than with analogs.
I wouldn't feel guilty trying an ecig if I were in your shoes. Start with 0 nic since you said your over the nic addiction. This would help the psychological loss of quitting stinks.
Congratulations to you.


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Oct 3, 2013
Texas, United States
I tried to quit cold turkey on my birthday last month. 2 packs a day to zero. Lasted 1 day, and I was miserable! Bought a starter kit, took it home, and sat down with a cigarette in one hand and my e-cig in the other. I took 2 drags off of the cigarette and put it out. Hadn't wanted one since! NOW, that's just my short testimonial. Vaping has worked for me, and I have the same dilemma that you face ( I love the hand to mouth action, etc.). In fact, I loved smoking. Now ... I love vaping! But, you find your own path, and you have my best wishes in doing so.:vapor:

BTW, I still have the cigarette i mentioned. Got rid of the rest. I guess it's just a souvenir! lol
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Ultra Member
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Jul 25, 2009
Central Texas
I truly appreciate ALL of you taking the time out of your lives to bother commenting your opinions on my question.
Thanks so much Old Seer, your comments are very wise and valuable.
Just the internet is an incredible tool, here I sit in my living room in England, pondering on what decision to make and within minutes I have several interesting opinions from different countries.
Thanks sincerely for your advice and opinions, it does help :)
Take it from an expert at quitting smoking, I've done it enough over the years to be one, get an eGo starter kit, one with clearomizers or Evods, some 0 nic liquid and stop worrying. Even after 10 days you can still be craving the nicotine, I was 6 months after quitting, not everyone can get away from nicotine. Vaping not only replaces the physical actions, but if need be, it can replace the nic until you can ween yourself off of it completely.

So what if you start to use nic liquid, do what ever to stay off analogs, then work your way down to 0 nic and then away from the physical actions. Remember you have to rewire your brain to do without this, you didn't get here "cold turkey", it takes time both ways.


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2013
Thanks MR 343 that's a very kind reply. Thanks to all, I will think it over. It was so hard to go cold turkey I don't want to risk messing up but I really do crave the sensory " thing" if that makes sense!!! :)

You are very welcome!!

Edited to add:
I just wanted to add this after thinking and reading some other posts. If you can continue to succeed... by all means that is my very first recommendation!! So far you have been getting it done! ONLY if you are going to "relapse" do I suggest vaping. As said above, re wiring your brain is really all that has to be done and folks like me... have a hard time doing that without crossing some wires :laugh:

Have a great day and good luck!!!!!
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Full Member
Oct 15, 2013
First of all: congratulations. Quitting cold turkey is not easy, even if your are only a few weeks in. Be proud of yourself for that and take pride in it! I tried many times to quit cold turkey and was never successful until I started vaping. After two weeks I thought I wanted a cigarette, took one puff and cried for my Ego! I think of it as a tool. While you have already done 80% of the work in quitting your addiction, the remaining 20% of re-training your brain can be much more difficult. I didnt know how happy I was vaping until I tried that cigarette. And now I have ZERO desire to go back. Not even tempted. But I loved the habit. I learned very quickly that people who dont smoke dont really get breaks at work, and when it gets hectic, I liked being about to go outside for 10 mins to get away from people and reset. And I still do. So if thats part of the habit you loved and have a hard time giving up and its making you MISERABLE, get a cheap set up. You dont have to spend hundreds of dollars investing in a top shelf machine. Get a small ego (or something similar) starter kit, some 0 nic yummy juice and enjoy it. Because anything is better than going back! Good luck!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2013
Thank you. I really am trying to resist buying e cigs but I am struggling dreadfully with the psychological loss of not being a smoker! The nicotine cravings are gone and I'm thrilled about that but I do feel down and I do really miss the " social" aspect and I guess what I wanted to know was, will the zero nic e cigs fill the void and prevent me from a relapse?
Any opinions gratefully received :)

You seem you will surrender my friend. The devil with it should say to your ear "nothing changes with one stick", "go ahead you quit so you can again". If you can avoid these dont do anything. But if you are in trouble do not fight my friend get an e-cig try the voyage from there I even recommend a slight nicotine intake too. If you know what you are doing you will get to "0" point along the way. Dont torture yourself my friend I was a very heavy smoker yet in 8 months I did not smoke one. I vaped and My intake of nic is not big (I suppose I dont know)
I dont recommend you this as a hobby but as a life saving device in extreme emergency. Life is not always easy to cope with. I am nearly sure about, you smoke one when you are in a fit. If you will tha vape not smoke.


Vaping Master
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Jun 13, 2013
Nashville, TN
I think it might be a good idea to pick up a 650 ego kit with a couple of evods and have it available if you truly think you may go back to smoking. Have at least 4 different liquids to choose from. For me, when I started a blueberry tobacco worked, peppermint, a menthol and lime. I had variety and none of them really tasted like a cigarette. The blueberry tobacco is what got me off cigarettes. Now that I am 3 months off cigarettes I find I am looking for a sweeter liquid and not tobacco. Even if you do not use this setup, you will know it is there for you if you feel the need. It is like insurance. I would do the 0 nic. Why put nic back in your body at this point.

Quitting cold turkey is probably one of the hardest things a person can do in life. You should be proud of yourself and congratulations. And welcome to ECF. Keep reading and asking questions. That is another thing that helped me stay off the cigarettes. The people here. By the way, I smoked 2 packs a day for over 45 years so I know what you are going through. You will be fine.


Full Member
Oct 11, 2013
Morning and thank you everyone! Each one of you has helped me and I'm very grateful.
It's two weeks today smoke and nicotine free, just so you know I ordered a nic free cheap e cig set up and have put it up in my kitchen cabinet. I have not used it yet, despite having a very stressful few days I have so far resisted the urge to open it.
I will continue to try not to go there if I don't have to.
Cold turkey is brutal but it isn't impossible. It's hard though and I admit I miss going out for a smoke at different points in my days and evenings.
If the urge overwhelms me then at least I have a zero nicotine, much safer option with which to " relapse".
Just knowing it's there is reassuring and also makes me fight on each day that passes, I like that I haven't had to use it just yet. Thank you all again x


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Successful cold turkey? I thought it was a myth. :) If you have made it 10 days, the nic is out of your system so why start it back? Maybe try toothpicks or straws to help get use to not having something in your hand. Now if you really think you will return to smoking, I'd definitely get a kit at 0-low nic. My hats off to you on being able to do the cold turkey thing. I tried so many times and wished I could have had your success. You have already proven that you have strong will power by quitting. Good luck to you either way.


Full Member
Oct 11, 2013
Hi rat2chat, yes the kit I purchased is a zero nicotine one. I would never ever put nicotine back in my body again now that I am free from it.
It's simply the motion of smoking I miss and the " reward" part of going out to smoke after a hard day with a drink or after dinner.
Cold turkey absolutely is possible. My friend simon quit cold turkey 8 years ago and still going strong.
He says " it gets easy after the first 7 years".... Haha :)


Full Member
Oct 11, 2013
Just thought I'd let you know. It's the end of day 15, cold turkey, no cigarettes, no NRT, after 15 years of 20 cigs a day....
My e cig starter kit still sits unopened and un used in my kitchen, I bought it as a " just in case" I relapsed...
I haven't relapsed and haven't wanted to. It's getting easier. I believe I've kicked nicotine's .... as we say in the U.K... :)
Hopefully it lasts!
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