Maybe it's time to give vaping a break

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2009
Buenos Aires, Argentina
It all started last year, my father got sick and I found myself smoking two packs a day. I wasn't feeling anything in particular but I got scared. Started vaping again, for the third time. As all noobs, took me some time to find my delivery system, my juice and batts. All along, my father got sicker by the minute. Prostate cancer hit him but at first it was mild. It changed his disposition from somewhat amicable to downright nasty. I started fighting but I was too anxious all the time. Equipment started working great about December, and although I had big plans it simply didn't cut out for me. Some days I vaped all day, some days I smoked all day, and for the most part I vaped during waking hours and smoked a 10 cig pack at night and early in the morning.

By the time February rolled by, the first symptoms that the cancer had spread started to show. He was in pain and couldn't help it. It didn't show in the studies but I could see it in his eyes... We got to the cancer late and it was starting to show.

By March 13th, he was admitted to the hospital, weak and feebly. The doctors couldn't do much, due to his age (82) and the fact that his defenses were low. I don't remember crying so much in my life. Of course, many days on my way back from the hospital I started buying a regular pack and smoking it all up. Three days before passing away he told me "use my credit card, buy all you need, but don't stop vaping. Don't repeat your mother's story. You can't do anything for me, do it for yourself".

He passed away on a sunny Sunday. I was somewhat releived. He had never been ill, had an active life although the love of his life had departed 25 years early. I'll never forget how he tugged me along every computer show from a very early age. Technology discussions at home were always lively, two strong willed engeneers that shared the same knowledge but different points of view. Tecnophile was big at home.

I thought as the weeks rolled by that I'd be slowly getting calmer and vaping more. I was wrong. Although I have no near family (it was just him and me) paperwork is paperwork. Some people are vultures, waiting for the right moment, and underestimating me. I'm handicapped, not stupid.

Tonight, as I'm writing this, I have a cigarette in my hand. The woman that called herself his partner didn't even stop to say hello. Elvis, my 14 year old Airedale Terrier looks as if a ton of bricks had fallen onto him. Sleeping on the cold, marble floor. The only one that looks carefree is my 5 month old tortie cat, Freya. She looks at me saying "why do you look so sad? life goes on, and I'm the living proof of that". My ex decided he deserved his share but never asked for it, simply took it. And in the midst of everything I vaped for just 5 hours.

I'm only taking a break, not giving up. I'll still be around to help if I may. I'll be removing my banner and starting again. Hopefully very soon.

A dear friend of the family told me "when your parents go, you finally become an adult". She couldn't be more dead on.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 27, 2012
Tasmania Australia
You have been thru a tough time and for that and the loss of your Dad, I am so sorry. Sounds to me that you just need to do what you feel you need at this time, until you come out the other side. Enjoy your 'durries' and your vapes. Go easy on yourself and don't fight more battles than u need to. I know when I lost my parents, years ago now, there were some tough times but they do pass. I hope we meet up again on the forums when you are ready and you are once again in peaceful waters. Cheers from Tassie and know you have friends everywhere.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 23, 2013
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
I am not going to condemn you for choosing to smoke in these times. We all have done it and I certainly have. I do hope you return though. I am so sorry for your loss and the struggles you have to go through, Stay strong and when you want to give vaping a try you will always have a place here. If there is anything I can do please feel free to message me here or on face book. You will get through this and I for one am willing to give any support I can. You may not know me but that's not the point, we are supposed to be here for each other and that's what I am willing to do. Take care and post if you need that's the whole point of this place.


Flavor Chaser
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Feb 10, 2013
My heart breaks for you.

The story of the loss of my father is quite similar to yours, but there was never a concrete diagnosis on where his cancer began. All I knew was that by the time he started radiation treatment, it had spread to his brain. Like me, he was a lifelong smoker. Throughout his final days, he begged me to quit. I wasn't able to for a long while afterwards, but I'm certain he would've understood. I lost him two weeks after his 65th birthday. Way too early. Sometimes we just have to do what we have to do in order to plow through the roadblocks that life throws in front of us. Whatever it is you feel you must do, he's still with you, and he understands.

Take the time to gather yourself, shore up your defenses, and you'll come back stronger than ever. Vaping isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Just take on those challenges one at a time and there's no way you can possibly fail at overcoming them.


Senior Member
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Oct 2, 2012
i am so sorry for your loss.........i know the pain that comes from losing someone you never get over it get thru it...
take it a day at a time my friend, come here, theres alot of caring folks on here......doesnt matter if your smoking or vaping im sure your welcome.....try not to think of the "toxic" people you mentioned, theyre not worth it..hug those animals and your in my prayers....BIG hugs to you........
I lost my father over 6 years ago. I had just drove off to college 2 days before.

I left on a Friday and got the call on Sunday evening.

"I really hope you're drinking right now, and that you're sitting down."

I was, but I wasn't.

It hit me like a ton of bricks, he was only 48!

Long story short, I flew home, smoked his carton of cigs, and fell face first into a bottle of captain.

The day after my daughter was born, I gave up the stinkies FOREVER!

It's been a month (Monday) and I haven't looked back.

Sent from my LG-MS770 using Tapatalk 2


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 10, 2012
el paso, TX
i lost my father on december 2008.
from here on out it will feel like nobody cares, and unfortunately the world wont stop turning. picking up the pieces left behind is going to be the greatest challenge in your life for years to come.

i feel for your loss, and i can only hope you dont give up, keep moving forward. take one step at a time, even if you dont feel like you have the strength. as for the vultures, they will be there looking for their ill gotten share, kick them, punch them, fight them with all you have got.

i wish i could tell you that it all gets better with time but, i still dont know if it does.
what i do know is that our beloved family members that are gone, would not want us to give up and stop for them, that we should find our way and make the best we can out of the life we are dealt with.

dont give up.


Senior Member
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Jan 24, 2013
Somewhere in the US in my RV
Susaz, my dear, you need to give yourself a break. You're dealing with a devastating loss. Give yourself permission to cope in whatever way works for you right now -- without guilt and without self-recrimination.

Vape when you can. For now, find your relief where you must. And if those of us in this community can offer any support, just ask.


The Philosopher Who Rides
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Jun 13, 2012
Richmond, Va
Perhaps the best man I have known or will ever know passed away in December of 2011 after a 2 year up and down battle with cancer. He was my coworker and good friend. He was 42, and left behind a wife and two daughters. I was humbled by his quiet strength through the ordeal. More than once, he comforted me in my grief and disillusionment. I think about him every single day.

One day at a time, friend. Do what you need to do to get through it. My anger, pain, and resentment have gradually burned out. I am left with 90% fond memories, and 10% missing a remarkable man. I think this is about the best I can hope for.

I hope you can make peace with this soon. You did right by him, take comfort in that.


Supporting Member
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May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida much pain and hurt. I am so sorry.

Really, do what ever it takes to help you get through this...just keep trudging through.

Don't forget that you have a fantastic supporting community right here at your fingertips !

A million hugs your way and prayers for strength !


Super Member
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Aug 6, 2012
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
When my mother passed one of the last things I told her was that I didn't know what I was going to do. She quietly told me that I will be able to know what to do. It's 8 years later and I'm still plugging along. You will move along with the good memories. (Fighting back tears as I type this.) Be strong and we will help support you.
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