non disposable "cuban" style cigar

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 10, 2010
Jasper, AL
OK, so as some of you guys may know, my main interest is pipes and cigars. Completely side-question, but IF I do end up with an e-pipe and e-cigar, should I get a 510 just for the heck of it?

anyway, my pipe fix is almost taken care of (maybe), since Janty is making a pipe. But as far as cigars go, all I can find are disposables and whistle tip "black and mild" looking cigars. I HAVE found ePuffer's cohita e600 and greencig (greentech, greensmoke, greenworld, etc) g120, but both kits/sets seem expensive, and its cruddy that the g120 only has one available flavor. I know "technically" you can break the cart and refill it yourself, but I've heard a lot of problems that it causes. And I can't find enough about ePuffer to trust them. Their e-pipe that they sell for $130 looks exactly like the DSE601, that goes for $60-80.

If I do buy from either of these, it will probably be the epuffer, just because they have different flavors of prefilled carts. Not sure if the carts are refillable, but at least they offer other flavors.


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Sep 29, 2009
Lakeland, FL
Not much ou there now that looks real and non-disposable. The e-puffer one you mentioned looks to me more like someone wrapped a wrinkled sticker around a tube. Wife said it looked like a used condom on a pencil (she likes to make me shoot coffee out of my nose).

Litecig and Vaporkings have the Ruyan e-cigars pretty cheap. The gold one has a photo transfer finish that mimicks a real cigar with a black whistle tip. Some other manufacturers make carto style non-disposables but your stuck with the refill issues you mentioned.

I used to be a big e-cigar fan but have since switched to the ego with the mega xl style cylinder attys. I vaguely remember someone posting a mod using disposable cigars that allowed him to recharge the battery and refill the carto but I haven't been able to find it. Seemed like a lot of effort for very little payoff.

If there's enough demand, I'm sure someone will start making one you like eventually.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 10, 2010
Jasper, AL
I've thought about it, realized that the big stogie style may not be a good idea for every day use anyway. I figure I can just wait for a special occasion and get a disposable. Heck, even if I order one each month, it still might be a decent solution. Sometimes I just get that urge for a big fat one, ya know? Geez, that sounds perverted.

OK, I'm going to hijack my own thread now. When I had my pipes, I usually made it an afternoon affair to light up and think over what had happened that day, or make plans for the next. Never got a craving or anything like that. So should I just get an e-pipe and be done with shopping around? Or should I get another (or several) unit for experimenting different flavors and stuff? I'm thinking a 510, 801, 402 (I think), or a 4062... I just don't know what route to go. I'm kind of OCD abound brands, and prefer a one-stop shop for all supplies. I guess the 510 will be the way to go, since its pretty much the most popular one out there these days.

OK, its late and I tend to ramble on.. if it gets annoying mention it to the admins and see if they can put a limit on how much I can put in a post.
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