russian 91 or the kayfun lite+..?

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Aug 7, 2013
I really think your decision is going to be based on cosmetics. Kayfuns are available in different finishes, but may be hard to find all finishes, especially in one site outside of svoemesto.

Russians are only available in matte/satin, and I'm pretty sure the Russians use screw in drip tips, but I haven't had a desire to put another tip on my lites. I think they look/work best for them. I always get bubbley pops with them, so most drip tips would have me actually drinking juice, rather than it just tasting like I am.


Fog master
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Sep 23, 2013
Sheffielld, UK
All the reviews I've seen of the Russian 91% have been positive. It's a lovely looking rebuildable, and has excellent build quality. Although it could almost be called a clone, it doesn't pretend to be one. It has it's own aesthetics, and sure is a lovely looking device. If you have a satin finished mod it will look amazing, I've got the satin finished Semovar and when mine arrives in the vapemail it will marry up quite well. If you've got a polished or brushed mod it might look a bit odd, but the vape quality is supposed to be identical.

A real SvoeMesto Kayfun Lite [plus] may look better if you get it in the same finish as your mod. Maybe you've got a coloured mod like a black provari or something and the finish doesn't matter to you. It's completely up to you.

If you haven't seen the pbusardo Russian 91% and Kayfun Lite shootout it may help you decide



Vaping Master
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Aug 14, 2013
I have the tobeco kayfun clone and works like a champ. Great tank and all the original parts fit like tanks and other bling stuff.

Mine did whistle but removed the screw and vape with no whistle. I like the nice airy draw. Someone said you can knock the burs off the air port to get rid of whistle if you use the afc screw. Going yo try that after next rebuild.


Moved On
Nov 29, 2013
Summerfield, NC, USA
i think the russian 91 wins thinking it will look great on my provari mini
if i can find one in stock somewhere

Just ordered mine on Thursday, and they are in stock. It is already in town and will arrive Monday. I have purchased from VK several times and highly recommend them. 2 day shipping, buy some kanthal and hit $100 for the free shipping.

Kebo Russian 91% rebuildable atomizer system


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Aug 24, 2013
I have both a KFL+ and a Russian 91%. When built the same they vape the same.

I prefer the look of the matte KFL finish versus the darker finish of the Russian. The air adjustment is better on the Russian, as you can adjust it on your device. The center pin of the Russian is adjustable, so is a tighter fit on my Provari - the KFL allows my loki ring to spin, but doesn't rattle.

Can't comment on the clones. But, between the KFL+ or Russian 91%, I would recommend either. Both are hard to find in stock, the price is only $7 different. Get which ever you can find.


Vaping Master
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Nov 12, 2013
I agree with a lot that's already been said, as long as you're going with an authentic one, you can't go wrong either way. For me, it came down to the air adjustment screw location. I bought the KFL+ since the hidden screw makes for a cleaner look. If you like to adjust your airflow frequently, the exposed screw on the Russian 91 is probably better for you. I just set mine to where I wanted it & haven't needed to touch it since.


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Oct 27, 2013
I have both the KFL+ and the R91% and love them both!
If you take a scotchbrite to the R91 you can match the KFL finish. The R91 dose have a screw in tip but comes with an adapter so you can use a standard drip tip on it.
I think it's 50-50 for each one. I didn't like the matte finish on the R91 but after polishing it out it looks good. I have them both pretty much wide open for air flow so the adjustment is not a problem and draw is about the same. If I HAD to chose one, I think I'd go with the R91! Now that I know how easy it is the polish up!!!
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