Seems like vaping is hurting my lungs & messing w/ my sinuses?

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Ultra Member
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Apr 29, 2010
S.E. Michigan
Low ohm used to be 1.5 and standard ohm used to be 2.2- 2.5 (approx.) and even then it took getting used to before you could feel comfortable with inhaling hotter, harder, and especially lung hits on super trendy sub ohm rebuildable tech for the sake of tech.

I apologize but it gets me every time. You don't have to stop, you just have to learn common sense which is hard to come by anymore. This forum used to be so helpful in that regard. But the new advise is so so different.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Low ohm used to be 1.5 and standard ohm used to be 2.2- 2.5 (approx.) and even then it took getting used to before you could feel comfortable with inhaling hotter, harder, and especially lung hits on super trendy sub ohm rebuildable tech for the sake of tech.

I apologize but it gets me every time. You don't have to stop, you just have to learn common sense which is hard to come by anymore. This forum used to be so helpful in that regard. But the new advise is so so different.

The first time I tried low-resistance was a 1.8Ω carto... it burned my lip so badly I got a blister. Now, rebuilding for my Kayfuns, 1.8Ω is the absolute lowest I ever go; my cartos, I buy in the 3.xΩ variety, because it saves battery life. I'm not trying to create whipped cream with my exhalations; I'm trying to substitute vaping for smoking, and real smoke is not very thick -- not cigarette smoke, anyway. During the time I was dual-using, I actually watched my exhales, while smoking, and it's really not all that much, or that thick.


The Torch

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2012
Low ohm used to be 1.5 and standard ohm used to be 2.2- 2.5 (approx.) and even then it took getting used to before you could feel comfortable with inhaling hotter, harder, and especially lung hits on super trendy sub ohm rebuildable tech for the sake of tech.

I apologize but it gets me every time. You don't have to stop, you just have to learn common sense which is hard to come by anymore. This forum used to be so helpful in that regard. But the new advise is so so different.

My only older e-cig was an eGo-T, so I can't speak much of older setups, but have you considered that chimney, air hole and overall airflow have increased, therefore lowering the overall temperature around the coil? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, as I said I can't really speak of the older setups, but I ain't no dummy either.

Ryan Lee

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 9, 2014
PG will dry you out, VG will moisturize and give you the thick and heavy feeling. Therefore it makes sense to stick around a 50/50 ratio, unless you have a pg allergy.

Being asthmatic, nicotine plays a HUGE role in how your lungs will feel. The higher the nicotine, the more they will get irritated. I know this first hand. When I started vaping 15 months ago, I started at 18mg on a ctwist and a cheap ce4. I am now down to 6mg on drippers and sub ohm. My lungs thanked me. Night and day, nicotine strength affects your lungs.

You need to wisen up and take peoples advice. Drop your nic strength, or raise your resistance, or better yet do both. If I was anywhere under 1 ohm and using anything higher than 12mg, I would be in the damn hospital, and I believe a large majority would agree with me.

You sound like my mother whom is dying from COPD. She is so scared to drop her nic strength from 18 because she is scared of having withdraws. Even though she smoked Misty Ultra Lights for 45 years, she still thinks she needs 18mg. She can't realize that 6-12mg resembles an ultra light, so she would be getting her fix with that strength around 1.5-2.0 ohms. Even if she needs to vape more than 2mg of juice a day, that is still better than smoking cigs.

Hell at 6mg on a 0.3 ohm build, I go through about 5ml a day. Not to mention I feel amazing, no more breathing treatments, no more inhalers, and no more waking up through the night gasping for a breath. I went from using my inhaler 4-5 times every day, and breathing treatments every other day, to needing NOTHING to control my asthma. And this literally happened very quickly.

Moral of the story, you need to be smart and realize what it is you need to correct. After vaping for well over a year, I would rather vape some juice that tasted like dog breath, than light up another cig. There are happy mediums that you need to find.

The Torch

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 12, 2012
Been switching between 50/50 juice and a 70/30 PG/VG juice and Incan feel quite a difference. The VG is definitely giving me a harder time breathing. I quit death sticks 6 months ago, so I have some hope things will clear up in time. If not, then I'm lucky enough to have a local high PG juice I can live with.

Sent from somewhere in a tunnel, 42 minutes away from anywhere.


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Feb 12, 2009
Been switching between 50/50 juice and a 70/30 PG/VG juice and Incan feel quite a difference. The VG is definitely giving me a harder time breathing. I quit death sticks 6 months ago, so I have some hope things will clear up in time. If not, then I'm lucky enough to have a local high PG juice I can live with.

Sent from somewhere in a tunnel, 42 minutes away from anywhere.

Good that you're finding a solution. It's interesting because I just started trying a higher PG blend and it seems to (maybe?) be making my breathing/wheezing worse, so maybe I'm just PG sensitive. Going to try a higher VG blend next and see how it goes...

Ryan Lee

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 9, 2014
Good that you're finding a solution. It's interesting because I just started trying a higher PG blend and it seems to (maybe?) be making my breathing/wheezing worse, so maybe I'm just PG sensitive. Going to try a higher VG blend next and see how it goes...

As a life long asthmatic, I stick around 80% vg, never going lower than 70%. And I also drip and rebuild, so I never go above 6mg nicotine. Usually more around 3mg nicotine. High amounts of pg, as well as too high concentration of nicotine will make breathing decline.

I took a hit out of my buddies Nautilus at 10 watts with a 1.8ohm bvc head. He had 18mg nicotine juice in it, and it made me instant;y wheezy to where I had to bust out my inhaler that I have not had to use in quite some time.

That is saying something when I drip on my own coils around 0.2-0.5 ohms, going through around 5 mils of juice a day. This produces a pretty warm intense vape, and clouds a plenty. BUT, at 80% vg, and 5mg nicotine strength, it never has the slightest effect on my breathing.


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Jan 24, 2014
As a life long asthmatic, I stick around 80% vg, never going lower than 70%. And I also drip and rebuild, so I never go above 6mg nicotine. Usually more around 3mg nicotine. High amounts of pg, as well as too high concentration of nicotine will make breathing decline.

I took a hit out of my buddies Nautilus at 10 watts with a 1.8ohm bvc head. He had 18mg nicotine juice in it, and it made me instant;y wheezy to where I had to bust out my inhaler that I have not had to use in quite some time.

That is saying something when I drip on my own coils around 0.2-0.5 ohms, going through around 5 mils of juice a day. This produces a pretty warm intense vape, and clouds a plenty. BUT, at 80% vg, and 5mg nicotine strength, it never has the slightest effect on my breathing.

That is so weird... the one day I tried vaping 33% VG instead of the 15%-20% I normally vape, that night I had an asthma attack so severe I almost couldn't even inhale from my inhaler. Now I stick with the 80%-85% PG! VG feels like it's gluing my airways completely closed.


Ryan Lee

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 9, 2014
Well, that just does not make any sense to me. You have only been vaping for 4 months, your airways may still be trying to rid the build up of smoking, depending on the length of time you were a smoker. Either that, or you are way to high on the nicotine percentage. For me, nicotine strength plays the biggest factor for my asthma. If I have a 50/50 on a 2.0 ohm coil at 12 mg, I have an attack. If I vape a 20/80 pg/vg 6mg nicotine at 0.2 ohms near 80 watts, smooth as butter and no effect on my breathing.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Well, that just does not make any sense to me. You have only been vaping for 4 months, your airways may still be trying to rid the build up of smoking, depending on the length of time you were a smoker. Either that, or you are way to high on the nicotine percentage. For me, nicotine strength plays the biggest factor for my asthma. If I have a 50/50 on a 2.0 ohm coil at 12 mg, I have an attack. If I vape a 20/80 pg/vg 6mg nicotine at 0.2 ohms near 80 watts, smooth as butter and no effect on my breathing.

Most of the junk has already left; I rarely have anything to cough up anymore, but even if I do, it's totally clear. Actually I find that vaping a slightly higher mg, with WTA, helps a great deal, because I don't need to chain-vape; I started at 6mg, went to 8mg, then 9mg, then stayed at 10mg for awhile, but I was still vaping way too much. Since I've gone up to 11.5mg, and the juice is 10% WTA, I don't vape nearly as often, and it seems to help my asthma a great deal.

The thing with VG is that it's just too thick; for a while I tried diluting with water, but I didn't care for the vape, it popped a lot if I used it in my kayfuns, and really lightened the taste and vapor too much. Sticking with high-PG, I get good taste, decent vapor, and my airways don't feel like they're stuck together, or feel like I need to cough up but nothing coughs up. It feels like how a hairball must feel to my cat, but at least she can get that out; with high VG, I can't get anything out, and damn little air in.


EDIT: I've actually been vaping about 10 months, but had a little month-long return to smoking in the summer, after my appendectomy -- I never did quit vaping, just went light on it for a month, with light smoking (10-15 cigs a day). I did have another round of coughing-up after that, but it was over in a couple weeks.


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Nov 12, 2014
even though I'm new to vaping, I haev to agree with Andria. Higher VG juices are so much thicker, that they condense and coat the airways. A really clear indication for me was when I was vaping some really thick greenish juice, and spent 2 weeks coughing up thick green juice. I changed flavors to something thinner and lighter, and within a day I stopped coughing up the stuff. I spent 2 weeks thinking I had a flu, and maybe I did, but every time I load up a tank with that same thick juice, I get coated and can cough the stuff up. I'm not even using a low ohm or a dripper, this is all in a clearomizer with a 1.8ohm coil at 4.2v.

even thinner mixes of higher VG are easier on me. Gemini PKRock Octo is the worst - it totally coats my insides and I'm coughing up stuff that looks a lot like the green 12mg juice I vaped. Thinner juices like 65/35 Vape Wild flavors are way easier on me, even though they still have great vapor and flavor.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2014
it was weird for me.after two weeks quit smoking i felt great, then for the next few weeks id get the odd cough in the morning and nasal congestion that plagued me when i smoked.once i got to the 4th month, everythings great but i do notice i dry out if i vape nose dries abit, and lips.of course drinking more water pretty well counterbalences the dry lips etc, but my nostrals still do dry out from time to time.nothing unmanagable or anything, but it does happen.

compared to lung cancer, ill put up with it lol


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Feb 12, 2009
I haven't tried higher VG juice yet, but the wheezing was definitely worse with higher PG. I'm still coughing quite a bit some days (almost 4 months no tobacco) and I cough up clear stuff. This morning. I was wheezing pretty bad (vaping 50/50 the last week). I'm at 0 nic, so for me that's not the problem.

Other than blend, I can't pin point the exact issue. I really have to try the higher VG and see how that goes.
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