The NEW GotVapes PHOENiX™ 1.25ml Bottom Coil eGo Tank 2.4-2.6ohm & 2.6-2.8ohm

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Jun 26, 2012
I agree and that's what they need to realize is that their customers are becoming more and more knowledgeable and proficient. If they keep trying to wow us with bull.... that don't work so well or is not an improvement it will eventually hurt them. Probably not a huge hit but I for one hope they will be laughing a little less on their way to the bank. But in reality how much can you hurt a company that sells one or two items for what they probably pay one employee for the day?


ECF Guru
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Sep 24, 2011
Wally not much at all and thats part of the problem .
The other part is as long as they can keep shipping there products stateside and use us as Guinea pigs the more they will churn the stuff out.
Im in the minority here as i no longer buy any Pv's i make my own vv box mods . I have good supply of kanthal and wick that will last very long time.
I also make my own RY4 e-liquid for myself and menthol e-liquid for my wife and i and one would be surprised how inexpensive that is.
Yes sir worse thing they did oversea's was come out with the smoketech vivi as i have 5, 1 on the way and waiting for GV to get the one with the spring loaded connectors. Worse thing i say is cause i no longer need the ego this the ego that the cart this the cart that, this type of head and so forth.
Finally now i can save more money. ; )


Vaping Master
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Mar 22, 2010
The ArmPit of Texas
My jury is still deliberating but there is something different about these that aren't to my liking. I have used two of the four so far. One 2.4 and one 2.6. I keep getting intermittent hints of a dry hit and the flavor is not what I expected. I can not explain it. Maybe not dry hits but something weird. Took them apart and there is no visual difference between these heads and the 3ml heads. I took one of these heads and put it in a 3ml tube and it is better for me but it's still not there. Took one apart and put in a cotton yarn wick with the 1.25 body and it's much better. In fact it's pretty darn good. Maybe they changed wick material, although visually it looks identical to the older wicks. Maybe it's all me.
I have mentioned numerous times that I am not a top coil guy due to throat issues. As short as the 1.25ml tubes are it's getting close to being a top coil even though it's on the bottom. I do like a warm vape but there is a very fine line between warm and too hot for me.
I still want to run a couple tanks through because it usually takes some coil seasoning for the flavors to peak for me. I should have juiced them up and did a few hot hot wet burns before putting them back together. I'll try that on number three later today.
The most pleasing flavor loaded vape I have going right now is one of my tweaked Ravens. The GV Butterscotch is amazing through that. I'm on my sixth tank today and it's still great. It's so good my opinions of everything else is suffering from it. Maybe that's why my thoughts on the 1.25 are a bit skewed. I'm hoping it keeps going a while but it probably won't without a head change or cleaning and may never be the same after that.
Back to your original inquiry. They are not bad but they also are not great FOR ME at the moment.
Here's hoping they don't do any major de-provements (is that even close to a word?) on the upcoming XL's.

Thanks for the review. And sorry about my appalling spell check grammar last night.


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Aug 1, 2012
California, USA
Thanks Wally0, and to all others' speedy replies to my original post.
The many voices of experience from your various perspectives provides
enough of an insight for me to "risk" another 4 bucks for an adapter to
see if I can make these cartos work.

Following through . . .

Just got the extender today, and as many of you already anticipated, it
does indeed allow these cartos to work on my eGo.

Thanks again for the links and all your thoughts.


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Aug 17, 2012
Jersey (via Bklyn)
Finishing my first tank on one of these. After some pin pulling on my twist they work great. Vapor production is incredible too, blowing giant clouds. My only question is this, I get a slight plastic taste on this. I'm vaping a juice that has subtle flavor so anything imparted by the heads is very noticeable. I vape this juice a lot so i know the taste well. I'm wondering if others have noticed this taste and if it is just due to new materials and if this goes away?

Also anyone have any trouble with cracking on these? The tube looks like it's not polycarb, so am I safe to use any of the notorious tank cracking flavors in here? (ie: bannana, rootbeer, etc?)


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Aug 17, 2012
Jersey (via Bklyn)
There haven't been any reports of cracking tubes with any juice that I'm aware of with these. I seem to remember someone posting that they were using cinnamon in these with no problems.
Have you used bc cartos before? A difference in taste may be because of the cooler vape :confused: I'm just guessing on that.:)

Yeah I've used a couple of other BC Cartos. One other had this same taste. It's a definite plastic taste, it tastes like brand new plastic smells. Maybe I'll refill with something with a stronger flavor that will mask it. Other than that I think these perform great.


Ultra Member
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Jun 26, 2012
I too was getting weird taste with the 1.25's. One I took apart and rewicked with cotton yarn. When I took it apart, just for the heck of it, I heated the ceramic cup. Actually it was not for the heck of it was because of some glue or something in the coil leg holes that prevented me from getting the new wire through them. Took my little butane torch and heated that thing cherry red to burn all the crap off. Got quite a bit of smoke from it, Bear in mind this was a new unit. Could have just been primer, or.... These cups although ceramic seem a bit porous. I have wondered before how much of off tastes on new units are contributed too by these cups being contaminated by who knows what. And what the heck is that stuff they are putting on there where the coil legs go through the cup???? Btw those cups get hospital clean when heated like this.
Too bad most items have that rubber seal at the base for the positive post. If it was not for that I would hit everything with a torch before usage just to clean them. Giving the bases a PGA soak would probably help with the off taste issue.
I never did get personal satisfaction with these for a variety of reasons. And that's really strange because I love the 1.5ml XL's and the 3ml's and even my tweaked Raven's, but of the four I bought I have two unopened and that's probably how they will spend their life.


Ultra Member
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Jun 26, 2012
How do you clean these things? Can't figure out how it's supposed to come apart.
Screw it on a battery and kinda twist and wiggle the tube pulling it away from the battery. Might take a bit of effort the first time but the tubes do come off. Once the tube is off you can remove the center air post and rinse, burn or whatever you deisre.
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