Weekly Contest #47 - Win a $10 Gift Certificate

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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2012
Lafayette, La

11 minutes till my weekend starts. tho i do have to work at 8am tomorrow (lame) which will be kinda tough since ill be drinking to last call whilst i cut a rug to the legendary dj Aphrodite tonight at the rooftop playground club!

ohhhhh, just received my 3 rd evading sensors rule infraction warning. (erghhhhh)

Wish I had a clue what that meant!!!


Vaping Master
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Aug 28, 2009
Ringling Brothers Circus

Hello my beloved VVV family <3

I did all of the laundry already and forgot to take the smoker to UPS :/ Too late now, but I've been up talking to Tommy about stuff. He's working 6 days a week - will be going int tomorrow - but the bonus is good, so he's happy.

Since the smoker was a dud, I am thinking about pulling the fry daddy out and making a mess of fried chicken and fried pork chop for next week. I hate to stand over the mudder for hours, but I am still considering it. Sheesh, I should be waking up in an hour and haven't even defrosted anything yet LOL BRB


Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
Chit Chat . . .

ohhhhh, just received my 3 rd evading sensors rule infraction warning. (erghhhhh)

Be Very Careful "My" Friend . . . There are many different reasons for getting the warnings, especially if someone took offence to something you said in one of your post and possibly "turned" you in - Or the ECF "Censor Bot" Gotta Ya' . . . BTW: What you say/post will be watched for awhile - So BE NICE . . . Just Sayin' . . .;)


Wish I had a clue what that meant!!!

AH - Although I have "talked" about this and posted before . . .
"You" can find all the ECF TOS :rules: here: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/ecf-forum-rules/51178-forum-rules.html#post766856

But - To help Ya' out - I think these are the ones specifically that relates to the "Warning" that "LD" got . . .

13. Freedom of speech

Your contribution to this forum is not a right but a privilege. As this is a private website there is no public right to freedom of speech. The rules we have in place are to protect the site, and to provide a convivial environment for our Members. In short: we decide what is permissible or not permissible.

14. Offensive or illegal content


b. The forum software automatically censors (removes) some offensive words, links to low-quality websites, and terms we do not wish discussed here. If a word or link in your post is removed and replaced with ........., it has been censored. Do not attempt to defeat or evade the forum censoring software.

Now for clearification purposes only . . . This means that certain words that normally "Adults" would use in everyday conversations can be and are prohibated . . . As an example: I recieved a warning before when someone was offended and who I believe turned "Me" to moderators when in another thread I called "Myself" the other word that is usually and/or normally used - instead of what word was premisable "Donkey" . . .

As for the "Warning" . . .

31. Offenders

Persons who contravene these Rules may be politely asked to desist. Further contraventions will result in sanctions of various kinds, and/or the member may be banned for a period or permanently. The application of such sanctions, or their severity, or whether or not offenders are informed of such sanctions, is entirely at our discretion.​

Hope this information clearifies it somewhat for Ya' and anyone else who might be wondering . . . BTW: There is also a "Point" system that is used that I posted priviously in one of the other VVV Contest threads, but cannot find right now . . . As has been said before by "Schnarph" - "Just doing my part to keep everyone informed" . . . Just Sayin' . . . ;)


AND - IMO, I Think - "Warnings" Are Usually Given Before "YOU" Are GIVEN ANY POINTS - Unless "You" continue to ignore the "Warning" or Complain about a Moderator in an open thread . . . All rebuttals/appeals are to be brought to the Administration - i.e., "OldSolider" or "Rolygate". . . Just Sayin' . . . ;)
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Resting In Peace
Supporting Member
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Jun 15, 2011

06/21 Entry #5 . . .

Well that does it for "Me" . . . :D

SO - "My" usual last post of the day . . .

It's . . .

So - I'm off . . .

GOOD "MORININGNIGHT" and . . .VVV'ers . . . .

BE SAFE - PLAY NICE - Everyone . . .

:censored: AND NO "BAD" OR "INAPPORPRIATE" WORDS Either :censored: . . . Just Sayin' . . .;)
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Feb 21, 2013
Dripping Springs, TX
chat - Yesterday the ECF bot edited a word in one of my posts. I was quoting a line from a movie that I had already edited and it looked clean to me. The bot edited word is synonymous with idiot and it's not a curse word. I don't expect a warning for that one, but it's always possible. Some no-no words around here are very surprising. For example, I cannot type the full name of 2 time Academy Award winner for best actress from Boys Don't Cry and Million Dollar Baby. There is a large list of famous men that go by a shortened version of Richard that we can't use with honest intentions. Some of the words that are allowed here are far more offensive, IMO.

As silly as this can get, I'm glad there is a set in stone rule to curb foul language. If one person gets to do it, everyone gets to. Next thing you know these threads will sound like they're filled with teenagers that just learned how to cuss. I could only imagine the images that would get posted. Flame wars could easily go way out of control. It can be tricky at times, but you have to attempt civility on ECF. The manners bot gets a bit silly sometimes but even that is worth your attention. If you notice it's changed a word in one of your posts, consider an edit before a moderator has to make the decision.

I messed up once myself and received a warning for saying something that didn't need to be said at all. :facepalm:

At the time, I was angry at whoever turned me in, the moderator that warned me, and ECF rules in general. I got over that quickly when I realized that if I was "moved on" because I couldn't hold my tongue, or fingers in this case, I would be too embarrassed to say anything about it on whatever vaping forum I found myself using afterward. These rules aren't that hard to follow, 2 posts ago I had a long paragraph about horse urine... just said it.
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