What will you do if/when you completely run out of E-juice after stockpiling?

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Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
If it ever comes to that point where it looks like I will be running out before things turn around, I will start cutting my nic or have one tank that does contain nic and one that doesn't. I will try to see how long I can actually go with vaping no nic and if it gets to be too stressful, hit the one that has nic.

I feel like at this point, I do have enough to last me until I am 70'ish. To cut it down even further than my 6mg nic, that should stretch out to much longer. I could double that time frame by taking it to 3mg nic.

I will Not go back to smoking.


Vaping Master
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Nov 22, 2015
Somewhere in the South
My goal when I started vaping was to stop smoking. I knew going into vaping that I could lower my nic,like the patches do. That has been my goal that I'm slowly working on, hopefully by the time I reach for my last bottle, I can be nic free.


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Oct 3, 2014
Sacramento, CA
There will be some sub forum here about extracting nicotine from tobacco or patches or gum. A thriving black market. And of course the zero nic brigade. Or a long thread about how to get the 24mg out of a closed system cartridge.

I have 7 or 8 years to see if cooler heads prevail.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
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Jul 23, 2013
Bordertown of ProVariland and REOville
There will be some sub forum here about extracting nicotine from tobacco or patches or gum. A thriving black market. And of course the zero nic brigade. Or a long thread about how to get the 24mg out of a closed system cartridge.

I have 7 or 8 years to see if cooler heads prevail.
Even if things don't change, there will be products on the market. They may not even resemble what we have now, but the genie is out of the bottle, and somebody will figure out how to get those billions of dollars in revenue from folks who want to vape. heck, maybe big pharma will get in on the game, I'd hate to see what their devices will look like though, you can bet they won't be appealing looking to the chidren :lol:


Vaping Master
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Nov 21, 2015
Toronto, Canada
No so fast...

Look me up in 30 years and I'll likely have a well used Peavey Patriot and a frozen liter to swap for one of those beauties in your avatar!
No thanks! I like those Foderas more than I like my kids. ;)


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jan 7, 2015
Sandbox, USSA
I understand that given the current state of affairs there is cause for pessimism.
But I really think that we should all stop setting up so many negative waves. As stated previously, prohibition whether of alcohol or many other things... has never been truly successful. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention, and as a whole we vapers are a very creative lot. One can always get what one wants, at Alice's Restaurant.

It might sound cliché but there really is a silver lining in every cloud.
There is a Spanish saying, "No hay mal que por bién no venga."
This FDA prohibition has served to wake a lot of folks up to the seemingly never ending
overreach of government into the personal lives of the citizens they're supposed
to protect not from ourselves but from foreign invaders.

In other words, it's ...... a lot of people off and gotten us to snap out of our television induced complacency. As I've mentioned many times on this forum, the FDA's legislation and prohibition is not the only thing that our government has done that makes no sense and is a veritable kick in the .... to the very foundations of this country.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and property are being threatened as a whole.
But rather than worry so much about whether we'll be able to cop a nicotine buzz in the future, we should let the situation serve us as motivation to get off our collective derrières and demand a stop to the never ending intrusion on our freedom to live our lives in the manner we choose. "An it harm none, do what ye will."

That said (rant over); I've recently cut down from my usual 24 mg/ml to 20 mg/ml.
I really don't need that much stimulus in order to take advantage of the benefits of nicotine. I plan to lower that to 18mg/ml and 12 mg/ml respectively.
I've also taken to vaping 0 nicotine in the evenings, I don't need to be awake all night
finding busywork or posting on ECF...
The reason most of us began vaping in the first place was to stop a nasty and costly habit...

I also plan to continue to prepare for the inevitable social and perhaps physical revolution that the rampage of unbridled government nannyism inspires on any of us who remember the reasons for which the founding fathers of this country rebelled.

Vape on, and stop worrying. There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.



Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Jan 7, 2015
Sandbox, USSA
somebody will figure out how to get those billions of dollars in revenue from folks who want to vape.
This isn't about protecting us or our the children. It's about taxation..Money!
But even though, it is "Taxation without Representation" and has to be stopped
either through legislation or force.


Vaping Master
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Aug 28, 2011
This isn't about protecting us or our the children. It's about taxation..Money!
But even though, it is "Taxation without Representation" and has to be stopped
either through legislation or force.

Yeah, lets throw all the FDA yahoos into the Boston Harbor.


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Oct 21, 2009
NE Ohio
Even if things don't change, there will be products on the market. They may not even resemble what we have now, but the genie is out of the bottle, and somebody will figure out how to get those billions of dollars in revenue from folks who want to vape. heck, maybe big pharma will get in on the game, I'd hate to see what their devices will look like though, you can bet they won't be appealing looking to the chidren :lol:
Have you seen all the shelves in your typical Walmart of Nicorette Gum and Lozenges, with all the flavors and colorful packaging, placed within easy reach of children, toddlers even. I don't think BP has any qualms about marketing to children.


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
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