Some guy told me.

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I was out at the bar over the weekend, and went out to the smoking area to vape. I use and istick and nautilus mini, so there were no clouds at all. A couple of people were asking about e-cigs and if they work or not, no problem, I like to talk. Then the one guy starts telling me how he refuses to use them because they cause long term cardio and brain issues... what? I asked where he had heard this, of course he didn't know, he just knew they were bad, and more harmful than cigs. Crazy people, just thought I would share. :facepalm:


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
I have had more than one ignoramous try to debate me on vaping. Here's how I deal with it.... "Thanks for your concern. Please shut up now."

I like it. :D I just say "95%-99% safer than smoking." No matter what they say, I just repeat that over and over until they run out of steam. If they shut up for a minute, I then add, "if you'd like to know some REAL TRUTH about e-cigarettes, I highly recommend e-hyphen-cigarette-hyphen-forum-dot-com." Anything else they say, it's back to "95%-99% safer than smoking." :D



Reviewer / Blogger
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Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
I had a wonderful conversation with one of my cousins yesterday, what with spending all this time at my folks' house after my stepfather's heart attack. I don't normally see or speak to her more than once or twice a year, but I answered the phone since my mom was sleeping, and during all the how-ya-beens and whatcha-been-up-tos, I mentioned that I had finally managed to quit smoking... by using e-cigarettes. Immediately she says "That's GREAT!" It's so refreshing to have a conversation like that with an intelligent person. :D She's never smoked, but both our dads died of lung cancer, so she knows exactly how great it is that I've finally escaped the stinkweed.

There ARE some intelligent people out there who don't fall for all that media/public health garbage. The fact that she's a middle-school teacher makes it even better, IMO.



PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
CAASA has lots of tests that show relative safety in vaping. I've read most every one that has been posted and haven't found any reason not to continue vaping. If it keeps me off cigarettes, and it has for years, it's all good.

The link below is the gold standard for exhaustive testing of vapor from ecigs. It was done at Drexel University School of Medicine by a PHD scientist, Dr. Igor Burstyn. His take on the chemical analysis of ecig vapor was that it was several orders of magnitude lower than EPA limits and not much different from the air you breathe daily in any medium sized city.

The report is linked on CASAA's web site above, but the link takes you to a site where you have to log in to read. Below is the link to the free PDF copy.
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Vaping Mistress
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 9, 2014
Corn 'n' Cows
TODAY would NOT have been a good day for me to have that discussion with ANYONE.... Since the "Building Nazis" have dictated that vaping is NOT allowed in the building, I was sitting out at the smoke pit trying to contemplate why there are so many stoopid people in my world. A young lady came walking out and at least said, "That smells good - what is it?" (Thanks to Bill's Magic Vapor) I said "Apple Jacks" {insert evil grin here}

End of discussion.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
TODAY would NOT have been a good day for me to have that discussion with ANYONE.... Since the "Building Nazis" have dictated that vaping is NOT allowed in the building, I was sitting out at the smoke pit trying to contemplate why there are so many stoopid people in my world. A young lady came walking out and at least said, "That smells good - what is it?" (Thanks to Bill's Magic Vapor) I said "Apple Jacks" {insert evil grin here}

End of discussion.

Some smokers actually believe that vaping is worse than smoking. It's a delusion that makes them feel better about not quitting. If they only knew how easy it was to quit using ecigs, they'd jump on the bandwagon and take the ride. The first week I vaped, I realized that after 5 days I had dropped from 40 a day down to 6. I got into the vape and just didn't think about smoking except after meals and with coffee. Once I decided to drop the last 6, it was a piece of cake. I never had another urge to smoke.

It's been 5 years now since I bought my first ecig. All other methods failed miserably.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Jan 6, 2014
Leicester, UK
I've just come back from two weeks in another office where vaping is banned indoors. It is so nice to sit at my desk and take a toot whenever I feel the need, rather than wait until I can bear the thought of traipsing down the corridor, through the security door, down the lift, through the security barrier, through the card-controlled door, filling up with enough nicotine to last a few more hours while shivering in the freezing cold, and then going back through...

It always seems to be smokers who are so dead set against vaping. So rather than stopping more people taking up nicotine, all that seems to be happening is people are sticking to cigarettes. I wonder if Glantz et al are proud of that.
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