How Long Do You Inhale For?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 19, 2014
Liverpool, UK
Hi all

Just curious to know how long everyone inhales for? I don't mean how long you hold it in for before you exhale, but how long you suck in through your device for?

I ask because people say you need to suck in for at least 8 seconds because the first initial seconds are wasted on the coil being primed. I also see a lot of vapers on youtube who inhale for about 7-8 seconds, but I can only manage 5 seconds on 25VW before it starts to feel too harsh. I can do 8 seconds on 15VW but feel I'm missing out and don't know whether it's do with my lung capcity or whether I have to just tough it out and allow my lungs to adapt?

Sorry to go on, but also say you suck in for 5 seconds at 25VW but can manage to suck in for longer at 15VW say for 8 seconds, are you getting as an effective vape as the 5 second 25VW vape?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2012
i used to vape around 4-5seconds when i used to do kanthal builds at 0.3-0.7ohms@40watts. Then I discovered nichrome wire in mech mods. Closest thing to 'smoking' and is much better for me now. only 0.5-1s pulls with tons of vapor. Nichrome 80 Wire @ 0.15-0.2ohms on a mech. Using Nichrome wire just gets rid of all that rampup time kanthal has.

heres a short vid to show how fast it starts creating vapor. I'm not taking super long drags to stress the crap out of my battery btw, and im running a vtc4. Its pretty hot, i might try to aim for 0.2 next build should be better.

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