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Medication making you wrecked? Fibromyalgia & Bipolar

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ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Hi there R2C2! Have you tried Alpha Lipoic Acid? I was told by a podiatrist/foot surgeon that it is proven to help with neuropathy. I am taking it but keep forgetting the right dosage and I think I am taking too little. I did not notice any improvement in my feet when I quit smoking with Chantix. Since I started smoking again in about 2009 I have noticed a worsening of symptoms. They can just about drive a person crazy, can't they? Course for me , it is a really a short putt rather than a full out drive!:laugh:

I have been taking a multi vitamin called Fibro Response, the alpha lipoic acid and just started the CoQ10 all from doctor's recommendations. I am hopeful. I must be better. Since Cymbalta I have really decreased some of my pain meds and still feel no worse than I did while taking them. This has been gradual but it is nice. I drive a truck and vicodin is a big no no. Tramadol has worked for me and ibuprofen is actually working again.

A really wonderful friend told me years ago: "life is not an endurance contest". I try so hard to take nothing for pain. I am a tough it out type of person. I am scared that I will become immune to the pain meds and have nothing to take when it gets REALLY bad as I age. So, I become a really nasty, short-tempered witch when I am hurting and I treat loved ones poorly. Not fair to them!!! Now I medicate with an ibuprofen once a day on average and a tramadol when necessary. One every night at bed time and maybe 6 times/month during the day.

I have rambled enough.

I am vaping a mixture of vanilla tobacco and fruity pear, coconut mixture this morning. Quite good, actually.

I've never heard of that but will do some googling on it. Thank you. Mine have been numb since 1994 and I have told every doctor I have gone to but no one seems to really care or think that it is a problem. Guess I have gotten use to it. I went to a podiatrist and he gave me shots in both feet for plantar fasciitis that really help that issue. I have recently started to have those problems again I guess due to the fact that I have started walking.

I have never tried that combination to vape but it sounds quite tasty. I'm getting up a flavoring order so thanks for the tip.


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Swimming sounds great. Water negates my weight and my joints don't complain. I had trouble breathing with my chest in the water last time I tried. Really. How weird is that? I am hoping I can breath well enough to swim when we spend a week on a houseboat in September!!! I am breathing better since I quit smoking so here's crossing my fingers. I used to swim about 3 miles a day back in the day and I really would like to get back into it!

Did you know, fibro is part of the group of disorders that Easter Seals helps? They have facilities with warm water therapy pools. You can go to just exercise by yourself or sign up for their classes. It is not free, but here in CO they will let you volunteer time to offset the cost. It is reasonable. Maybe like, $55/month. I am usually only in town for a day a week so I haven't done it yet. Now that I am staying home to help my mom get stronger, I am going to look into it on Monday!

$55 a month? I know the water would help my joints but right now I'd rather spend that money on vaping. View attachment 233292 That's just sad isn't it?


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Nov 7, 2011
Southern Wisconsin
Swimming sounds great. Water negates my weight and my joints don't complain. I had trouble breathing with my chest in the water last time I tried. Really. How weird is that? I am hoping I can breath well enough to swim when we spend a week on a houseboat in September!!! I am breathing better since I quit smoking so here's crossing my fingers. I used to swim about 3 miles a day back in the day and I really would like to get back into it!

Did you know, fibro is part of the group of disorders that Easter Seals helps? They have facilities with warm water therapy pools. You can go to just exercise by yourself or sign up for their classes. It is not free, but here in CO they will let you volunteer time to offset the cost. It is reasonable. Maybe like, $55/month. I am usually only in town for a day a week so I haven't done it yet. Now that I am staying home to help my mom get stronger, I am going to look into it on Monday!

Thanks for the info on the Easter Seals! Hope you are able to swim, problem free, in September!

Still didn't sleep well last night: pain kept getting me! But I didn't have the toss and turn nicotine nighttime rumba going on! I will try my 0 nic banana cream tonight! It really is a good flavor! Neurontin is my friend. It helps my feet most of all. I can tell when I miss a dose! I am lucky that I can take some of these meds without side effects.

Sorry you didn't sleep well! I can tell when I miss a dose of my Arthrotec. My knees remind me! LOL! Banana cream sounds good. One of my favorites is Strawberry Banana.

Yes it is nice being reminded that I am not the only one feeling this way. That helps on most days. I hope you find a doctor that will help you with your knee. I don't really think they go by age. Everyone I know that has had knee surgery said it was a godsend. Keep us posted on your progress.

Thank you and thanks for the hope, too! I have too many negative people around me that keep discouraging me! I need more encoraging people in my life! I will keep you all posted, of course! :)

$55 a month? I know the water would help my joints but right now I'd rather spend that money on vaping. View attachment 233292 That's just sad isn't it?

Same here. We do have a pool, which is nice for the summer time. It is just a cheap one from Wal-Mart but it serves it's purpose. My husband never takes it down, as recommended in the winter, and its survived four years. *knocks on wood*

Sent from Tapatalk.


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
Maybe it is just something that comes with age or maybe is what I have grown into but I don't like being around negative people. When I was younger I tolerated a lot of things but now.... I've learned to ignore. In the long run I think I'm better off. It is sad but some of those people were family. I guess what it comes down to is I have no control over the way I feel but I can control how I let others affect me. Boy I don't mean to sound so philosophical tonight. Must be the rain. heehee :unsure:


Vaping Master
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Jul 1, 2013
Lakewood, CO USA
G'nite all! Remember, if it is like the Easter Seals here, they will offset some (maybe all) of the cost in exchange for a little bit of volunteer work. I don't even think it has to be at Easter Seals. I haven't looked at it for about a year because I have just been too tired on the one day off I have in town. Driving truck can be exhausting some weeks. Other times, it is just very relaxing. Go figure!


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
G'nite all! Remember, if it is like the Easter Seals here, they will offset some (maybe all) of the cost in exchange for a little bit of volunteer work. I don't even think it has to be at Easter Seals. I haven't looked at it for about a year because I have just been too tired on the one day off I have in town. Driving truck can be exhausting some weeks. Other times, it is just very relaxing. Go figure!

I kind of feel that way..... when I'm driving it is exhausting, but if I am the passenger..... it's relaxing. Heehee View attachment 233855


Ultra Member
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Nov 7, 2011
Southern Wisconsin
So sorry you are having a difficult time.:( Hope all is better real soon View attachment 233890

Thanks. I think this is an issue that will take a while to solve. In a situation that I need to get out of, but too dependent financially and physically.


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Nov 7, 2011
Southern Wisconsin
Good luck with that Tina. I will also be praying that you find the right solution to your situation. Stay strong (and vape on?)...couldn't help it...it just rhymes!

Thanks, glowplug! I appreciate it! :vapor: Yup, vaping helps relieve some stress and gets me through my days! :)


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Nov 7, 2011
Southern Wisconsin

View attachment 234873

I couldn't decide to post this here or on the funny pages. Figured it was more fitting here. :laugh::unsure::laugh:

You made the right choice, because that is so true! It actually happened to me the past two days! It was my husband's "weekend" and the two days just flew by! I barely remember what happened! Most of it was me spending time on the PC, while he played his video game! :shock:

I hope everyone is getting by alright! I've been a wreck, literally! Just so many emotions going through my head these past few days! Ugh! I think when my husband has his days off, it throws my emotions out of whack, as we sleep different hours than we normally do! My body can't do this much longer! He had an interview the other day for a promotion that would put him on second shift, which would be much nicer than third! I am praying, lighting candles, and if I had chickens, I'd be swinging them (I really don't understand that, just heard it on a weight loss group I belonged to...lol), just so he gets the position!

Take care, everyone! :D


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina

You made the right choice, because that is so true! It actually happened to me the past two days! It was my husband's "weekend" and the two days just flew by! I barely remember what happened! Most of it was me spending time on the PC, while he played his video game! :shock:

I hope everyone is getting by alright! I've been a wreck, literally! Just so many emotions going through my head these past few days! Ugh! I think when my husband has his days off, it throws my emotions out of whack, as we sleep different hours than we normally do! My body can't do this much longer! He had an interview the other day for a promotion that would put him on second shift, which would be much nicer than third! I am praying, lighting candles, and if I had chickens, I'd be swinging them (I really don't understand that, just heard it on a weight loss group I belonged to...lol), just so he gets the position!

Take care, everyone! :D

Hope things are getting better for you. I think maybe we are both due a little change in luck. It wouldn't take a lot for me to see an improvement. I was suppose to go with a friend to a winery today but couldn't make it. That's the worse part. We had been planning this for a couple of weeks. I knew 2 days ago that I probably wouldn't be going. Oh well, this is my life and I really have no control of that part. Gosh I hope this is only depressing me and not you. :facepalm: Well take it easy and I hope you have a nice week end. :)


Ultra Member
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Nov 7, 2011
Southern Wisconsin
Hello, Rat2chat2, and everyone else!

Hope things are getting better for you. I think maybe we are both due a little change in luck. It wouldn't take a lot for me to see an improvement. I was suppose to go with a friend to a winery today but couldn't make it. That's the worse part. We had been planning this for a couple of weeks. I knew 2 days ago that I probably wouldn't be going. Oh well, this is my life and I really have no control of that part. Gosh I hope this is only depressing me and not you. :facepalm: Well take it easy and I hope you have a nice week end. :)

Things did go a little smoother! Talked with my counselor on Saturday. He wants me to take time off from school for my health, but I can't get the time off. That was very stressful talking to a student adviser, Saturday. I finally took a Klonopin and took a short nap and felt better, though. I know it's all because I mess myself up on those two days and it doesn't help that I forget my meds on the usual days, even! *sigh*

I'm sorry you weren't able to make it out with your friend. I hope they understood. It's so hard to get out, sometimes, when you're feeling like that! All last week, I just wanted to sleep and put my homework off until the last minute. I know I did a crappy job, but I hope I passed my last class, at least! *sigh*

Take care and I hope you are feeling better, Rat2chat2!


ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
Here's to resurrecting a thread that went silent:

Anyone 'sripted Lamictal (Lamotrigine) for bipolar or "other"? It's FDA approved use is for biploar, but a lot of clinicians are throwing it at patients as a "mud slinging" (as in: let's just see if it works even though there are no clinical trieal to back it up.) off label treatment for depression and anxiety.

Bloody hell. Going on it it was finally discontinued as a perpetual stomach ache just got worse the longer I was on it, combined with a "caffiene jitters" sensation of anxiety. 24 hours after discontinuing it I'm still up at this hour, because I'm toughing out this bizarre feeling of dread or doom that isn't actually connected to anything. It's so pervasive I can't get past/over/beyond it to fall asleep.

Yeah, all this is listed as potential side effects.

Can't wait to call the prescribing MD when the office opens three hours from now. :mad: Some input on how to best deal with this would be nice.

Anyhoo, just another medication in the class of bipolar meds that may take you to a place you had not intended to go. Heads up.
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