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  1. P

    How do these battery graphs translate for ecig use?

    I'm sure many of us here know and have seen the reviews from I already have a general idea of which batteries to buy, so I'm not looking for recommendations on what batteries to get. I was wondering, how does the Discharge, Time graphs from that site translate for our ecig use...
  2. P

    Are there any short and fat clearomizers?

    I've been wanting to give clearomizers a second try, but I dislike the way they are since they add too much in length to my mods. Is there such thing as a short and fat clearomizer? Here is a quick photochop of what I mean: About 15-20mm in diameter, but not too tall. I can probably hacksaw a...
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    Glass Rebuildable Dripper? Is there such thing?

    I was wondering if there was such thing as a glass rebuildable dripper atomizer? The only one I have seen is the FireFly from gotvapes, which is an ERA clone. I was hoping for an 18-22 mm size that doesn't look like an ERA. Firefly ERA clone: Someone told...
  4. P

    Custom Vape Stand - $5 Budget/Walmart Edition!

    I would like to thank Chris Choi [from ........'s Vaping Deals and Steals - Save $$] for letting me know about this wonderful stand. Click on >url< to get to the product I am talking about. This stand has a potential for almost anything! It has a custom look with a low price of $5. My stand...
  5. P

    CASAA on Aljazeera America

    I was wondering if you guys have a transcript or video of the talk show on Aljazeera America? I saw it a few hours ago, but I have missed the entire part about ecigs. All I remember was that the CASAA representative is a doctor and he kept being cut off in the last minute. The opponent's last...
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    Creating a Patina on Brass mods?

    One of my mods is brass and I was wondering if it is safe to get a patina going on it? Has anyone done something similar to this? I've been looking at various mod picture threads, and the only patina I've seen are the dull brown looking ones. I'm trying to find a way to get this greenish-blue...
  7. P

    Tutorial - Cotton Balls As Wicks

    Here you go. I love Kidney Puncher. I love Wizard Labs. Here is the thread for making microcoils. This set up gives good flavor, good vapor, and it vapes good. I change my wick about every 3 days or so, or whenever I have nothing to do since re-wicking is fast and easy.
  8. P

    YouTube Front Page: Look at mE-Cigarettes

    A somewhat bashful video about ecig users. It was on the front page under "Entertainment". TBH, it is somewhat true for most cig-a-like users. It reminds me of some people I've met at a club or bar. Usually from people who have never smoked before, but took on cig-a-like ecigs for the "cool" factor.
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    The Daily Review: Health benefits weighed as electronic cigarettes grow in popularity in county

    associated press Published: August 28, 2013 Health benefits weighed as electronic cigarettes grow in popularity in county - News - Daily Review I didn't see this, but if it has been posted already, please report this thread or PM me and I will take...
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    Wizard Labs -- Best Packaging Ever!

    Ordered on Wed, 17 July 2013. Received Sat, 20 July 2013. From Florida to Washington state, very fast shipping. My small order was sent in a plastic bubblewrap mailer. Similar to this kind of mailer. Sorry for the crappy pics. Free flavor? WHAT?? THANK YOU WL! I LOVE YOU: Heat sealed...
  11. P

    Mouth Hitters, Do You Holding It In (the vapor)?

    Smoking, we took lung hits and exhaled. I stopped taking lung hits shortly after I started vaping. I inhale and keep it in the mouth, then I exhale through my nose. For those who do mouth hits, do you hold it in for a few seconds before exhaling so you can get more nic?
  12. P

    Vape Tricks!

    Can you gals and guys do interesting things with the vape? I just mastered making smoke vape rings. I remember going to hookah bars with friends a few years back and they all could make nice rings. Got into vaping, quit smoking (but with an occasional hookah bar hangout), and I thought rings...
  13. P

    Mold on wick?

    So I own 3 rebuildable drippers, all of them in use, at least once a week. Is it safe if the juice sit in the wick for a few days, and then vape it? My dripper has no well/bowl. Made out of stainless steel. Wick is made out of cotton.
  14. P

    Just bought an eVic

    After much deliberation between a Vamo and a mech mod, I bought an eVic on an impulse. Got the kit for $77 shipped, I should have it by wed or thurs. I'm somewhat nervous since I've seen a few thread about popping wires and the rocker switch going out. However, I'm excited for this is my first...
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    My DX e-cig Makes Me Want More!

    I've been smoking since 2007, but only a pack or two a month. A few months ago I bought a $3 ecig and 10ml ejuice from DX and I love it! After using my $3 ecig for about 2 months now, I think I'm ready to move onto the bigger and better ecigs. I vape low or zero nic. I vape for the pleasure, not...