24 hours after the first e-cig

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2010
(Big Island) Hawaii
..."After a 2-3 minutes of standing motionless staring at those cigarettes,
it reminded of a few past girlfriends that were drop-dead gorgeous on the outside, but hideous on the inside, lying on the bed naked motioning for me to join them. I started laughing and thought..NO...not going to do it, I'm not falling for this again, went inside and vaped awhile then had my coffee. I will remember that moment for the rest of my life."

OMG SnowDragon...your comparison of analogs to past girlfriends was the funniest thing I've read since joining the forum. My husband and I are still laughing. Perfect description, an amazing visual. Thank you, thank you for making our day...and sharing your "moment"


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
Thanks skid, and vic and anybody else that has chimed in. I'm exclusively a vaper now. Cigarettes aren't even appealing. I got an urge last night but it didn't last.

I'm honestly surprised how my mornings have been going...just that one day when I woke up i wanted one bad..now i wake up and just want to go back to sleep. lol
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