24 hours after the first e-cig

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
Soo yesterday as some of you may know because i went ape pooh over how excited I was about it..my eGo arrived at aroudn 11:45 AM EST and i was dripping away by about 12:20. I went a total of 10 or so hours without any cigarettes at all and no cravings. At one point I did decide to see how it felt to smoke the rest of the cigarette i put out that morning when my eGo arrived...and to be honest..it still felt more natural. But i didn't smoke anymore after that and still haven't. I even went to someone's house who was smoking when i got there...and smoked a few while i was there. I kept telling him it stunk. lol...never been able to say that before im usually the one stinking up a room with cigs. I was up until about 6 this morning and went woke up about 2 hours ago... I've been vaping since I woke up and still feel like I want a cigarette...but I don't know that could just be a desire for caffeine.... im going to go buy a mountain dew and see if that clears up before i give in to this urge... i can probably fight the urge either way and tho the eGo is keeping me somewhat calm and it's not as intense as i've felt with no nicotine at all...i feel like i want a cigarette right now.

I don't want to smoke it really but at the same time i'd rather get this feeling out of me...that could be why i felt so good yesterday..i had a chance to smoke before i started vaping. the initial wake up routine had been done.

I'm going to go buy that mountain dew...and even if I do end up smoking a cig to get my day started - thats like..1 and a half cigs in the last 24 hours...

i may just fight it tho and keep vaping away and see if it curbs. It was nice waking up this morning and coughing just one time to clear some gunk out of my lungs instead of the 30-45 minute dry cough session i've grown accustomed to over the last few weeks.

my first atty's are finally breaking in very well..even the PG solution is providing a nice sized vape. Not as big as i've seen still but definately getting more flavorful and pulling more vapor. I also charged a 510 batt i had bought with my ego that i thought was defective over night, and it's working.

On second thought...im not going to have that cigarette all...being a non smoker has opened a world of opportunity for dating. lol...i'm not afraid of constantly stinking around a non smoking woman.


Ultra Member
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May 27, 2010
Raleigh, NC
I've been analog free for (see banner below) and have no desire at all to light one up.

I even have a full, unopened carton left over sitting out in the open where I can see it every time I walk by (which is at least 5 times a day) and still no desire to open it.

Just hang in there. You can do it, too.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
thank you spider...honestly I did just give in to that urge and put it out after like 3 hits...it tasted horrible. my vapor sticks tastes yummy.

I'm even enjoying the differences between the 510 and the eGo...the 510 feels smoother and to me seems to be a little sweeter flavor with the juice im using...eGo providing that semi harsh throat hit and feels much closer to actually smoking.

i'm back to 100% on not wanting a cigaraette again...all it took was trying to smoke one! lol


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 17, 2008
the more you vape, the more you will enjoy it and the less you will enjoy analogs, and next thing you know, you CHOOSE to vape, because it tastes so much better. just give it time. i have an eGo and love it. buy yerself some really good flavors, keep the interest up.........you will be a nonsmoker before you know it.


PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
It's normal for some of us, me included, to want a cigarette occasionally. Some quit the day they get the ecig and others taper off. It depends on you and your body's response to quitting. There are some additional chemicals that you get from an analog that you don't get from an ecig. One of those is MAO inhibitors, which are chemicals that satisfy brain receptors, prevent the breakdown of dopamine (pleasure hormone) and give you that relaxed, calm feeling.

More info here
This is your brain on nicotine


Ultra Member
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Aug 3, 2010
Congrats on your new PV. Don't beat yourself up about having a cigarette though, everyone functions differently. Some of us can quit after first vape, others still have a smoke here and there. The point is to make the transition as easy as possible for yourself, without any expectations or pressures.


Super Member
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Apr 8, 2010
Independence, Missouri
Congrats! I get that analog craving once in a while and so I have a mt dew next to me and my trusty 510. And when I pick it up, fill my lungs a few times the craving goes away. I also try and distract my self from not thinking about it. The 510 is my new cig. not the ones in the paper box. I broke up with them LOL the caffeine plus the nic over time really is the way to go. if your still craving some analogs, i would recommend upping your nic mg a tad. might help that craving just a bit. ^^

Zapp and Roger

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2010
Dayton, Ohio
Congrats! I get that analog craving once in a while and so I have a mt dew next to me and my trusty 510. And when I pick it up, fill my lungs a few times the craving goes away. I also try and distract my self from not thinking about it. The 510 is my new cig. not the ones in the paper box. I broke up with them LOL the caffeine plus the nic over time really is the way to go. if your still craving some analogs, i would recommend upping your nic mg a tad. might help that craving just a bit. ^^

Congrats on getting into a much healthier habit. This poster has a really good point, distraction can work really well :) The brain can only process so much at one time, distraction is even used as a way to alleviate pain. Give it a shot, find something completely engaging, but not something that you used to associate with smoking. GL and enjoy it won't be long before you ask ppl not to smoke in your house for the smell :D


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
Congrats on getting into a much healthier habit. This poster has a really good point, distraction can work really well :) The brain can only process so much at one time, distraction is even used as a way to alleviate pain. Give it a shot, find something completely engaging, but not something that you used to associate with smoking. GL and enjoy it won't be long before you ask ppl not to smoke in your house for the smell :D

I can agree with that...as yesterday the only urge i had was easily beaten by just blowing out one of my atomizers. This morning was a little rough but those 3 hits were all it took...i was like ew. thank all of you guys for your encouraging words. <3


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jul 28, 2010
Boise, Idaho
Hang in there...the first week is a real challenge because your fighting years of patterning. The thought of denying yourself of something only increases your desire for it which is why so many diets fail. Like all of us, I'm sure you have been sick and off ciggies for a couple of days. After feeling better you choke down that first ciggie that taste so nasty, then they taste better afterwards.

This holds true for vaping, after 3-4 days of vaping only the taste of ciggie is like licking a wet ashtray that the cat ...... in. But it does take a couple of days and you will eventually get there. A lot of making the crossover is playing tricks on your own mind to break Pavlovian habits which have been repeated daily over the course of many years.

I never intended on quitting cigs, but decided to try an e-cig on the advice of a good friend, matter of fact I had never heard of e-cigs before. For years I had a pattern of waking up, making a pot coffee, going out to the garage for a morning cig waiting for that first cup of coffee. Although I had vaped the entire afternoon and evening upon receiving my kit without having a ciggie, there I was, the next morning in the garage while the coffee was brewing. I found myself staring at the half a pack Marlboro Lights with a lighter in hand.

After a 2-3 minutes of standing motionless staring at those cigarettes,
it reminded of a few past girlfriends that were drop-dead gorgeous on the outside, but hideous on the inside, lying on the bed naked motioning for me to join them. I started laughing and thought..NO...not going to do it, I'm not falling for this again, went inside and vaped awhile then had my coffee. I will remember that moment for the rest of my life. 4 days later, out of curiousity I decided to see what ciggie tasted like, it felt great lighting it, holding it, placing the lighter to the tip, then I took my first drag, exhaled...and thought, man these taste like crap, put it out and never looked back.

You will have what I consider your moment of enlightenment, you will have finally deprogrammed your mind and as the days pass you will find that you no longer want a ciggie.

The mornings are the hardest...no doubt, but I think you are on the right course and soon, very soon, you will make the conscious decision that you don't need ciggie although you still may want one. We tend to be our own harshest critics, so be your own best friend and give yourself some time.

:toast: To taking the first step!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
wow...it's now been over 48 hours since i got this thing..

This morning I did have to cough a few times when I woke up but I attribute it to the cillia coming back to life. I didn't crave a cigarette at ALL when I woke up...i honestly didn't even feel a craving to vape. I did of course vape anyway because I enjoy it so. But wow...my sense of smell is coming back for sure...i still haven't thrown out the ashtray...and it stinks! i need to wash my sheets too! i woke up like "ew"

These devices are so freaking amazing... the best part about it has been the ability to talk to a non-smoking girl and her not run off because I reek of smoke. I mean it's opened up a world of opportunity in dating life for me. And I only kicked the habit 2 days ago!

i feel better and am happier than i've been in longer than i can remember.

THANK YOU GUYS so freaking much for your encouragement and willingness to provide information at a newbies whim. What's happening in my life? Improvement...all i can say is improvement.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 26, 2010
Colorado Springs, CO
I quit smoking cigarettes the moment I got my PV. I didn't even crave them, and within days, I couldn't stand the smell of smoke. 5 months later, I am exercising (my top spead on the treadmill is twice what I was able to do as a smoker...my cooldown speed is the same as my top speed as a smoker!), I have lost 18 pounds and I am wearing clothes I couldn't imagine fitting into 5 months ago! My skin and hair look and feel better, even. August 12 was my one-year anniversary cancer-free...and my life is completely different!

Enjoy the changes, there are several to come...including your tastes. What you like now, may be awful in a few weeks, but stick with it, and keep on vaping!

Oh! and do NOT run out of juice!!!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
yahh i don't think I'll have a problem running out of juices...i have 4 30ml bottles...one some brand of vanilla that I just didn't like too well...might when my tastebuds regain their full stature.

I also ordered some tobacco flavor that I'm honestly afraid to try. I bought it just in case the peach and orage I'm currently using didn't cut it for making the switch. So that's 2 bottles that will probably stay in the reserve pouch for if something crazy happens with the mail and my juice isn't here on time. Though I have learned i should buy samples before delving into the larger bottles.

I'm glad to hear about the positive effects this has had on your life. really i am. :) Only makes looking forward that much more pleasant to think about.
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