2ml Inline Tank Mod - No Carts - I Fill Lasts All Day

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Aug 10, 2009
This still isn't done, but it is done enough to share, and I wanted people to be able to take off from where I am and make it better.

Not to mention fine-tuning and futher nozzle experiements, it still needs a nice make-over and some tightening up and what-have-you, but here it is...
(forgive the cell phone pics)
(Note: I have only done this on a 510)

First, you have to start with a tank.
You know those little perfume sampler vials?
I got a set of four of those filled with candle scents (for making your own candles) at a craft store.



Leave the vial in rubbing alcohol for a few days, and the smell is gone (I still haven't figured out how to get the smell off the lids, but luckily the dropper nozzles from those very familiar 3ml dropper bottles fit nicely. If you know how to get rid of that smell, please let me know).


more to come...


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Aug 10, 2009
You may have to use a bit of teflon tape to get a snug fit.

As you know, if you hold a dropper bottle upside-down, nothing comes out.
This has to be fixed.
Cut the end off the dropper nozzle (be conservative - you can cut more off later, but you can't add).
You also have to gouge out the little hose thing on the inside (I hope this picture is clear). This was the hardest part of the whole mod. I used a hobby knife, a pair of tweezers, an awl and the drill bit from a pipe-reamer. There is probably an easier way.

Now, this is where the adjustments come in.
I tried a lot of different approaches...
Just the hole - in differing sizes and nipple lengths.
A mechanical device that opens...

...when you press down on this plunger at the back:

A wick (if you use a wick, the hole has to be bigger than the wick, so you need to come up with a way to keep the wick in there. I cut the end off a sweing needle, and pushed it through the lid horizontally below the level of what goes inside the vial, piercing the wick. Please be careful if you do this. The inside of the vial is slightly beveled and a smaller id than the rest of the vial. I have already broken one trying to take the lid off when the needle got stuck on the edge of that bevel.
Hopefully that is clear in this picutre...

I had varying degress of success with all of them. The holes would work great for a day or two, then be too dry or too wet. The mechanical device was never quite wet enough.
The wick, once I figured out the proper length, worked the best.
I used a small braided cotton candle wick.


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Aug 10, 2009
Next I took the empty battery skin from a 510 auto battery and used a tube cutter to trim it down to a more reasonable size:

I essentially made this skin into a very long atomizer.
I removed the outer shell of the atomizer, and replaced the outer shell with the new one made of the 510 battery skin.



The tank that now has a nozzle on it, slides very neatly into this super-long atomizer (nozzle side-down, of course):

I took a small pen spring and attached it into the inside nib thing of the cap off a 510 cart:

Don't use a very strong spring. You don't want it pressing so hard against the atomizer bridge to stop any juice from coming out, just strong enough to hold it in place against the bridge with light pressure.

That little piece of straw was what I had to use to shim the cart cap in place at the end of the tank-o-mizer.
Alternatively - if you don't want to risk losing the straw piece while on the road, if you want plastic in your mouth instead of metal and/or you don't mind it a bit longer, you an cut the inside end off a cart to shorten it a bit and stuff a spring in the hole:

That works well too.
If you do this, you can store the bit of straw and other spring in the top chamber of the cart so you have both options with you:

You may also want to bring a straw in your supplies, or find another way to fasten this end (but not too tight because you have to take it off to put the full tank in). Heat shrink tubing is too thick - I tried...
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Aug 10, 2009
Very limited tools, very limited supplies and very limited skill.


And it works like a charm.
(mind you, it took me a few weeks of messing with the nozzle hole and length to get it right, and it still isn't perfect, but I have used it every day for over a week and haven't run out of juice, or gotten a drop in my mouth.)

If you think of ways to improve it, please feel free to share.

I hope people find it as handy as I do.
Now I am going to get rid of that temporary sleeve (thanks a million Cisco) and make a new tank-o-mizer from a solid black sleeve... Or maybe I will just strip the paint off this one and go bare.

This was my first mod and more an experiment to learn by breaking crap than anything else - and to prove to myself that a tank will work.
I have my sights set on making a tank mod that will fit in a Zippo.
First I have to get back to work and all the other things I have been neglecting the past few weeks - like sleep.


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I know I want at least 10 of them and those candle scents STINK!
When I was testing the original lids (before I relaized the droppers will work) I got sick to my stomach inhaling that crap for days.

I saw those a couple of places, but the outer diameter has to be pretty accurate, and I wan't quite sure what it was.
A hair larger, and no air will pass by it.
Now that I bought that caliper you see in the pictures today, I know the outer diameter and can make sure I am getting the right thing.


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Aug 10, 2009
I have been using this new configuration all day at work and so far so good.
It seems to work better with the cap at the end (as opposed to the trimmed cart at the end) but I think that's because the spring I used in the trimmed cart was too firm.

I need to come up with a way of filling it better.
I am currently using one of these at home:

(click picture for link)
It works great, but they are not portable enough.

As I said, I already broke one tank when the sewing needle got stuck on the edge and I pulled a bit too hard.
Any suggestions?
Maybe I will just bring a second tank with me for days that may require more than one full tank.


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Aug 10, 2009

It's still working great.
Tons of vapor and great flavor.
Once in a while, when replacing the tank after filling it, the wick gets a bit matted down and blocks the opening. All I do is tug it a bit to pull it more straight and put the tank back in.

I actually cut the wick down to about 1/2 inch long so I could fit more juice in the tank, with no adverse effect.
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