after cleaning protank 3, flavor feels a bit dull?

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Ello! So I just got my setup about 2 weeks ago, Vamo V5, protank 3 dual coil. I've been vaping like a dream, getting wonderful flavor, big clouds of vapor, etc etc. So after going through avout 4 refills of the protank, I decided it was time to give it some cleaning time. I took the thing apart, ran it under water, and left the head to soak in water for about 4 hours. After that I did a very small amount of dry burn. Didn't need much sense the thing is practically new. So now that I have the tank together again, it feels like the flavor is a bit dull and muted. Like its not quite there. I used to start the drag and immediately taste the juice, now it takes about 1.5 seconds after I start to taste the flavor again. It also feels like I have to suck (for lack of a better word) a bit harder to get the vapor out. I doubt this is normal. I find if I vape at 4.7 and above, it returns to normal, but I used to vape at 4.0 volts at the max. I don't wanna vape to high and burn the juice or the coil. Any thoughts on this? I don't feel quite comfortable with it. It's kinda nagging me in the back of my head every time I vape.
I use the protank 3 too with an itaste VV3. I used the vodka clean method and it works well. I did read about replacing the wick with organic cotton, I plan to try this next. If you google "stop throwing away your protank coils" there is a great demo for the protank 2. The dual coil of the protank 3 might throw a wrench, but I will give it a try. Folks report a better flavor experience once they ditch the original wick.

And.. I added the protank air flow control to my setup and that really helps to customize the "pull", drag... not sure how to explain.:)
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