ALTUS by GUO — World's first coil-less tank

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Ultra Member
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May 18, 2015
ok so there's obviously a big ramp time. makes sense because the heating element has so much mass and being covered in, sintered in, whatever material they're calling it. but since this can be used on a tc device, (no idea what type of wire is used ie TCR number?) maybe that ramp ramp up time can be reduced or even eliminated. i'm thinking dna 200.
preheat-200 watts
time-1-2 seconds

i'm liking this tank purely out of "how many watts can i dump into this" curiosity. for over a hundy tho? gotta come down in price or good 1:1 clone. gotta see more reviews.


Ultra Member
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Apr 16, 2015
Sydney, Australia
Im excited to announce some more features of Inflated Claims LLC's first mod, The Big .... 400w

- Crafted from a single block of Onyx

Eschewing the trend of lightweight small mods, which we reckon are for pansies,
here at Inflated Claims LLC, we decided to go another way...solid Onyx.
People assume all the Onyx was used up in the 60's..wrong...time to bring it back.
Remember all those classy Ronson table lighters from when you smoked in the 60's?
You can relive that elegance again, youre welcome vapers.

- Uniquely shaped

Finally a mod shaped like an obtuse triangle. We decided early on that there
were any number of mods out there that had great hand feel for some but
not others.

The design team really took the design brief of "make a mod shape
that no one finds comfortable, so every one feels equal" on board and really
ran with it. We wanted to unify vapers, job done.

This isnt your daddys box mod. Boxes are so yesterday. Obtuse triangles
are the future

- The first mod to use partially recycled materials in its construction

Features a 510 Connection, made from surplus melted down soviet era bicycles.
Simply attach your tank to the connector, or what we call the .... Hole (for those
who arent familiar with technical terms), and vape on.

- Superfast charging

Simply attach the proprietary connector, which we call the .... Plug
(again, for those who arent familiar with technical terms), into the mod
and the other end into a free wall socket and it will charge in less time than an
episode of Parker Lewis Cant Lose.

Sorry, thats all i can say right now, and no renders, the chinese will just clone it.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 26, 2011
The Reef just off the Florida coast
- Crafted from a single block of Onyx
A reputable vendor (no mention of what kind of reputation; just reputable) that wishes to remain anonymous sent a message to me questioning the safety of holding a single block of Onyx in your hand. He is sending it out for further pseudo-scientific analysis. I'll get back to you with or without results.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 10, 2014
Im excited to announce some more features of Inflated Claims LLC's first mod, The Big .... 400w

- Crafted from a single block of Onyx

Features a 510 Connection, made from surplus melted down soviet era bicycles.
Simply attach your tank to the connector, or what we call the .... Hole (for those
who arent familiar with technical terms), and vape on.

- Superfast charging

Simply attach the proprietary connector, which we call the .... Plug
(again, for those who arent familiar with technical terms), into the mod

Still can't stop laughing......buahahahahahah---this is great stuff and sounds like every great mod description now days.........

great imagination and creativity in coming up with this imaginary new mod should be writing columns for the newspaper or magazines......

you have a gift.........


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 27, 2012
Like I said in the other thread on this it looks interesting and I am looking forward to seeing/hearing more about it. There are a lot of people who do not want to or honestly can not build their own coils, this might be a great alternative someday for that segment of the vaping population.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
It really doesn't look like in this video he is using it correctly according to the video the inventor did on this.

It looks like the Guy in the Video has the cotton Oriented the Wrong Way. With the Strands running Vertically vs Horizontally.

Kinda wish the reviewer Hadn't tried to do this Live. And had spent some time with the Atomizer and then put together a Decent Video.

But I guess the Desire to be the 1st was overwhelming.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Apr 16, 2015
Sydney, Australia
Still can't stop laughing......buahahahahahah---this is great stuff and sounds like every great mod description now days.........

great imagination and creativity in coming up with this imaginary new mod should be writing columns for the newspaper or magazines......

you have a gift.........
I had much more than i posted on the fictional mod and tank, but i tend to go overboard so i ramped it down a lot :)

I dont know if gift is the right word. Ive been pretty good with words all my life. And i had a stint on local radio, caused my fair share of dead air from the other hosts wetting themselves with laughter. The management were not amused, we were supposed to be playing bloody doof doof music with chat kept to a minimum, i think our demographic was unemployed party substance abusers (who else would listen to that crap). Spoiler i hate doof doof, so id poison the playlist with old blues tracks, like Son House and Charley Patton, maybe id slip in something as current (not) as Freddie King and every now and then SRV. That did the trick, well it got me removed.

I have coffee with a couple of friends every fortnight, thats the extent of my social life except for the odd vape meet. One of my coffee friends i regularly mentally scar with either my latest tweet or a random phone call in the days leading up to coffee...have to have something to talk about. He's the victim of the pinned tweet on my twitter:

Calls my friends get-"ive just found a really firm stool!" Them:"i hope youre at a furniture store" Me:"you keep hoping" click

He just shook his head at my last tweet (paraphrased from this thread):

Things i say in forums: The (radial engine style) design came to me late one night as i was to old Amelia Earhart newsreels

I point out to him that he really cant feign surprise/outrage after a decade of knowing me...

Its not like he knew me in the days when id do stuff like trying to book into the Sydney Hilton using my genitals...short version, the manager didnt accept my premise that i'd seen someone enter a Hilton that way online...

My friends have a much easier time these days

I have 7 followers on twitter, one of them is a functional neurologist, who works with autistic people. I like to think im giving him a rich vain of weirdness for his research :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 16, 2015
Sydney, Australia
p.s. a moment of hilarity last night when a vaper friend (disley) who's on here asked me how much VG was at our b&m...i couldnt remember, so i looked up the website and there, on the coming soon page was....anyone?...the bloody Altus. Disley wants one, he likes his gear and new things, has the single biggest collection of Lemo 1's and 2's you'll find anywhere. Of course i told him what i found....


Full Member
Nov 7, 2014
Bay Area
Well not seeing anyone else putting an order in, and having not been active here in a long time, figured I would bite the bullet at 109$ and give it a try and report back as a way to try and get myself back "in to" these discussions. Really lost motivation for a while do to some seriously unfortunate events in life.

This tank was different enough, and having got the vaporesso at Christmas, curiousity got the better of me and I ordered one Altus from vaperoyalty on sunday. According to tracking it should be here tomorrow in the late afternoon.
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