And another thing... or ... Ohmmmmm..........

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
Let me see if I can make some sense. New to VV (if fact, Kit hasn't arriaved yet). However, I've read this section, and posts about using lower ohm stuff.

I guess the question is... WHY?

Check me here.

1) Higher ohm atties are more robust, as a general rule (longer wire = higher ohms... I suppose thinner wire = higher ohms too.. but higher ohms are considered more robust).
2) Thus, LR atties/cartos don't last as long and are hotter.

Since you are using VV, you can just crank the voltage up. So why would you ever want to use LR stuff? Now, I know you may have some around for other devices and just want to use em. OK. But, if you're buying an atty (or carto) for your VV device, why wouldn't you use the higher ohm/theoretically/rumored-to-be more robust stuff?

I've always thought and heard that LR stuff doesn't last as long. So with VV, why use it? Because you want LR stuff for a 3.x battery?

EDIT: BTW I'm not being critical here. I'm just literally asking "why?". If you want to use LR stuff, cool by me.
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Ω Destroyer
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Aug 15, 2011
New Hampshire, US
I generally don't bother with LR stuff unless it's on a 3.7 fixed volt setup. I find I generally prefer the way higher ohm hardware vapes at higher voltages, though this varies depending on specific juice and hardware I'm using

One of the things that really irks me is the people that talk smack about VV because they can't run their LR attys at 5+ volts without getting a burned taste . . . :facepalm: If you like LR, that's fine, but you have to use the appropriate gear to get the vape you want. I'm totally with you, AP


Ω Destroyer
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Aug 15, 2011
New Hampshire, US
Worth paying extra for? I don't know. Most of the vendors I've bought from don't have a price difference for different resistances of the same type of atty. I have seen higher prices for the really high ohms (4.5+) at some places, but I don't go that high, anyway. I do have one 4.5 ohm 510 atty, but find I prefer 3-4 ohm ones, even running in the same wattage range. So in my case I don't find it worth it, but there are 7.4 volt vapers out there that love those things


Vaping Master
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Aug 22, 2010
Albemarle, North Carolina
This is a great question! I have several vv mods and use LR cartos. Why? Because I I can't find a carto that I like better than the 1.7 smoktech resurrectors. I've tried some boge 3.0 but I just don't like them. The draw is tight.. the flavor seems off and they seem packed too tight. They are much harder to punch. I've looked for smoktech in stainless steel and higher ohms but can't find any and I like to order from ccv.

Now I guess if I really tried different stuff, I would probably find something I like but trying out different stuff takes time and costs money. I like the way the resurrector performs and I like vaping it no higher than 4.2 and my devices let me do this. so this is why I have stayed with LR cartos so far. As far as battery life, maybe I'd get longer life if I was using higher resistance cartos at higher voltages, but I'm happy with the battery life I'm getting now.

I've pretty much phased out attys..unless I'm sitting here in front of my computer dripping on one. And as far as LR not lasting as long... I'm using a resurrector that I first started using 2 weeks ago. It's still performing great.. so I can't complain about LR cartos not lasting long enough. If I use carto friendly juice, and alternate unflavored juice every couple fills, I more than get my money's worth out of my cartos.
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Vaping Master
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Aug 9, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
I think most that use LR attys with vv do it because it's what they already have and if they prefer it for some reason, that's great to. You just don't get the full voltage scale withe lr, nor should you, they are meant to simulate higher volts from a 3.7 which is more like 4.2 with a full charge or under battery but they work and work great if you keep the voltage where it should be. VV will also let you fine tune to taste which is a plus but for the most part you have to keep the voltage adjusted within where a 3.7 battery would be or below with lr stuff. If I already had some I'd use them with it just so they wouldn't go to waste but I wouldn't buy a LR atty for vv.

Anything SR or above should be fine and give the full voltage range. I generally try to stay around 3 ohms but anything in the mid 2s or above you should have no problem with the range on most vv devices. Higher ohms will increase battery life also at the same wattage due to not pulling as much current.
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Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2010
Columbia, Missouri
I have not personally experienced the supposedly shorter life of LR cartos. In fact, all the posts about folks getting only a week or at best two weeks from a carto before performance goes downhill leave me shaking my head. Keeping in mind that I don't chain vape one flavor all day (I vape at least 20 flavors every day and keep them loaded in different PVs with cartos and carto-tanks), I get many months use from almost all my cartos of every kind. I just began a turnover (by throwing out) a bunch of 3.0 Boge cartos I began using six months ago. (And yes, the new ones do taste better...)

Most choices have trade-offs. Low resistance means lower ceiling on voltage, but higher voltage means faster battery drain and more frequent swaps to recharge. Neither down side strikes me as a big deal, however.

I have a whole stable of VV boxes, and the only ones I run above 5V or beyond 6V are my Little Sister and two Big Brothers from Ken. The reason for that is that those boxes don't hit nearly as hard as my many (7) Madvapes VV boxes, so I crank them up and use 2.8-3.0 ohm cartos (Boges and Good Prophets). I run all my Madvapes boxes at 4.5 volts with 1.7 ohm Resurrectors or 1.5-1.6 ohm dual coils, either alone or in tanks.

I do have six 5V-regulated boxes (the only reason I even have those is that they were bought dirt-cheap in various sales, with an average cost of $19 shipped). Two of them won't fire dual coils, so on those I use higher-res cartos. The other four use higher-amp-rated regulators that handle duals quite nicely, so that's what I run on those. I also have a bunch of 18650 tube mods (2 Omegas, 2 Roughstacks, 2 Diamond mods, one Indulgence V2) for which I use the special composite nimh batteries that list as 4.8V but come off the charger at 5.2-5.6V. Those batteries are lower mAh rated (400-600mAh), and for some reason they run cooler and smoother, without hitting as hard. I use duals and Resurrectors on those with no problems. My most frequent sweet-spot, however, is 4.5V.

Here as with almost every aspect of vaping, the only person you need to please is yourself. Do whatever you like, and don't worry about what anyone else thinks or says, especially on ECF or YouTube. Exceptions exist, of course, amidst all the great info on ECF (for instance: don't use unprotected Li-Ion batteries, don't buy nicotine from questionable sources, don't atty-drip and drive, etc.). Mostly, however, just do whatever you like.


Vaping Master
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Feb 17, 2011
under the blue sky
I've looked for smoktech in stainless steel and higher ohms but can't find any and I like to order from ccv.

I use 3.2 ohm smoke tech cartos I get from madvapes. Since CCV carries some smoke tech stuff already, you might consider just asking them to carry them for you.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
See... now, cartos die faster. They just don't last as long as atties, so I don't know how you tell LR vs SR vs HV. Some die faster than others. But they die. I'm no expert since I use atomizers (yes... still). However, the LR atty stuff is rumored to fail more quickly than SR or HV atties.

I can see where that would be a carto preference thing even on vv since they vary so much. OTOH.. for atomizers.. my thought was SR or HV. IDK.


Vaping Master
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Feb 5, 2011
Knoxville, TN USA
You can have both worlds in DC cartos and atties. With a 2ohm DC you have 2x4ohm coils. 4ohm obviously being really HV coils., but since they're in parallel, you get a 2ohm load. This drains batteries faster and guzzles nicquid, but is signifcantly warmer, fuller, more flavorful vapor. In essence you're quadrupling the heating surface area of a single 2ohm coil. I only wish there was a DC atty to use with my Vmod XL. I have several from COV, but alas, it's a PITA to get the nicquid to both coils with the design of the ceramic cups inside with a bottomfeeder. I've been extremely pleased with the 2ohm DC atties on my dual 18650 VV boxmods! 4.5v-5v at 2ohms = Holy ____!!
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Ice Cream!
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Nov 30, 2011
Dallas, Texas
You can have both worlds in DC cartos and atties. With a 2ohm DC you have 2x4ohm coils. 4ohm obviously being really HV coils., but since they're in parallel, you get a 2ohm load. This drains batteries faster and guzzles nicquid, but is signifcantly warmer, fuller, more flavorful vapor. In essence you're quadrupling the heating surface area of a single 2ohm coil. I only wish there was a DC atty to use with my Vmod XL. I have several from COV, but alas, it's a PITA to get the nicquid to both coils with the design of the ceramic cups inside with a bottomfeeder. I've been extremely pleased with the 2ohm DC atties on my dual 18650 VV boxmods! 4.5v-5v at 2ohms = Holy ____!!

Here is the Dual-Coil Atomizer I've been using for a month or so now, and still running great no issues on my first one. I swish it around in boiling water every three days or so to get all the gunk out, and it's been working awesome. It works on bottom-feeders as well:

Joye 510 Atomizers | Dual Coil Atomizers | 510 Low Resistance Atomizers

EDIT: Sorry, reread your post and didn't realize you already tried them... Derp :/
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
Changing OHMS is the same as changing voltage EXCEPT you just adjust a Voltage you do not have to buy other attys/cartos JUST CHANGE the VOLTAGE , simple NO ???

Really in both cases what you are doing is changing the POWER applied, whether it is lowering ohms or increasing voltage.
Yeah... the effective watts. What I was referring to is how well the atty/carto handles the watts. Do SR atties really last longer? If so, why not use them? Upping voltage is theoretically more efficient for battery use too (for a variety of reasons). So that was the discussion. Not really effective watts.

I was just curious about if people just stuck with the LR stuff they loved and vaped at lower voltage, or "upgraded" to SR or even HV depending on atty/carto and device.
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