anyone else mix vaping and analogs?

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Ryan Kelly

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Apr 14, 2014
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
sad to say but I'm still in my analog quitting phase of vaping. I've gone from a pack a day to about a pack every 3 days so i am making progress. i still cape throughout the day as well. i have a little issue though. whenever i wake up in the morning i usually go right to my PV but ill take a tiny little mouth hit (and I'm talking tiny like 1 second long) and i will start coughing uncontrollably and my throat gets scratchy. No more than 5 minutes later ill go out and smoke a cig with no problem. goes down smooth and doesn't cause any coughing or throat irritation. this will continue for about half the day and once I've been out and about for a little while i can cape as well with no problems. then i wake up the next morning with the same issue. does anyone else experience this? rational thinking tells me it has to do with mixing analogs and vaping. any suggestions (other than the obvious "stop smoking"). thanks for all your help guys.

Ryan Kelly

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Apr 14, 2014
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Plenty of people have gone the gradual route. That is to say slowly transitioning from analogs to vaping. Sounds like your making excellent progress!
Do what works for you:)
Some have reported coughing and/or irritated throat. What nic level pg/vg ratio and flavor are you using?
Also you need to up your water intake.

I'm using 6 mg nic. once i get paid I'm going to my local shop and getting 18 mg nic cuz the stuff i have now does nothing for me. but going up in nic would only make the throat hit worse. and all my juices are 50/50 and primarily fruit flavors


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Mar 8, 2014
New Delhi, India
I'm using 6 mg nic. once i get paid I'm going to my local shop and getting 18 mg nic cuz the stuff i have now does nothing for me. but going up in nic would only make the throat hit worse. and all my juices are 50/50 and primarily fruit flavors

If you want more nicotine without the scratchy throat hit will suggest you to up the VG %. However flavors might get muted at high VG levels.


ECF Guru
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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
Might be a reaction to either the PG or VG. Rare, but does happen. Try some different ratios? Higher PG will give more TH (and flavor), higher VG will give more vapor.

What voltage / power are you running? Maybe adjust that a bit to see if if makes a difference. (If you can - if your battery isn't VV or VW, only way to do that is to change to a coil / head of a different resistance value...)

Try drinking a little water before vaping, to pre-moisten the tissues. Don't have to chug down a glass, a few sips will indicate whether that helps or not.

And don't fret over it. Switching is a process and we all go through it in our own time. You're heading the right direction and that's the important part. It can take a while to sort out what part of vape-world works best for each individual.


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Mar 29, 2014
Tarentum, PA, USA
My wife does both, and starts with whatever is nearest to her when she's awake and moving. If she lets the dogs out first thing, then it's a smoke. If she comes to the living room first, it's a vape. She's dropped from 2+ packs a day to 1 pack a week. She hasn't had any issue with irritation, but she vapes a higher VG of 80% with 18mg nic.


Vaping Master
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Oct 7, 2011
New York
When I first starting vaping, I also continued to smoke 6-8 tobacco cigarette's a day for a long time, for like two years, so don't be down on yourself about the fact that you haven't quit completely, you will eventually. I am completely cig free for almost 9 months now.

When I first started vaping I could not handle the throat hit of nicotine e liquid, which feels different than smoking a traditional cigarette. I used to cough like crazy, but after about 3 months of vaping zero nic, I started vaping 6mg nic. More than a year and half later I bumped up to 12mg, and sometimes I vape as much as 16mg .. anything higher and I get a headache instantly.

Everyone's journey is different, so be patience with yourself. :)


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Apr 14, 2014
San Diego area, CA
I started with a variable wattage device and was able to vape at 3-5 watts with a 2 ohm atomizer. I also found juices that were more VG than PG and 6 mg nic. My wife has issues as well and last week I introduced her to 6mg nic Suicide Bunny's Mother's Milk at 3.5 watts with a 1.8 ohm atomizer. She is now really enjoying vaping.


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Jan 19, 2014
Everyone's journey is a little different but I will share a few thoughts based on my experience and what I see from what you have said.

I was a pack a day plus kind of ultralight guy. I taped off analogs in a week because when I got my vape I said I wasn't going to buy any more. I started with 18mg like you are about to buy which I think is what will work for you to drop them for good.

I used to have coughing in the morning too with the vape for the first month even after I dropped the analogs. I just stopped vaping so early in the morning for about an hour and that worked for me. I used to wake up and kill two analogs easy.

The transition sucks. The longer you do both the more likely you will keep doing it or drop the vape because it is easier than only vaping.

I also started on 50/50 blends and I agree with what the guy said about higher vg based juice. But at most shops around they don't have anything at 30pg/70vg so I wound up getting my stuff from the web. And then later bought a bottle of vg and would blend that in to the higher pg juice I had bought in the beginning because I dig clouds.

Now after almost 5 months I am at 6mg nic or less and couldn't be happier to declare myself a non smoker!


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Apr 11, 2014
San Diego, CA, USA
One thing that worked for me while I transitioned was not to have either first thing in the morning. I love my morning smoke and, like you, could not take a vape that early like I could a cig. One day, I decided to try waiting for half an hour or so. I don't know if it was just the time or the fact that I drank something before having a vape, but I was able to do it much more easily then. I also found that when I had the vape first, the cigs started to taste bad a lot faster than when I smoked first. The helped me get off of them, too.

Oh, and I still can't handle a vape first thing in the morning. If I do, I don't inhale--just hold it in my mouth... Good luck!


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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
I think what you are experiencing is quite normal for many. The coughing does go away. I am not sure if it is the eliquid or the bad stuff coming out of out system. Don't be hard on yourself and just do it gradual. That is what happened to me. Did both for a good while and then just started cutting back of the cigarettes and vaping more. When it got down to just a few a day I realized the the cigarettes where tasting awfully nasty and just started vaping full time. I honestly think this is why I had nor withdrawal or issues. If you are still having times that you really crave and cigarette, I would suggest a strong nic juice for those times. It really does help.

Good luck to you and I hope everything just kind of falls into place for you. If not you can get back on here and get all the support you can handle. :laugh:


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Feb 22, 2010
I'm still in the transitioning phase. I've been smoking analogs a long time, and just come on here and read success stories from others who smoked a long time and did it. You are actually doing better than I am cutting out analogs. I had a stressful couple weeks at work and about gave up on vaping...but didn't thankfully. I talked to a friend on here and got some specific tips - like others are giving you here. Increasing my nic level as soon as my vape mail gets here tomorrow, and one tip that's really helped me - just try to replace a few analogs with vaping during the day.

I can't inhale into my lungs without coughing a lot, so I just hold in mouth and blow out nose. Maybe after lungs heal some from many years of smoking I'll be able to. I was told here I can still get the nic that way. I tried tracking my analogs each day on a spreadsheet, but don't always have a computer at my side. Since I tend to have my phone glued to me most of the time, I found a tracking app for my phone and downloaded that. That helps me pay attention to what I'm doing. I'm like you, not feeling good about analogs, but this friend also told me to not stress about the transition because that makes me want to have an analog more....defeats the purpose. And to not count the analogs I smoke....but the ones I do NOT smoke because of the vaping. So like I said, you are doing better with giving up analogs than I am, so I doubt I can be helpful. But I wanted to chime in with tips a friend gave me.


Vaping Master
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Aug 14, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
Vapor has a different density than cigarette smoke, and if you continue to smoke and vape, your lungs will not know how to handle both. If you finally put down the real cigs for good, your lungs will quickly acclimate to vapor. The "cough" is completely normal and will go away very fast, I promise you that.

Higher levels of nicotine have almost everything to do with "throat hit". Higher PG levels contribute, as well.

They put things in cigarettes other than nicotine that are addictive, alkaloids and such. Your body is still craving those extra nasty things. If you can just vape for three days straight, NO cigs, your body will start to flush those extra chemicals out of your body. After that, you're only dealing with nicotine. And nicotine, ironically, is the one thing in a cigarette that will not kill you (barring any history of heart disease).

I'm extremely thankful that I had zero anxiety or withdrawals from switching from smoking to vaping. I was READY, and the technology fascinated me. It took nothing for me to walk away from real cigs.


Grumpy Ole Man
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Sep 20, 2012
Williamsport Md
Ryan, fellow Marylander here!

I believe once you find the conviction and commit to the switch you will find many changes will happen.
One of the biggest being - you will not Crave that waking Hit. It will take a little time for the body to purge and start to return to normal but it will happen.
It might not be a bad idea to have a lightly flavored or unflavored and lower VG e-liquid in a clearo or carto just for A.M Vape to get over the hump. A bump it the Nic in that one will also help to fill the craving.

At first, I used an 18mg 80-20 mix just to get me going. The rest of the day was 12mg in any favored flavor at 50/50 mix.

Oh, and I stopped cigs day one from 1.5-2 packs a day for 45+ years. No It wasn't will power, just a belief that this is the smarter choice.:)
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