Are most juices bad?

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Aug 25, 2011
Rochester, NY
I use Kick Bass Vapor. I've never found anything unvapeable from them. Some I like more than others, but nothing has been "bad". I find that things I think I'll like just might not be good for vaping, and some flavors I don't necessarily like in juices etc... are great when they're vaped. You just have to try things I guess.


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Mar 15, 2010
I've found a partial solution to what to do with juices I don't like - convert some friends so you can swap back and forth! I've got my neighbor vaping; he isn't as picky as me, so what I don't like, he'll use. And an employee of mine is getting his own PV so I can swap juices with him, too. :)

Taste is utterly subjective**, so I won't list juices I like here. I'll just say that I've bought or tried some flavors that are often highly recommended here and have gazillion great reviews, and haven't cared for them at all. A couple of my favourites are obscure.

**I bought one juice from a great vendor named after a name-brand bourbon. Hated it, thought it tasted like stale chocolate and not much else. Certainly not like bourbon or anything close. My employee tried it, said yuck, tastes like bubble gum. Neighbor thought maybe banana or something fruity that he couldn't identify but he liked it well enough to he took it off my hands. :)


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May 16, 2012
Reading this thread is both comforting and worrisome at the same time. I got sick of my Blu kit carts yesterday. I mean physically ill. I couldn't even handle the smell from the charging pack or batteries (and definitely not the carts themselves) without feeling nauseous. I had noticed a bad aftertaste from the start, but after a few days it was unbearable. It felt like chlorine or some other chemical was coating my mouth, nose, and throat. Attempting to vape even a puff or two became a terrible experience. I started to think I had a PG sensitivity or that I just couldn't vape at all because of some weird issue with tasting the chemicals in E-Liquids. Reading about other people having flavors they can't handle makes me feel a lot better.

I have a Volt kit arriving today and 10 different liquids from various vendors arriving next week. Three different vendors, two different nic strengths, and a range of PG/VG ratios. It's great that I'm getting a chance to try out different things, but considering the sheer number of vendors, flavors, and mixtures, and the fact that it's often not consistent, is a cause for concern. I really hope I get lucky and find something I like pretty soon. It's extremely difficult to avoid analogs at this point, but I'm doing my best to keep it at a minimum.


Full Member
May 11, 2012
Harrisburg Pa
Glad to see this thread - I thought it was just me! Looks like I may look into DIY - been vaping for 2 months now and every time I think I like a flavor, it eventually leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'm excited to look at the DIY section!

It's much cheaper too. And I can make it as sweet or as strong as i like it.


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May 2, 2012
Wanted to report back, I got some OMG, and it is OMG. Really good.

Hummingbird nectar is good too, and contrasts well from OMG to go back and forth.

YAY! I'm glad you like it, too. It's the only flavor I've found so far that I can all-day vape. KBV's V-spot is really nice, too. Not too sweet, just a smooth vanilla.


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Apr 28, 2012
Jeffersonville, Indiana
Your story sounds like mine. I started vaping, stopped and started again - mainly because of bad or nasty juices not keeping my interest. I’ve learn that you just have to keep on trying until you land a few that you like, but don’t stop there. You have to continue to order new juices because the ones that you have learned to like will soon become dull. It seems like a battle, but is a far better battle than smoking real cigarettes.

If it were not for Freedom Juice by Halo, I would not have kept with it for so long. I don’t want to turn this into my favorite juice or others, but keep on trying. I can say that vendor juice is always improving and using some of the better juice makers is better than smaller sites just trying their hand at it. Some might agree or disagree, but at the end-of-the-day what’s important is that you made it one more day without smoking a real one.

It's funny how when you smoke analogs, you only want to smoke your brand. Other brands just don't do it. And people will smoke the same brand for 50 years.

Now then...

This is my second time being a vaper. The first time I quit analogs, but ended up going back after a few months. I am hoping this time I will succeed. Analog free for 2 weeks now.

I find that trying new stuff (juices, batteries, gear) is the trick. So I been ordering away.

However, I find that every time I order a batch of juices only one or two are good and the rest are unusable. Is this normal?

Sometimes I will re-order a juice I liked and it's not the same. Usually worse. This has been true for me across many vendors.

I have 2 mods (Lava tube and GLV), 808s, 510, DTC, all kinds of cartos and attys. I usually try the juice on all of these before I throw it out.

I'm curious what other people's experience is in this regard, and if there is a way to fix my juice buying failures.



Moved On
Jan 22, 2012
For some reason everything I tried in the beginning tasted great but now the tobacco, coffee, chocolate, vanilla, etc. flavors are really starting to taste harsh and unsatisfying, but maybe that's because I really like the fruity flavors. I takes a while to find what you like but in the end it's all worth it. If you like fruity flavors, Apple Frost from Altsmoke is a no-brainer :)


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Jul 16, 2011
Your taste for flavors will change alot over the first few months imo. All of the juices I loved when I first started vaping are nasty tasting to me now. I used to smoke menthol cigs so I went on a search for a menthol tobacco vape. Now I cringe at the thought of vaping any menthol flavor. Moved on to regular tobacco vapes...but now the tobacco vapes arn't as good and I find myself liking bakery/dessert/coffee flavors more than anything.


PV Master & Musician
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May 22, 2010
Central GA
I'm still a tobacco flavor guy but I still like an occasional fruit flavor. I like Awesome Vapor Camel, Dekang 3&5 and their Red USA mix (Marlboro). I had some great chocolate flavors last year, but I never got another one that had enough flavor to match the first one, even from the same vendor. Toffee flavored liquids have been like that for me. First try was wonderful. Every bottle after that was weak.

80% of taste is actually smell. Google "taste smell" and you'll find lots of articles, medical and otherwise, that proclaim that. Fix the sense of smell and flavor will return. Flonaise and Nasonex will do it if nothing else does (prescription). Even while I was smoking, those brought back my olfactory gland. It's all about opening up the sinuses and allowing the vapor to make its way to the top where the olfactory gland is located. It has a direct path to the brain. Block it and all you can detect is salty, sweet, bitter, and sour from the tongue's taste buds.
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May 2, 2012
At first, I couldn't stand the sweetness of most of the flavors. I found one that I could tolerate because it was only lightly sweetened. But now, I find I enjoy some of the candy flavors like swedish fish or starburst. Not all day long, but as a treat. I did order a bunch of samples from a vendor who is highly regarded on here only to discover that almost every single one tasted like soap to me even after two weeks of steeping. I'm letting them sit for another couple of weeks and will give them another chance, but so far, I'm not impressed at all.

Some that I liked in the beginning have steeped and become too strong for me, but I bought flavorless juice in my nic level and plan to dilute them until they taste good again. And in the two weeks+ since I started, I have had days when nothing tastes good, no matter what I do. Today, I tried a cinnamon flavored juice for the first time and it didn't agree with me at all. Now I can't get that taste out of my mouth despite brushing, flossing, mouthwash, drinking lots of water and vaping other flavors. And I love cinnamon food.

Do I wish that I could find the perfect juice and the perfect set-up and every single vape would be problem free? You bet, but I've accepted the fact that this hobby is like any other hobby and is sometimes going to frustrate the ----- out of me. But when the flavor is good and the set-up is working, it is more than worth it.

I hope you find more flavors that you love soon. :)
I am in the same boat here. I was getting some French vanilla Tobacco and loving. I was working my way to a nicotine level I enjoyed and ended up at 6MG. I went thru 5 ML of the juice and loved it at 6 MG, so I ordered 10 ML to last me a while. It was nasty. I went thru 4 cartomizers testing the juice. I don't have a atty for dripping so I kept filling cartos. Eventually I decided the juice is the problem.


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May 2, 2012
Austin, Texas, United States
I noticed some flavors I hated the first days of my vaping habit - I really like now. I also fixed some of the juices I still don't like. It's descent now. I ordered some flavorings from parfumers apprentice and from health cabin. Of course I killed some of my juices with too much flavoring, especially the floral ones.. it tastes like a parfume. hahaha.. But some lemon and honey did the job. For example- The Desert ship is pretty much ugly ( for me).. Can't stand this flavor which has nothing in comon with my old favorite Camel brand.. But now I have a lot of base juice to play with and I love my lemon honey juice.
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