Awesome Customer Service

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Full Member
Apr 14, 2009
I am a newbie to PV.. and wanted to share my experience with Cignot.

I ordered a Joye 510 starter kit from Cignot, an extra long battery, a package of atomizers, extra cartridges and juice for my initial starter order. Spent less than $100 for all my supplies to get started.

A couple weeks ago none of my batteries seem to hold the charge. Of course this happened on the weekend, a Sunday. I emailed Cignot and within minutes, Terri emailed me back explaining how the connection to the charger sometimes gets dirty and to clean it with some alcohol. It worked and the charger is working fine.

Now I know how to clean my charger connection and more importantly that Cignot cares about their customers even on weekends.

The only thing I would have done differently is purchase some more fun flavors of juice. I got 2 bottles of tobacco flavored and a chocolate. I just placed another order from Cignot for some small bottles of flavors I wanted to try.

I would like them to get some atomic cinnicide/fireball though so I could just buy everything from them :D


Full Member
Jun 3, 2009
I have also received excelling service from Cignot. I have referred 15 people to them in the three weeks since I started vaping. I too was introduced to them as a word of mouth referral. I'm a little disappointed that they were out of the black especially since I made another order but hopefully they'll have those the next time. They've been super though, right down to the handwritten thank you on the invoice! :wub:


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Mar 13, 2010
I have posted on Cignot before but any chance I get I love it. Terri @ Cignot "ROCKS" I have never had CS like I recieved there, on line or in person buying anything !! And I too have sent many customers her way and they all recieved the same great,perfect service. You should really try Cignots "Forbidden" (not sure I spelled that correct) It is my FAVORITE. Iam waiting for my Red Oak sampler fron Johnson Creek, hoping it is as good as all the reviews Ive read.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
I get all my parts (heheh sounds rude) from cignot unless they are out of stock and Im desperate (lol) but I have to also say that apart from their great CS, great email support (or just if you email them like i did with feedback on the juices) and LOVELY BASIC range of juices, their RY4 is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me :D It's not in same league as BASIC or ecopure (I'm sure they'd agree) but dayum..its a rather nice little juice.


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Feb 10, 2010
VA Beach
Just wanted to add another one. I've never had any problems with Cignot, great products, great service, incredibly fast shipping and wonderful people to deal with. But the true test to me is what happens when you do have a problem. I had an extended battery from them for my 510. Short version of a long sad story is I accidentaly drop kicked it in a parking garage. It did not survive, boo hoo to me. Anyway, went to their site last thursday night when I got home and ordered 2 this time. Well, I got my order on Monday and yesterday, discovered that one of my new batteries didn't work, so I shot them an email. Less than a half hour later, I had a response. My new battery went out today along with an envelope to return the bad one in. First time I've ever had a problem with one of their products, including 510 attys and they made it right immediately. I've posted before that you never need to worry about ordering from Cignot. Highly, highly recommend them to anyone looking for 510's and their parts!


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Mar 22, 2010
Well I don't have enough posts to start a thread so I'll piggyback on this one. I ordered a 510 NoBox with PCC and I couldn't be happier. I can't believe how fast it arrived and how good the customer service was when I changed something on my order.

Thanks Terri!

Btw, I've got a few computer illiterate old timers at work that are thinking of ordering after trying mine out. I'll round them up when they decide to follow though and send off the order.
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