Bacteria in reticulated aquatic foam .... ???

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Full Member
Dec 31, 2009
Sorry to ask this question here, but it seems I'm only allowed to post here as it's my first thread posting. ~ (Hi all ! *wave*) ~ ... Also I apologise if this point has been addressed before (or is a stupid question !? :)). I did do a search, but found no threads that addressed this concern : ...

I've been using various "blue foam" cart mods. However I've been made aware recently that reticulated aquatic foam (i.e. the "blue foam" in question) is usually impregnated with a bacteria that controls the algae production in fish tanks (amongst other things) ... So my question is, is this bacteria by any chance harmful for one to vape ? ... (And/or will just rinsing/washing the foam pre use be enough to get rid of said bacteria ???) ... Or is this just no reason for concern whatsoever ??

Also, on another point entirely : ... I can't seem find any 501 whistle tip carts in stock anywhere (for ages now !). ... So I'm wondering, will 901 whistle tips (or some others ?) work/fit on my (eGornado/TorneGo ;)) 501 atomizers, by an chance ???

Thanks all in advance !


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Jan 25, 2010
Pittsburgh PA
i throw my blue foam in the dishwasher without any soap or antyhing before i use it. and i don't reuse the stuff toooo much. i mean it costs liek 8 dollars for 3 huge sheets. i haven't even used half of my first sheet yet, and ive been vaping for 2 months.

for the 901... the carts probably won't fit on the 510 atomizer. i saw a bunch of whistle tip carts at Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail tho, there cheap too. well there rpobably the same as anything else after shipping, but they are there.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2009
Cheers thanx "Hoosier" & "Buddy Green" !

@ "Hoosier" :
Do you rinse with PG because of it's presumed bacterial killing properties ?
(Although PG doesn't kill all types of bacteria surely ?? And some are even resistant to very high heat, so I doubt even the atomizer won't kill some. (?)

@ "Buddy Green" ... Thanx for the Healthcabin tip on tips ! ... However I was really hoping for a dealer a little closer to home. Am a little desperate for them, and don't want to wait quite so long for delivery from China (I think ?). ... I have also been weary of the customs tax on parcels from abroad, which might considerably add to the overall cost. ... I've only ever ordered from China once before and was surprised how much the customs people charged me for the parcel on arrival. Which in the end didn't make the purchase that worth while. (Considering the only reason I had ordered from there in the first place was to keep costs down. And instead it landed up costing me actually more in the end :(. ...
Although if I gets desperate , I will give Healthcabin a try, and take another chance.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2009
yeah, health cabin is great, if your making a large order. you will have to wait, from what I hear, att least a few weeks to recieve your order. I am not sure about the length of the carts, i believe the standard 510 atty iss shorter than the 901, so it may stick oout a little, but it should work...

Thanx "alter.ego" ! ... So their "circumference" is at least basically the same. And they should reach the wicking bridge with no problems ?

I think I will get me some 901's then, in the interim , and give them a try.


Ultra Member
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Jun 24, 2009
Upstate New York
Hello, and welcome! I think Hoosier means PGA- Pure Grain Alcohol, (like Devil Springs, or Everclear sold in the states) and not PG- Propylene Glycol. It is the highest proof alcohol you can buy at the liquor store (160- 180 proof range). It does a pretty good job of killing germs.

The only stupid question is the one that isn't asked! We are all learning from each other.
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Full Member
Dec 31, 2009
Hello, and welcome! I think Hoosier means PGA- Pure Grain Alcohol, (like Devil Springs, or Everclear sold in the states) and not PG- Propylene Glycol. It is the highest proof alcohol you can buy at the liquor store (160- 180 proof range). It does a pretty good job of killing germs.

The only stupid question is the one that isn't asked! We are all learning from each other.

Thank you very much for the warm welcome "Firechick" ! :) Most appreciated ! ....

And ... Ah! (duh!) *click*, (totally missed the "A", in front of "PG" there). ~ Alcohol certainly makes much better sense. That stuff certainly does kill everything it comes in contact with (LOL) ...
We have no Everclear here in the UK, unfortunately. So I'll just rinse them in the next best thing (i.e. Vodka, I think). ...
I often bemoan the fact that we do not get Everclear (or other stuff that strong), For I'm also an avid amateur perfume maker, and often wish I could get my hands on that bloody stuff over here ! (Vodka doesn't work so nicely then (LOL)) ...

But > Too much useless information there, Sorry! ... So , Cheers for now !
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Full Member
Dec 31, 2009
If I am not mistaken, I do believe I read a post that states that the blue foam must be washed before use.

Yes, ... I suppose an antibacterial dish washing liquid might do the trick too, I suppose !? ... Though I actually prefer the idea, already stated above, of using alcohol to wash the foam with. ... For I've actually only been rinsing them quickly in tap water before, not being aware of the bacteria. But don't now think just quick rinsing of them is quite enough really ! ...

BUT problem solved, I think ! >>> Wash thoroughly, and rinse in alcohol !
~ Surely that should be enough !

Thanx all !


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
BUT problem solved, I think ! >>> Wash thoroughly, and rinse in alcohol !
~ Surely that should be enough !

Thanx all !

Yep, that should do it, but as always, monitor your own success. as far as he alcohol thing for purfume goes, as long as your not ingesting it, it should be possible to use any denatured ethenol as a base. I know here, we can get 91%, for pennys on the dollar of the highly taxed consumable drinking alcohol.


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Feb 10, 2010
VA Beach
No, the regular blue foam is way to cheap to be impregnated with anything. There's probably something like that out there, but I can't imagine what it would cost. I have tanks and actually the bacteria from the tank impregnate the foam. You aren't supposed to rinse it at the same time you change your other filter medium. Unfortunately, it does nothing for algea growth. I wish it did. Ever since I moved to VA I have been fighting the stuff in my tanks. Just resigned to a lot of cleaning. By the way, I wouldn't use dish soap in blue foam for fish or people. Anyone that has fish knows that dish soap leaves a residue that is next to impossible to remove. Thats why the aquarium equipment washed in dish soap kills fish even when its rinsed well.
Good question. If you're vaping PG, it might not be an issue?

Health New Zealand conducted a study on eCigs (I am new and cannot post a link- PM me if you'd like, or Google/Wikipedia for it) that found PG to be bactericidal, virucidal and is associated with reduced respiratory infections in children. In fact, in scanning the report, there is one section in which they utilized it in a children's hospital for just that purpose!

Curious about the cumulative effects on oral health, as well.



Full Member
Dec 31, 2009
Good question. If you're vaping PG, it might not be an issue? ... /snip ...

... snip/ ... Curious about the cumulative effects on oral health, as well.


Yes, I too am also very interested in the "cumulative effects on oral health? ... My mouth has really been feeling like it's been stripped raw lately.
Though it's also possible that since I've gotten my eGornado/TorneGo , (which is a damn "powerhouse" compared to my previous PV) that I'm just waaaay overdoing it, and therefore now paying the price for it ??? (LOL)

I think the hygroscopic effects of the PG is also sucking the blood right out of my gums basically. My gums/tongue/mouth has been feeling really raw and terrible ! ...
This "water sucking" effect of hygroscopic stuff, ... (quote from wikipedia : "sucks the water right out of the air") ... is also kinda making me wonder too if it's not therefore just sucking our lungs right out of all their moisture, into shrivelled dehydrated little "sad sacks" ??? (LOL)


Full Member
Dec 31, 2009
No, the regular blue foam is way to cheap to be impregnated with anything. There's probably something like that out there, but I can't imagine what it would cost. I have tanks and actually the bacteria from the tank impregnate the foam. You aren't supposed to rinse it at the same time you change your other filter medium. Unfortunately, it does nothing for algea growth. I wish it did. Ever since I moved to VA I have been fighting the stuff in my tanks. Just resigned to a lot of cleaning. By the way, I wouldn't use dish soap in blue foam for fish or people. Anyone that has fish knows that dish soap leaves a residue that is next to impossible to remove. Thats why the aquarium equipment washed in dish soap kills fish even when its rinsed well.

Thanx for the tip on the : "not using dish-washing liquid" :thumb:. ... I think I better just stick to rinsing in alcohol then ! ... Though, as you've mentioned, I'm probably worried about nothing at all. For the "blue foam" I have was certainly not expensive.
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