Banning use of e-cigs in public!

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2009
Wilmington, NC
In my opinion, more studies need to be sought out to compare the side by side effects of e-cigarettes VS tobacco cigarettes. Until these studies are conducted, by both sides of the arguement, everyone should stop the talk of safety, bans and effects. In my own personal experience, being closely watched by a pulmonoligist, my conditions have improved immensley from the switch from tobacco cigs to e-cigs. I have the Drs notes to prove it but may or not be the case for others. I DO think the liquids should regulated for everyone's sake, but the sale and use should not be banned in the process. There have been no reports of lethal, or even minute medical disadvantages to e-cigs as of date, therefore should remain "as-is" until further studies are rendered.


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May 6, 2009
Lucas, Texas
I'm writing an article on the attempts to classify e-cigs as "smoking" in public smoking bans. Please answer if you're willing to be quoted under your real name. (If I use your quote, I will PM you for information - no need to post it here.)

Please avoid short answers like "I think it sucks," because those make very poor quotes in articles. Be as detailed as possible as to why you feel the way you do, incorporate the question into your answer, if possible and give any information you feel you would want the public to hear, that you think would help convince them that banning e-cigs is a bad move. This is your chance to be heard, so take your time with the answers - imagine you're talking to your legislator, who thinks e-cigs should be banned, & you're trying to convince him/her otherwise!

1. How do you feel about legislators forcing you back outside with the tobacco smokers and saying that e-cig vapor is just as bad as tobacco smoke? Why are they wrong?

2. Why do you believe e-cigs are better than smoking?

3. What would you do if e-cigs were banned for sale altogether, as suggested by groups like ASH, the American Cancer Society and the American Lung Association?

4. How have e-cigs helped you and what positive comments/feedback have you had from your family, employer and/or doctor?

5. NEWER MEMBERS: If you were aware of the FDA study prior to purchasing your e-cig, what made you still move forward with your purchase, in spite of the reported "dangers?"

6. Are there any other comments you'd like to have heard by your government and other anti e-cig groups? Write it here:

If you'd like to read my previous articles about e-cigs, check out my Associated Content profile: Kristin Noll-Marsh's Contributor Profile - Associated Content -

Thank you for all of your answers and I appreciate your participation!! :cool:

1. They are wrong because several studies from several countries have proved that e cigs give off no harmful second hand smoke.

2. ecigs are better than smoking because they have proven in research AND in my life that they are safer. I can breathe better. taste again (i have gained some weight because stuff tastes better) my heart feels better and my teeth are whiter.

3. If e cigs are banned I will probably move to canada. until i move I will make the juice myself. they cant ban no nicotine juices.

4. I smell better, I can actually wear cologne now. instead of smelling like an ashtray i smell like my shampoo. I dont have to go outside in the freezing cold to smoke anymore. I can actually go longer between vaping. I use to smoke 3 times an hour now it is vaping once every two hours.


6. I would like to hear the government epspecially the fda admit they screwed up and allow e cigs. I would like everybody to know how they have stopped shipments of ecigs without any justification or permission. I would like everybody to read the emails from heads of the fda to us average citizens so they can see how rude and bigoted the FDA is. In one email one of them actually said "how dare you mock the FDA". people need to know this.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
1. How do you feel about legislators forcing you back outside with the tobacco smokers and saying that e-cig vapor is just as bad as tobacco smoke? Why are they wrong?

I have been using an electronic cigarette for 84 days. In this time, I have taken exactly 3 puffs from a "real cigarette", after which I extinguished the cigarette due to a foul and painful inhalation. I did not realize just how much real smoke from real cigarettes caused me discomfort until I was going outside for an air break at work and it began raining. I was inside a gazebo at a federal installation with about 8 smokers, and the smoke became so overwhelming that I became nauseous. I have often been in the same gazebo with 8 people using electronic cigarettes, and had no ill effects. To me, this was plain evidence that the vapor from electronic cigarettes (in second-hand exposure) had no ill effect on me. When a coworker asked if the vapor (Propylene Glycol) would hurt them, I pointed out that it is already an ingredient in the air sanitizers that spray in over 20 locations inside our building, and they acknowledged that they hadn't thought of that.

2. Why do you believe e-cigs are better than smoking?
The electronic cigarette has shown to me that it is better to real smoke because I no longer have high blood pressure. I smoked for 6 years, and from 18 through 24, my blood pressure was consistently 150/90. About a month ago, I smoked an electronic cigarette for 5 minutes, tested my blood pressure, then waited 3 minutes and checked my blood pressure again. After smoking an electronic cigarette, within a minute, my blood pressure was 140/90 (which was LOWER than my BP during smoking), then after 5 minutes, it had dropped to 120/70. I do not know what else I can test to show that my blood pressure has dropped on average, and when I am not smoking an electronic cigarette, it is back within the "normal" range.
3. What would you do if e-cigs were banned for sale altogether, as suggested by groups like ASH, the American Cancer Society and the American Lung Association?

If electronic cigarettes were banned, I would be a law abiding citizen with an addiction to nicotine that I would fill with real cigarettes. I have no doubt that even though I smoke an electronic cigarette about half as much as I did a real cigarette, I would have to resume smoking real cigarettes to stop my cravings. I have tried nicotine patches, and gums, and with both, I never made it over a month without resuming smoking. I am now at over 80 days of no smoking, and fear the day I have to go back to smoking to fulfill my cravings.

4. How have e-cigs helped you and what positive comments/feedback have you had from your family, employer and/or doctor?

Since I began smoking an electronic cigarette, my blood pressure has gone down, and my family does not even notice an odor coming from me after smoking. I no longer fear what "fumes" my family is inhaling from my clothing, and I have regained enough sense of smell to notice when the person in the car in front of me in traffic is smoking and putting out pollution into the air and throwing cigarette waste onto the ground.

5. NEWER MEMBERS: If you were aware of the FDA study prior to purchasing your e-cig, what made you still move forward with your purchase, in spite of the reported "dangers?"

6. Are there any other comments you'd like to have heard by your government and other anti e-cig groups? Write it here: I have already written my senator and governor about my interest in the existence of electronic cigarettes, and received a response within a week and a half from my governor. My senator has yet (after 2 months) to respond. This shows me that some members of our government will continue to refuse acknowledgment of their voters wishes, even after they have been given their opinions.
Thad, JOC, do you have support links for these numbers or did you calculate them yourself? Interesting statements!

I calculated them using the results cited on Dr. Siegel's blog. (link)

Nitrosamine levels in e-cigarette cartridges, according to the New Zealand study were 8.183ng/g while TSNAs were as high as 11,190ng/g in tobacco... The proportion grows even further when you realize that a gram of tobacco is only one cigarette, but a gram or two of e-liquid is enough to replace an entire pack of analogs. Roughly speaking, that means there is more nitrosamine in a single cigarette as there is in a LITER of e-liquid.


Vaping Master
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Nov 4, 2009
Apple Valley, MN
I added the qualifying word "practically," but I realize that I'm referring to odor and not visually, so I have to change that.

Would it be fair to say "and the odor is unnoticable?"

Maybe something like, "The vapor quickly dissipates, and unlike traditional cigarettes, has no lingering, heavy odor." ?


Vaping Master
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2008
Brown Edge, England
Maybe something like, "The vapor quickly dissipates, and unlike traditional cigarettes, has no lingering, heavy odor." ?

Yes, that's better. Personally I'd go for "The vapor quickly dissipates". The odour thing is tricky - many people claim they can smell it, others say it makes them feel queasy. I think the jury is out on odour at present so I'd be inclined to leave it out of this sentence. It's good to emphasise the way that the vapour dissipates quickly.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
Yes, that's better. Personally I'd go for "The vapor quickly dissipates". The odour thing is tricky - many people claim they can smell it, others say it makes them feel queasy. I think the jury is out on odour at present so I'd be inclined to leave it out of this sentence. It's good to emphasise the way that the vapour dissipates quickly.

Yet the Health New Zealand tests actually said that people nearby didn't notice any unpleasant odor and are not irritated by the exhaled vapor as they are tobacoo smoke. I think people claiming to be bothered by it are experiencing a psychosomatic reaction.

maybe I could specify "unpleasant."


Vaping Master
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Nov 4, 2009
Apple Valley, MN
Yes, that's better. Personally I'd go for "The vapor quickly dissipates". The odour thing is tricky - many people claim they can smell it, others say it makes them feel queasy. I think the jury is out on odour at present so I'd be inclined to leave it out of this sentence. It's good to emphasise the way that the vapour dissipates quickly.

I suppose it is difficult to make a generalized statement like that. I know that in my case, I vape in my office, which is about 10'x12' - I don't sit in here and chain-vape, I just have some from time to time. Co-workers, including non-smokers, have commented that they can't smell anything when they walk in.
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