Begining recipe questions

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2010
Tucson, AZ
When first starting a new idea for a recipe how do you figure the blend or percentages of the flavor? To keep it simple (that's where I'm at anyway), let's say I want to make a mango meringue. Normally I like the lorann mango at 15% and I hear the PA coconut is good at about 10%. I could do 15 parts mango to 10 parts coconut flavor blend and then use that at 15% in the e-juice. This is the only way I can think of starting without just dripping flavors and waiting and testing and waiting...


Vaping Master
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Sep 14, 2010
Burnt Hills NY
I mix in small 3 ml bottles for new recipe. I start light at 10% flavor for the batch. Determine which flavor you want to be dominant. Example:

75 drops PG80%/VG20% Base juice
4 drops mango
3 drops coconut

Then I dial it in. I never use more than 20% total flavor. So that would leave me with another 8 drops to play with. Once I get it right I record the recipe and can scale it to larger batch sizes. I am certain others do it differently and I am just sharing what works for me. Best of luck and happy DIY.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2010
Great question!

Unfortunately my answer is, it depends...

I go off what I already have learned about a flavor. Some are amazingly strong while some are weak, but I know this from mixing the flavors individually...well usually...OK, not usually, it's only when I want to get technical.

So, in reality, I sit down and wonder what combo I need for X. Then I throw some percentages in the speadsheet based off my seat-of-the-pants guesses for the flavors that I'll combine to get X. I mix then taste. If it happens to be anywhere close, I walk away and leave it for a week. If it is not close I add what I think it needs and take notes then taste and repeat.

I mix at 0 nic and typically start at a target of 3ml, but use a 5ml bottle. If my add & taste gets me close, I walk away for a week and try it later. If it still is close I run through my notes and create a final recipe and try it at 6ml with some nic. I'll give it a hot water bath and try vaping a bit of it everyday for a week.

I can have 6 different bottles like this on me at any one time.

To simplify. Guess and try it at 0 nic. Keep notes. Make sure you try a fresh version and one that has sit for awhile. If it doesn't work no matter what you do, you have discovered the perfect way to NOT make that flavor and are one step closer to perfection.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2010
Tucson, AZ
Hoosier - I used a trick I think I picked up from you of mixing and then putting the closed bottle in a cup of hot water. Seems to speed things up and I get to try things pretty quick. My first shot at mango coconut seems pretty good. I'm going to vape it for a while, let it sit then try it again in a week to see if it stays good.
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