Bills move to hit E-cigarettes, smokeless nicotine-Utah

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ECF Veteran
Jun 26, 2009
Spatula City
I'm glad somebody else saw this too and posted about it.

I'm not surprised, but I *am* ....... Smoking had caused some serious health problems for me.

I'm going to go order some batteries and atties, but I know that's just a short-term solution.

I can't quit the nicotine; my life is too stressful right now and I don't have the strength to do it. (Besides, I have some health issues that make nicotine a necessary thing.)

Thanks, politicians and Overseers of the Great Nanny State.


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ECF Veteran
Feb 1, 2010
West Virginia
Anyone else relate these stories to the people who are coming out with cars that run off water and things like that? There was even a brand new plan for one similar to this in my area. You hear rumors, and then magically you stop hearing about it. The government is paying them off because they dont want to lose the billions gasoline makes them.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2010
N Georgia
Anyone else relate these stories to the people who are coming out with cars that run off water and things like that? There was even a brand new plan for one similar to this in my area. You hear rumors, and then magically you stop hearing about it. The government is paying them off because they dont want to lose the billions gasoline makes them.
As far as I can tell, things like that have been going on for the last four decades, at least. It's not always just the government, though. I read about a guy who built a 200 hp engine that you could fill from your garden hose, and the big 3 in detroit paid him off to sit on the patent. I guess that buying the rights to use the design and revamping their production was more expensive (not to mention the partnership the automotive industry has with big oil).


CASAA Activist
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Just received this response from Evan Vickers:

FYI, we plan to amend this bill to exclude the ban on electronic cigarettes when it comes up for a vote this week. A number of us on the HHS committee have discussed this and the sponsor seems to be on board with that idea.

I hope this helps.

Rep. Evan Vickers


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2009

Just received this response from Evan Vickers:
FYI, we plan to amend this bill to exclude the ban on electronic cigarettes when it comes up for a vote this week. A number of us on the HHS committee have discussed this and the sponsor seems to be on board with that idea.

I hope this helps.

Rep. Evan Vickers

Good job!

I am sure glad I posted the article here.:thumbs:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 28, 2009
Georgia USA
I got it too. We have some people going in front of the house tomorrow at 6 am to testify. Wish us luck to make uber sure the ban doesnt go through. And its not some joe schmoe going up there a lawyer, and some other government people from around the valley.


Good luck to the ones heading to the 'front line' tomorrow. Keep us informed as you can, Jason. :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 8, 2009
I opened up my email this morning to find this.
I responded to his email we all got yesterday, thanking him for trying to do something to help.
After all, how many people are on the email list we sent our stories to? He is the only one I have gotten a response from.
This is what he sent back........


No problem. The ban was left in place at the committee level to further research the issue with E-Cigarettes. Rep. Riesen has the amendment prepared.


Go Utes!



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2009
San Diego, Ca
Rep. Vickers is a busy guy. Here is the response I received this morning:

We left it in at committee level to look for further information on e-cigarettes. The compelling arguments seem to be that e-cigs do not pose as much of a threat as tobacco products and that they are a tool to quit smoking.


Rep. Vickers

Thats a pretty good quote if you ask me.


CASAA Activist
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ECF Veteran
Another Utah Rep heard from.

-----Original message-----

From: "Doug Aagard"
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 2010 15:07:42 -0600
Subject: Re: HB0071-S02


Thank you for your thoughts. I do agree with the bill, but to addressyour concerns regarding e-cigs, the matter is being addressed and will be fixed so that e-cig users will not be hurt because ofthis legislation.

Thank you for writing,


Full Member
Dec 4, 2009
Ah Utah..

"My history: I am 25 years old and I have smoked cigarettes for 7 years, I have used almost every Nicotine Reduction Therapy product on market. I am a college student at a local university (WSU) and I am adamant about the positive implications of the "electronic cigarette." I understand that electronic cigarettes are not designed for, or should be marketed towards the under-aged, I do however advocate their use for adults who seek relief from traditional tobacco.

I urge you to sincerely appreciate the real impact and future use of this technology based product, this emerging product's target market is global and profitable. Consider this a sincere plea from a "two-pack-a-day" smoker, who purchased cartons' of traditional cigarettes, you must exercise your power with caution and information.

Electronic cigarettes have changed my life in a very positive way--my family and friends enjoy a healthier atmosphere--I am tobacco free and a "E-cig" user.

Regards, your constituent: -Eric"
I have met Jason a.k.a "applefr3ak" in person, his e-juice is ostentatious comparative to my other suppliers (now Jason is my only supplier).. please assist us in our fight for vaping! You know a place like Utah could use all the external pressure possible.

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