Bloog 650 released into the wild!

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Apr 14, 2011
Pittsburgh PA
Maybe I missed it but I am surprised no one else has posted about the new 650's being launched yet! Let me just say bravo and its about time lol. I have been waiting a while for these to come out. Will be ordering one next pay for sure. Wish the kit came with 2 batts though. Not to sure about the clearo's though. Tried styles similar to those and they had various issues but if Leaford says he worked out the kinks I will try them! I realy don't need a new vaporizor, been content with my bloog and ego, but heck I have to try this and would love to show my support to Bloog's new product. Next I would love to see an improved "T3" type of clearo and Bloog would be my all in one shop... that is unless these clearo's do the trick! Good work guys! and thanks!


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Feb 4, 2011
Marietta NY
No clue as to how many ML in a bottle of juice (never ran into that before). I found the web site to be irritating. Looks like (to me) the web master tried getting to fancy or something. Sorry, just being honest. OTOH, the product looks nice.

1 - ?!? Vape long? standard juice bottles range from 3,5,10, or 30 ML It actually says the size on the label of most juices. so ... you HAVE ran into it. Just not paying attention. (no offence)

2 - What is irritating about the website? you don't like the color scheme or something? I found it to be very aesthetically pleasing, and easy to navigate. :p

3 - and yes ... the product is very nice. :) IMO the best vaping product on the market. A Leader in the industry you might say. I have found that bloog makes the coolest, highest quality e-cigs on the market. Every time the Bloog team develops something New ... the rest of the industry scrambles to catch up. Bravo Bloog!​
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