Blu cig and refilling e liquid... how/recomended brands?

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Full Member
Feb 23, 2010
bay area
So the full strength carts I ordered with my blu cig starter kit are waaay too strong. I'm going to have to get something lighter. those were 16mg, so I'm going to try 14's, 12's, and maybe even 10's.


I have no idea how to refill these carts. I'd like to try e liquid. Heres another list of annoying newb questions, lol!


-do i need to order new carts to refill? I read somewhere earlier that the blu ones are crap. But if I can reuse them and it doesnt make a big difference then I would like to...

-if I should get new carts, how do I know whats compatable with the blu?

-if i re-use the old ones, how do I clean them? these come with a foil seal that breaks when you apply them, but theres still some foil around the edges. Do i need to pick that out? Should I wash them too? And how do I clean them? how often? :p

-how do i actually refill the carts? I saw that lipton tea bag mod, is some sort of filler material like that necessarry? If so, can I order a filler material? I'm new so I don't want to get into the diy mods too soon. And, once again, how do I know which filler material is compatable with my blu?

-and, finnally, where are you guys getting this stuff? recomendations? I'm low budget and I would like to order multiple small bottles so I can try different things. Nothing too floofy to start out with, just the basics... so what e liquid brands/flavors do you guys recomend for a newb?


I know I know, a million questions you've all heard sooo many times before, right?! lol!



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 1, 2010
blu cart I my self have refilled,but very hard to do since the carts are small..They are shaped round with a flat on top..Very!! tricky to fill..I take a small paper clip and put it through small opening and push it up just enough to refill I would start with one drop but that is tricky the drop is sometimes bigger than the opening if so the drop might get into the outter part of the cartlage then when u push cart back down u might get juice in your mouth.. like I said VERY TRICKY!!..


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 2, 2010
Dover, NH
Hi Kitty!

Here's a video on the basic refill: video EDIT: I didn't watch the video, just did a quick Google

And here's one blu user's experience and what ended up working (addresses some of your questions): link

Personally, I didn't use anything but water or distilled water to clean things to be on the safe side. Hope this helps :) Happy Vaping!
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