Blue foam mod - missing flavor

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Nov 30, 2009
Boise, Idaho
I've just recently switched to the Marineland blue aquarium foam for my carts and I've noticed a significant decrease in flavor of my juice but a signifigant increase in vapor. I love the new vapor and I don't get the burnt taste because the polyfill can't keep up with my vaping but I miss the flavors I had with polyfill.

Anybody else experience this? I have been using pure VG to cycle between flavors on my atty but I know I've gone though the VG into the ejuice.


Moved On
Sep 9, 2009
Macomb MI
I'm not stuffing it, loose without any pressure just enough foam to fit and not come out. Wicks great and uses most of the cart's juice but just less flavor I've noticed.

Probably too much foam and the juice is seperating in it. Thats why we like the plug.

Others feel dripping is best. You'll notice fuller flavor doing that as the juice is not pulled apart from the cart filler.


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ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2009
USA, Northeast.
The blue foam is BIG on flavor, I can tell you this, there are good days and bad vaping, yesterday was a bad one for me, I was going from one mod to another and nothing was doing it including the foam, today I'm on the foam and all is well.

I was caught off guard the other day, running around changing carts, attys and whatnot....then I popped in a fresh battery..KABOOM!!!


Moved On
Sep 9, 2009
Macomb MI
I've had days like that as well! hehe. Might be sinuses or something related.

Also if flavor is missing your probably hitting it too fast in between hits. if you wait a min in between you'll get a full flavor hit.. (who wants to do that! hehe)

Could also again be related to flow. Too quick of hits and the juice dont have enough time to flow in between and no flavor. More time for juice to flow to the top of the filler/pug = Full flavor.

I remember the same prob with PTB as well.
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