Discovery News article

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
I posted a comment. Overall a balanced article, but could use improvement.

Prue Talbot is being sneaky by accusing all e-cigarette studies as being suspect because they are paid for by companies. She's banking on the fact that most Americans don't realize that all of the tests and studies submitted to the FDA for approval are ALSO paid for by the companies. That is the only way to get them tested. Who else is going to pay for them?

Dr. Siegel's paper clearly shows that there is nothing in e-cigarettes to make them even remotely as dangerous as tobacco cigarettes. The 4 ingredients in e-cigarettes - nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerine and artificial flavoring - are already found in tobacco cigarettes, yet e-cigarettes lack the toxic chemicals and high levels of carcinogens found in tobacco cigarettes. It's like claiming non-alcoholic beer "may" be as intoxicating as real beer. There is simply no logic to the argument.

The FDA study Talbot cites found that one cartridge of eighteen was contaminated with a non-toxic amount of diethylene glycol and that the levels of carcinogens were as low as the nicotine patch. Diethylene glycol has not been found in any e-cigarettes since. Yet they disingenuously claim that this is a danger to the public. If that's the case, why are they still selling the patch?

Additionally, the double-speak of opponents to e-cigarettes is obvious. They claim tasty flavors are a scheme to attract youth to e-cigarettes, yet ignore the fact that pharmaceutical nicotine gum and lozenges come in Cinnamon Surge, Fruit Chill, Fresh Mint, Cherry and Cappuccino flavors! Youth aren't anymore attracted to "safer" e-cigarettes than they are to tasty pharmaceutical gums and lozenges. Surveys of thousands of e-cigarette users found that the vast majority are former smokers between 35 and 65 years old. There is absolutely no evidence that young adults, and therefore copycat teens, are even interested in the start-up costs and maintenance involved with e-cigarettes. It's much easier and "cool" to buy a pack of cigarettes.

If quality control is an issue, then address those companies which get a failing mark. But don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. The FDA has the power to regulate quality by defining e-cigarettes as tobacco products rather than continuing its quixotic charge to classify them as nicotine addiction treatments. This would also automatically ban sales to minors.

These simply aren't a treatment for nicotine addiction. The vast majority use them as an alternative source of nicotine, that still gives them the smoking experience, without the high health risks. There is NOTHING else on the market that can do both. If they didn't have e-cigarettes they would be using tobacco cigarettes NOT gums and patches. These folks don't want to quit nicotine, they just want to quit smoking. Once people like Linda Rosenthal and Prue Talbot get that through their thick skulls, they'll understand why their crusade is fundamentally wrong. E-cigarette users may remain addicted to nicotine, but the only reason they would ever return to smoking is if these "well-meaning" anti-smoking zealots ban e-cigarettes and leave tobacco cigarettes as the only option.

Join and fight this insanity!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Fontana, CA
I posted up on the site also. Good article - not good enough IMO - I still can't believe that Pru Talbot's work is being quoted as 'credible'.

My post goes like this:

PapaBloog said:
Personally, I don't make public comments lightly, however having read the abstracts of Pru Talbot's studies, I can't imagine why any professional would take any of her studies seriously. For example, the most recent study that concludes that "Suction is Harmful to Human Health" is so incredibly ridiculous, it's laughable.

The independent work completed by Dr. Siegel of Boston University, School of Public Health, along with public statements made by Dr. Baron, Chief of Staff at the UCLA Medical Center that were heavily supported with medical fact and completed studies, prove unequivocally that e-cigarettes are much, much safer for human consumption than traditional tobacco use. Without a doubt, smokers that transition to e-cigarettes will dramatically improve their quality of life, health, and well-being without being exposed to the excessive levels of carcinogens, poisons, tar and ash found in the combustion of traditional tobacco products.

Having personally been a smoker for more than 25 years, I made numerous, unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking using ALL of the ‘FDA Regulated’ methods. I found that I spent more money than my 1 pack-a-day habit only to conclude that I was in the 93% of those that also attempted and failed to quit smoking using these highly ineffective, yet highly profitable Pharmaceutical-grade products. Needless to say, the e-cigarette represents a miracle cure that has me, my wife, and my friends tobacco-free for the first time since childhood.

The truth is that, although nicotine addiction can be proven, ‘addiction’ in general can also be proven. For example, kids become addicted to video games, while some adults become addicted to gambling, some to alcohol, and some to other over-the-counter stimulants like the caffeine found in coffee. Addiction itself is not the cause of poor health. Physical health issues occur when an individual’s addiction results in abusive or self-destructive tendencies or behaviors. Addiction in and of itself represents a principle component of the human condition, and without it, we, the human race, would cease to exist.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
CASAA - Wisconsin


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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 5, 2010
Land of the Dragon, Western NC
Kristen and Papabloog, great responses to that article!

I think that article was better than most but I went and put my 5 cents in. It took 5 comment sections for me to do it with their 5000 character limit, geez. But I said what I wanted and nothing was scientific, just how I feel and what I think. More of us need to do that but I guess I really need to start reading up on facts so I can present information in a better way.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 20, 2010
Fontana, CA
judy -> CASAA has a large number of fact sheets to review on as well. As a matter of fact, since I am a new member, I would like to collect all of these facts, organize them, and prepare legal testimony documents. I agree with you that we need folks to come in and support e-cig technology whenever, wherever there's a news article, or blog, or thread, e.g., that has been plugged by the antis...
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