Do You Keep Analogs for Extreme Situations?

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PV Master & Musician
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2010
Central GA
I still have them around. My wife still smokes. I have a couple with coffee, one after a meal, and one before I go to bed at night. It's about time I exercised my will power and started cutting them out.

They all taste terrible. My PV is much better, even with a so-so juice. It's a habit that has to be broken.
I have one analog cigg I keep in an ashtray in the garage right next to my morning coffee chair. Over the last two weeks since officially quitting, if the urge arises that the e-cigg may not be enough I will put it to my lips and light it. I have yet to actually smoke it tho. As soon as I smell the start of smoke I put it out because I can't stand the smell (one of the senses that i haven't really had in years). It is kind of like a "just checking" moment to see if it is for real that I have actually quit.
Though it is probably a really wierd reason to keep that one around, it works and that is the only reason I have it...for now.

P.S. I even made sure my smoker friend does not touch it even if out of her own that one has to stay until i am finally ready to get rid of it =) The longer it sits the more stale it will get and the easier it will be to toss.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 4, 2011
los angeles
Solar chargers would do little in a storm that put the electricity out, but it's a good idea if your on the road. Although My Dodge Journey has two lighter plugs, a 110v plug in the back and a usb port for the built in hard drive so I don't really worry about it.

Back on the cig issue, I don't have any reservations so I don't need to keep them around. For those that started vaping to supplement their smoking cool, but I vape instead of smoking.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 14, 2011
Solar chargers would do little in a storm that put the electricity out, but it's a good idea if your on the road. Although My Dodge Journey has two lighter plugs, a 110v plug in the back and a usb port for the built in hard drive so I don't really worry about it.

Depends on how/why the electricity went out. Last time I had an extended power outage (8 days!), it was due to major windstorms. Power went out in the middle of the night, but the remaining 8 days were nice and bright, though cold being in the middle of winter. Assuming you had batteries charged up initially, you won't need to recharge in the middle of the night or storm, and hopefully you'd get some sun over the next day or two or however long it took to restore power.

That 8-day power outage was what prompted me to get a whole house generator. There's only so much reading by candle light I can do before I go crazy. I need my TV, computers, video games, electric lights, etc.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2010
Cincinnati, Ohio
I pitched all my analogs. My backup is snus. And enough charged batteries to make it for a week or so without electricity. The last few cigarettes I had back in October tasted so bad compared to vaping, I really don't care to smoke another. I just chain-vape if needed. I like vaping much better anyway... instead of smoking the same toxic cigarette all day, I have the capability to order hundreds of different tobacco flavors from countless different suppliers. No comparison. :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2010
East Coast
No I don't keep analogs for "emergencies". If I'm ever in a situation where I absolutely HAVE to have nicotine I'm buying snus. I'm sorry but the people who claim they had to smoke a cigarette because they ran out of juice are just using pathetic excuses. There are so many forms of nicotine that are much healthier. Use them.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
No. I smoked my last one in September and my fiance smoked his last in October. There haven't been any around us since. We have enough battery power to last a couple of days. Four Riva batts, 2 eGo 900mAh batts and 2 mods with enough batteries to last at least 3 or 4 days on their own.
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Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I keep them to laugh at!
Same here.

Well, I don't keep them, but I do bum one once every blue moon.
I have smoked maybe six cigarettes in the last 19 months.

And I did it because I wanted to remind myself how impotent they are now.

I smoke them, I throw them on the ground, I stomp on them, and then I spit in their faces.
They will never have any power over me ever again, and that is a wonderful feeling.

And then I laugh, but it is a nasty, maniacal laugh.
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